I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 1261

The current QB definitely recognized that she didn't have such courage, so she appeared again.

The Hanger...The Hanger...

The results of the previous divination appeared in the mind of Nankai Yachiyo once again, making her suddenly a little frightened.

At this moment, her strange realization was also noticed by everyone, and Shigui Taozi was even more worried.

"Yachiyo, is it really okay?"

Nanami Yachiyo shook his head, and then a smile appeared in front of him, stiffly saying: "What happened today is beyond my expectations. I think I need to go back and sort out my thoughts first."

After speaking, Nanami Yachiyo, regardless of other people's reactions, got up from the sofa and left in a hurry.

"She's very strange..." Shenyue Felicia looked curiously at the back of Nanami Yachiyo's departure, and couldn't help saying that she had never thought that Nanami Yachiyo would show such an embarrassed posture one day.

At the same time, the episode of Nanami Yachiyo's embarrassed departure also made the adjustment room more quiet.

"Anyway, let me inform the other magical girls about this first." Jon clapped his palms and said.

"It really needs to be done." Yakumo Yukun, the proprietress of the adjustment house, retracted her gaze from the direction where Nanami Yachiyo had left, pretending to be relaxed: "But to be honest, if that guy really finds me, I might be true. Can't refuse."

Juga Momoko and Mien Hanari, who had turned back to ordinary people, nodded. Among the magical girls present, only these three had the largest network, and they were able to publish such information in a short period of time.

The communication ended here. Everyone left the adjustment room, and Jon and the others returned to the hotel.

After rushing Shenyue Felicia to bed, Bamami looked at Jon who was sitting in the living room playing chess by herself, and couldn't help asking: "Jon, you seem to pay special attention to the seven seas and eight thousand generations."

"Is there a sense of crisis?" Jon said amused.

Bumami blinked, and then followed Jon's words without shyness and said, "Is there a sense of crisis? I do feel that way, or come more at night..."

"It's divination."

Jon interrupted Bamami's words directly, fearing that if she didn't stop him in time, Bamami would say something violently.

"Divination?" Ba Mami sat in front of Jon, tried to play chess with Jon, and was killed easily. This reminded her of certain moments, and the same was true, which made her blush. .

"Yes, a force that turns fate into the result of divination. When that force involves me, I feel it for the first time."

Bamami didn't understand, after all, she didn't know enough about Nanami Yachiyo, but it was right to know what Jon must have moved in the process.

"But QB also appeared, Jon, are you ready to reveal the truth?"

"It's not time yet, I guess after Nankai Yachiyo returns tonight, I will definitely hint to other magical girls through my own channels, telling them to make a wish to the'clown' if there is no other way, so that they can become ordinary people."

Bamamei nodded her head seemingly understanding, she was not good at thinking about so many things, especially after meeting Jon.


As Jon thought, Nanami Yachiyo used various means to hint at other magical girls the first time after returning, but she herself was not sure how much effect such behavior could play.

Either face the **** cruel truth, or choose to abandon ordinary people who might be attacked by ‘rumors’.

This is a cruel choice, even Nankai Yachiyo who has concealed this secret for so long cannot easily make a choice at this time.

Even if it were not for the beliefs inherited from the two companions, she might choose to revert back to an ordinary person without hesitation.

Even she herself is like this, let alone asking other people.

Back in the home where only one person lived, Nanami Yachiyo turned on all the lights in the house, as if doing so could dispel the fear in her heart.

She wanted to record what happened today completely, but when she picked up the pen, she found that her head was empty and she had no thoughts.

Shaking out his hand, Nankai Yachiyo took out the tarot card in the bag.

She was hesitating, hesitating whether to break her friend's request to perform another divination, but when her finger touched the back of the tarot card, a voice that was already the same as a nightmare in her mind came from the window behind her. Come.

"Divination, I remember Anming Meilu's ability."

In an instant, Nanami Yachiyo transformed into a magical girl and pointed his spear at the window.

The closed window had been opened at some point, and a cute white creature with red eyes was squatting on the window sill at the moment, watching the Tarot cards in the hands of Nankai Yachiyo.

Ignoring the cold hostility of the Seven Seas and Yachiyos, it jumped from the window sill and walked into the room of the Seven Seas and Yachiyos.

"I didn't expect Yachiyo that you would actually use the power of your companion."

Nanami Yachiyo was hesitating, but finally gave up, because she had tried before, even if she chose to do it, she would only add a puddle of disgusting meat in her room.

"What are you doing here?" Nanami Yachiyo looked at QB with disgust and asked.

"Because I am very curious about the creature that appeared in front of Alina. Isn't it called "Rumor" by you? It's a very appropriate name." QB looked like he didn't even know the existence of "Rumor", and then continued:

"To have the ability to recover the power of the magical girl and the cause and effect in your soul really makes me very curious."

"So are you planning to cooperate with the other party?" Nanami Yachiyo said coldly.

She had reason to suspect that QB would do this, but the words that followed QB's mouth left her in a daze.

"Cooperation? It shouldn't work. After all, he and I are strictly enemies. It was because of him that I couldn't continue to collect the energy I needed."

Nanami Yachiyo's eyes widened, she had already heard incredible information from QB's words.

The one who once rescued them and made the magical girls' soul gems no longer filthy is the controller of this ‘Rumor’?

"Impossible..." Nanami Yachiyo looked confused, and she couldn't accept this fact.

Eliminate the possibility of QB lying, if this is the case...

"If this is the case, then why is she doing this again now? Why is she taking away the power of other magical girls again?!"

"Maybe it's because he can't bear it anymore." QB jumped to the table, staring at the seven seas and eight thousand generations, and said in a tone that would never change: "After all, his wish at the time was to endure the despair of all magical girls. This wish Although I won some breathing time for you, the despair itself has not disappeared, but it has all gathered on him."

This answer made Nankai Yachiyo feel that his soul had fallen into an ice cellar. Bear... the despair of all magical girls?

Why would anyone make such a wish?

After hearing QB's answer, Nanami Yachiyo's face suddenly filled with incredible expressions.

She couldn't imagine anyone making such a wish to become a magical girl, because...

It's not necessary at all, is it?

The two sides don’t know each other at all, don’t they?

Nankai Yachiyo looked at the soul gems in her hands, and now she finally understood why since then, the soul gems of her and other magical girls will never be filthy!

It has nothing to do with the soul gem itself, it's just that someone else has made a wish to take the suffering that belongs to them completely!