I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 16

Of course there is nothing wrong, just come over and take a look.

Bamami thought this way, then looked around with curiosity and said, "I'm just curious if you will be boring to stay here, but it seems very interesting now, and then I really want to know the store manager. Sir, do you have time next...

But was that uncle a guest here too? "

"Hmm..." Jon nodded, and then subconsciously reminded: "It's just a very dangerous guy."

He just said this casually, and then when he lifted his head, he saw that Bama Mei had appeared in front of him for some time, looking at her with her hands behind her back and smiling.

"Aren't you afraid that I am also a very dangerous person? As expected, Mr. Manager, you know me very well, so it seems very unfair."

Hugging her chest with one hand, Ba Mami pointed her cheek with the index finger of her other hand, and then tilted her head cutely.

"Obviously, I don't know much about the manager, you only know..." She seemed to be thinking about something, and then the finger on her cheek was raised in the air, gently Said: "Mr. Manager, you are a very rude person to ladies."

Jon's face was black.

Although she looked like she didn't care about anything, it was obvious that Mami was expressing her little dissatisfaction because Jon deliberately ignored her before.

"Didn't I tell you everything you wanted to know?"

"But just like this can't make up for your fault, Mr. Manager!" Bamami's smile is still gentle, and her beautiful golden eyes are looking at Jon without shyness.


In such a confrontation, Jon was the first to lose the battle, and then pretended that nothing happened and began to sort out the tools used by Shi Dongzhuang.

"Escape is not something a good man can do!" Bamamei bent down and looked at Jon from the bottom up.

Jon: "..."

He reluctantly put down the coffee pot in his hand. Although he already knew that under the strong and elegant appearance of the other party, there was a fragile soul who desperately yearned for his companions, but this kind of performance that he had become familiar with soon after he met was too great. Exaggerated! He is not a magical girl!

He will only be the boss of the club!

"Similarly... it is not appropriate for you to trust a stranger so much." Jon picked up the coffee cup and wanted to pour himself another cup, but when he thought that the senior sister in front of him was a pure black tea party, he gave up. This idea, after all, is a bit weird in using Mr. E’s secret coffee to entertain guests.

"The black tea last time, is it okay?" Jon Chaoba Mami shook the coffee pot and asked.

"Yes! But if Mr. Manager, you can make another strawberry cake, I might be happier." Mami said with a smile, then gently sat on the chair and watched Jon fall from the coffee pot. Come out a cup of black tea.

"Then answer your previous question, Mr. Shopkeeper." With her hands together, she patted gently, and she smiled at Jon: "If Mr. Shopkeeper, you really want a bad guy against me, you won’t be in Try to get me out when we meet once!"

Jon: "..."

In other words... is it self-defeating?

Jon's face turned stinky in an instant, and Mami smiled happily when she saw this scene.


ps: Thank you for the two blades of ‘Jiefen’.

Chapter 15 Dragon: Happiness... Nothing...

Gui City, Special Event Countermeasures Branch.

The sun in the sky outside the window had gradually begun to set, but Ning Wu, the team leader, still frowned.

The rough fingertips were tapping on the table in the conference room from time to time, and the big screen in front of him was already black.

From the beginning, when I took the Zhuyun phone, I didn't care, and then I couldn't believe it, until now it is solemn.

God knows what kind of shock his spirit has been in the process.

At the same time, from the beginning, a person has become a researcher in white coats standing next to him.

Obviously these researchers in the countermeasures group have never seen such a weird situation. If it weren’t for Ning Wu to call out what happened to the Dragon Girl in advance to show these people in advance, it is estimated that everyone would mistakenly believe that it was on the screen before. The Kamen Rider Build being screened is just a very good movie and TV series with special effects.

But now...

After the screening of the latest fifth episode, they couldn't help looking at each other, and then began to whisper.

Obviously they did not expect to obtain the disaster information called the slammer in this way, and the focus of their attention is not on the slammer, but the more magical...

Knight system!

After a while, Ning Wu knocked on the desktop, interrupting the whispers of these researchers.

"Do you have any opinions on this matter?"

The researcher was silent for a few seconds, and then a researcher with glasses almost as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle broke the calm.

"This kind of weapon system that transcends cognition does not have any intelligence before we get the real thing, and..."

Looking down at the laptop screen, he said solemnly: "We can't find any record about this website, as if this website doesn't exist, but it can bypass the monitoring system without being found abnormal. Even if you want to suspend this website, you can’t do it... it doesn’t exist, but you can enter it at will. This method alone is far beyond what we can handle."

After speaking, he glanced at the others.

Other researchers also nodded in agreement.

If there is not enough evidence to prove that this kind of technology called the Knight System is real, and there are already slammers, I am afraid they would only think that this kind of thing is just a product of human fantasy.

Ning Wu also nodded.

He himself didn't report any expectations about finding out the identity of the other party through the Internet. After all, in his eyes, the owner of this strange website has already put an equal sign with the person who developed the knight system.

So what is the purpose of this mysterious man?

Is it to satisfy one's desire for expression?

No, it should not be so!

If only to satisfy his own desire for expression, then he can obviously do more with such a knight system.


Ning Wu remembered a question in the countermeasure team about the origin of these disasters a long time ago, but there was not enough evidence at the time, so the issue ended without a problem.

But now...

Those eagle-like eyes stared at the screen that had gone dark.

Pandora's box?

build drive?
