I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 146

"It turns out I was worried about this kind of thing, but don't worry." Jon patted Qiao Luno on the shoulder, "I didn't see anything in the battle between you just now. My purpose is to find Mr. Seitaro. I just want to tell him about the Stardust Crusade."

Stardust Crusader?

The name that came out of Jon's mouth made Hirose Koichi and Qiao Luno stunned.

"Is that enough? I promise I won't talk about Polbo and you being a stand-in messenger."

Hirose Koichi naturally had no opinion. After all, in his eyes Jon's actions just now could be regarded as a good person, and Qiao Luno could only nod his head in the end and said that he would not stop it anymore.

A few seconds later, Jon turned and left with **** holding a note with an empty phone number written on Jotaro's phone number.

"Thank you! In exchange, I will tell Brother Qiaoruno a very, very, very useful piece of information..." Jon bent back and looked at Qiaorunuo who was thinking about the next plan with a lighter. Say:

"If you really don't want to drink anything, you can try to turn your nails into jellyfish... This kind of thing should be easy for you!"

After leaving a word that made Qiao Luno feel inexplicable, Jon left without looking back.


"What a weird person..." Hirose Yasushi looked at the back of Jon's departure, and then said towards Qiao Luno: "I know, since you have the confidence to solve this problem alone, then I I won’t tell Mr. Chengtaro for now, but if you still can’t solve the double messenger holding the arrow after a period of time, then I will tell Mr. Chengtaro directly!"

Giorno nodded solemnly.

The next day, Qiao Luno came to the prison with a lighter as promised, and then returned it to Polbo. He successfully obtained a certificate of qualification from him. At the same time, he also took advantage of Polbo's careless time to experience the ability of gold. A pistol turned into a banana, and Polbo didn't know it at all.

But at this time, Qiao Luno didn't realize that he hadn't even given the opportunity to use the back hand he had arranged.

That night, when the fat Polbo ate a piece of pizza no less than his body size, a burst of smoke suddenly appeared in the cell where he was being held.

"Stand-in attack?"

This scene made him stare, but before he had time to summon the black Sabbath, he heard a low male voice coming from the smoke.

[SteamBreak! 】


[Cobra! 】

Afterwards, a group of dazzling energy light bombs occupied Polbo’s sight, and then wiped out most of his body. Even the strong prison walls behind him were completely destroyed by the blow, and the burnt wounds were even destroyed. Even the blood couldn't flow out.

The harsh sirens began to sound inside the prison, and at the same time, with a ding, the arrow fell from the mouth of the black Sabbath that had begun to dissipate, fell to the ground, and was picked up by Jon.

"Sure enough, if you kill (drug) dealers, you won't feel sick at all..."

Chapter 132 Jojo's Shaking Adventure: Platinum Wind (1100 monthly pass plus more)

A bookshelf is filled with oceanographic books and various specimens of marine life, and there is even a room with huge specimens of swordfish. A mature man in a white coat is lying on the table and writing something, even if he is staying in the study room. In the middle, he wore a strange hat with his hair exposed on his head.

In the quiet room, except for the slight noise from the aquarium oxygen supply device, there was only his rustling sound when he was struggling to write.

After a while, he stopped writing and put away the written documents.

"In this way, the name is Xihua Chuliu...Well, according to Kang Yi, it is now called Qoruno Chobana. This man should not be dangerous..."

After collecting the documents that recorded the descendant of Dior, Gioruno Chobana, Sorajo Jotaro was relieved, but when he was about to do other work, he suddenly remembered something.

"I remember Polunaev should be in Italy right now... I haven't received contact from him for several years, but he should be fine with his strength."

Sorajo Jotaro thought of his companion who had embarked on the journey of "bow and arrow" like himself, and fell into deep thought.

At the beginning, he often received information from Polunaev, and then exchanged information with each other, but then gradually became less frequent. A few years ago, Polunaev even said that he tracked down ' Arrow's news appeared in Italy, ready to go there to investigate.

As for the place in Italy, Sorajo Jotaro knows very well that in a country where gangs gather, even the SPW consortium can’t carry out tactical operations there. This is why he asked Hirose Yasuichi to go to Italy to investigate Giorno Joe. The reason for Barna is that if he has any signs of going to Italy, he is likely to be mistaken by the local gang as the next move of the SPW consortium, which will cause a violent backlash.

"Well, when Polunaev returns from this operation, I will ask him to watch the sea in the nearest newly opened aquarium..."

Jingle bell~

The phone on the desk rang suddenly, interrupting Korajo's self-talk.

He glanced at the area code and found that it was a call from Italy.

"Is it Konichi?" Sorajo picked up the microphone and subconsciously said, but what puzzled him was that an unfamiliar voice came from the phone.

"Hello! Is it Dr. Sorajo Jotaro who likes dolphins?"

"It's me, what can I do?" After realizing that it was not the Hirose Kouichi he was guessing, Jotaro sat back in his seat and said calmly.

In the first sentence from the other party, Sorajo Jotaro subconsciously regarded him as a fan of his own. He had also received similar calls before that. If time is not in a hurry, he generally doesn’t mind and doesn’t know where he is from. Inquired about a fan chat with his private phone number.

But what immediately made him frown was that the sound from the microphone was not a surprise to confirm his identity, but...

"It seems that Kang Yi didn't lie to me, otherwise I would be a little troubled."

Kang Yi's call? Sora Jotaro was taken aback.

"Hey hello! Are you listening? This time I have very important news that I want to tell Mr. Sorajo Jotaro."

"Yes." Sorajo Jotaro said calmly.

"That's good." The tone on the other end of the phone became serious. "What I want to say next is very important! Mr. Sorajo Jotaro, you must keep calm after you hear it."

This sentence made Sorajo Jotaro a little uneasy, but before he could say anything, the voice came from the microphone again.

"Well, actually, I was after knowing that a stand-in who appeared in Italy a few years ago because of the news of the investigation of'Arrow' was seriously injured. Even the movement could only be done with the help of a wheelchair, and the means of communication were completely blocked. , I had to find an opportunity to call you Mr. Kujo Jotaro..."

With a click, the pen that was constantly turning in Sorajo Jotaro's hand was directly pinched off by him.

Such a voice also reached Jon's ears on the other end of the phone.

But he seemed to have anticipated it long ago, and he didn't care too much about the terrible silence on the other side.

"Now the communication with you Mr. Sorajo Jotaro should have been "enthusiastically" monitored by the local gang, but we should have some time before they arrive. Of course, this is the case when the call has not been intercepted. "

Leaning on the phone booth, Jon tossed a few coins in his hand, and then told Sora Jotaro one by one the information of the stand-in messenger in the "Enthusiasm" organization.

Should I say thanks to the older relationship? The communication between him and Sora Jotaro was not cut off immediately, but when he was about to say Diablo's identity and ability as a substitute, a busy tone suddenly came from the microphone.

At the same time, the white light of the car lights began to flash in the distance.

"It seems that the telephone cable has been cut." Jon looked at the armed gangsters who got off the car that stopped around, and subconsciously gave them a military salute to a neighboring country of this country, pretending to be surprised: " Is it so exciting? You can be treated like this even when you make a phone call?"

"Shut up kid!" said a middle-aged man who pointed his pistol at Jon's chest viciously. died!"

Apart from anything else, these gangsters directly chose to shoot, but...

"Don't your cadres suspect that I am a stand-in messenger?" Jon couldn't help sighing.