I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 1256


The phone placed on the sofa vibrated again.

After being connected, the voice of seven seas and eight thousand generations came from the mobile phone.

"I probably understand where Rena is."


"I probably understand where Rena is." Nanami Yachiyo wrote and drew in his notebook while communicating with Jon.

This is her habit of recording any clues and then sorting them out carefully.

Before contacting Jon, she got the latest information from Shigai Momoko.

It was a magical girl named Mien Hanari in Kamhama City who told Juga Momoko this information, but it was not that she had encountered such a situation personally, but she had received a reminder from her predecessors.

Remind her that if someone asks her if she needs help, she must refuse!

"Can even a witch be made? It seems that I underestimated the power of'Rumor'." After carefully analyzing this latest information, Qikai Yachiyo's expression became extremely serious.

"Once you answer that you need help, then the magical girl's power will be taken away? Then Rena's words..."

The fingers holding the pen barrel slammed hard, and even directly broke the new pen that was just taken out into two pieces, and judging from the wastebasket on the side, it was obviously not the first one.

She had heard some ‘rumors’ about the radio tower in Chuo Ward, Kamhama City, so she didn’t suspect that it was fake.

"What an idiot, I just need to tell my partner about this. No one will laugh at you for it. Why is it related to this kind of thing?" Nankai Yachiyo stared at the front, it was cold but still full The full teacup could not help but sighed.

"There is a price for things like miracles."

In the eyes of Nanami Yachiyo, since the ‘Rumor’ that appeared in the image of a clown can create a witch, it is absolutely inseparable from QB.

"This time, I will definitely stop you!" Nanami Yachiyo wanted to stop the "conspiracy" in her eyes. For this reason, she succeeded in getting in touch with Alina, who is in the online world, through Shigui Peach.

Alina Gray, a magical girl with the ability to create enchantments, is also a genius artist on the bright side, but her mental state is very unstable.

While contacting Alina, Nankai Yachiyo opened his notebook and found information about Alina Gray.

Crazy, but never show it in front of his friends. Keeping promises is easy to be influenced by others... wait and so on! All this was found and recorded by Nankai Yachiyo through various means.

There is no doubt that Alina Gray is a rather contradictory person, which may be a common problem for some people who are addicted to art.

Turning the page again, Nankai Yachiyo is thinking about countermeasures.

At the same time, the phone placed on the desktop vibrated.

It's new news from Alina.

"Specific abilities? It's probably the type that will appear no matter where you hide once the contract is established. Just leave it alone like this monster."

Even if only words are seen, Nanami and Yachiyo can tell from this line that the other party has no awe of the magical girl’s'responsibility'. Even if this'rumor' is replaced by a witch, it is estimated that the other party will give the same reaction. .

If you change to another magical girl, I am afraid that you will blame the other person's thoughts, Nanami Yachiyo thought like this, and then moved his finger on the phone screen.

"I want to eliminate such a dangerous guy."

Click to send.

A few seconds later, Nanami Yachiyo received a reply.

"Are you crazy? You don't have to do this at all!"

Nanami Yachiyo didn't expect that one day he would be said that by a true lunatic.

"Don't you want to come out from there?"

"Go out? Why should I go out? This is a whole new world! Although there is a strange guy, it's just a cowardly guy who is afraid of being alone."

Judging from the meaning of this sentence, Alina doesn't seem to mind staying in the online world at all, and she also expressed her idea that she doesn't want Nankai Yachiyo to deal with that strange ‘rumour’.

Seeing this, Nanami Yachiyo shook his head, and reached out to take out a stack of somewhat old tarot cards from the bag on the side.


The phone shakes again, and then the screen lights up again.

"Reply! Actually, there is no need to deal with that strange clown, as long as you refuse the other party when you are found!"

Nankai Yachiyo did not answer, but placed a stack of Tarot cards in front of him and released it.

In the next second, the Tarot cards were scattered, but they did not fall. Instead, they were drawn by invisible power.

Divination, this is the ability that belonged to Shikai Yachiyo's companion Anming Meilu who died as a result of witch transformation, and was inherited by Shikai Yachiyo together with his memory.

This is the second ability inherited from the Seven Seas and Eight Thousands, but it is the first time she has used such an ability.

The tarot card was spinning in front of Nankai Yachiyo, and then it was gathered in her hand again.

At the same time, her phone vibrated again.

"Hey! You fellow, shouldn't it be a bad idea if you can't fight until the time comes, just squeeze me out of this online world as a substitute for the dead ghost?!"

Nankai Yachiyo ignored it, but took a deep breath.

According to the teachings of former companions, one needs to be free of distractions when performing divination.

But not so much divination, as it is the ability to induce in the future, which can turn fate into the result of divination.

It sounds like he is pinning his destiny on illusory luck, but Nankai Yachiyo doesn't think this ability is that simple.

Anming Meilu also performed divination on the day she died as a result of becoming a witch. The result of the divination was that that day was her lucky day, but because she came to protect her who was in a bitter battle, she exhausted her magic power, and then turned into a witch.

The divination that time was undoubtedly a failure.

For Anming Meilu, who performs divination every morning and will decisively ask her mother to consult the school if she finds bad luck, the result of that divination brought her courage, but it brought that kind of result.

With a sigh, Nankai Yachiyo ignored the constantly vibrating mobile phone and drew the first tarot card.

On the front of the tarot card is a warrior whose hands are tied and hung upside down. A faint angel halo appears on his head, clearly undergoing torture, but his face is serene.

Hanged upside down, upright.

"Take the test?"

Nanami Yachiyo breathed a sigh of relief.

The result predicted by the first tarot card is not bad.