I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 195

Chapter 180 Dragon: You scold again!

Elder Centipede!

In the world of One Punch Man, it is like the sign of a dragon-class monster. If it really descends in this city, it is definitely a type that the countermeasure team cannot deal with. After all, it is impossible to use a nuclear bomb in your own city.

If the opponent is found in the desert or the Gobi, then there may still be a chance to solve the opponent with a nuclear bomb, but it is clear that the centipede elder is not the kind of irrational monster.

So what is the purpose of sending its subordinate centipede seniors to Guishi?

Is it really just to capture Tao Su?

No need for this!

Centipede is not an insect, and the centipede elder does not have the ability to seize power from other creatures, so there is no need to send centipede elders to capture Tao Su.

Do you want to develop Zerg into your own subordinates?

There is no need for this. After all, judging from the performance of the centipede senior at the time, the intelligence about the countermeasure team was almost completely exposed to them.

And if you really want to capture Tao Su, then the centipede senior can take advantage of Li Xiu's opportunity to leave the orphanage, instead of using himself as a bait.

The most important thing is that the other party also failed, and the conspiracy was thwarted by Bai An and the ice girl who happened to appear here.

What a coincidence!

Could it be that Xiao Xuan's father Bai An had a problem?

Thinking of this, Jon glanced at Xiaoxuan subconsciously, and found that she was drooling while looking at an ice cream diner.

Forget it, this little guy obviously doesn't know anything.

And he seems to have a promise that hasn't been fulfilled yet.

"You can only eat one!"

"Yeah!" Xiaoxuan finally showed a smile on her face, forgetting what happened to Bai An before.

After buying an ice cream for Xiaoxuan, Jon sent her home and walked towards the location of the countermeasure team.

After arriving in the countermeasure group, he happened to see that the Dragon Maiden was directing others to remove half of the ghost grade centipede, and, for fear that others would not know her record, she spoke very loudly.

After seeing Jon appear, the Dragon Girl became even more excited, jumping and shouting at Jon: "Uncle Blood Latent! Look! I have been able to solve the ghost-level disaster by myself! If it weren't for it to run Go fast, I can kick it in the head! But even if I let it run away, it probably won't have the strength it had before."

After speaking, she wiped her nose proudly, waiting for Jon's praise.

This look made Jon couldn't help but smile.

"Good job!" Jon praised. He didn't think Centipede Senior could be solved so easily. Even if it was not as good as Centipede Elder, Centipede Senior himself had the ability to molt.

Although it is different from Zerg molting, its resilience is quite exaggerated.

This sentence made the Dragon Girl laugh, but before she pretended to say something modestly, a cold word came from behind her.

"Power is not for you to show off, Long Aojiao."

This sentence made the Dragon Girl stiff in place, and even the smile on her face was frozen.

Long Tsaojiao?

Although he had already guessed the name of the Dragon Girl, Jon almost couldn't help laughing after hearing someone say it in such a serious voice.


"Hey! You fellow!" The dragon girl turned around gritted her teeth and looked at the ice girl who had appeared in the orphanage before, "You seem to have said something that shouldn't be said! Are you trying to be beaten?"

"But I won't take my words back." The ice girl didn't care about the threat of the dragon girl at all, "power is not for you to show off."

"That's not the case!" The Dragon Maiden yelled, "I didn't allow you to call out my name!"

"Because of this little thing?" The ice girl frowned. "I remember when you introduced yourself, but you were very proud to say your name and explained that it was your grandfather to prevent you from being proud. Deliberately reversed these two words, and then changed one of them."

"I didn't say it!" The dragon girl yelled, and at the same time she rolled up her sleeves and looked like she was ready to stand up, but no matter how she looked at it, she felt like she wanted to cover it up.

"Forget it, I didn't come to you because of such a trivial matter." The ice girl shook her head, then passed the dragon girl who was already jumping in a hurry, and then bent down towards him in Jon's surprised eyes, and The long black hair on her waist slipped from her back with this movement, blocking her profile.

"Hello, Mr. Xueqian, I'm sorry for not being able to greet you before, now please allow me to introduce myself."

After saying this, she did not have the idea of ​​straightening her body, but continued: "My name is Wuma Youxiang, maybe it is a bit abrupt to say this suddenly, but I think I am more fake than Long Aojiao. The qualifications of the Masked Rider."

"Call it again!" The dragon girl jumped angrily, and then realized something, and said dissatisfied: "It's obviously mine first! You guy is really rude! I really want to beat you!"

But obviously the threat of the dragon girl still had no effect. The girl named Wuma Youxiang didn't intend to straighten her body, so she stood with her bow and waited for Jon's answer.

At this moment, even Kaga Mishin, who was standing on the side, felt that the situation was a little abnormal, and his eyes fluttered back and forth on the three of them.

Jon was also very surprised, he didn't expect this girl to say such a thing.

"Can you tell me the reason?" Jon couldn't help asking in the dragon girl's crying expression.

"Strength." Wuma Youxiang replied without hesitation, "I need strength! I can do anything for strength!"

"It's really a scary answer." Jon spread his hands. "But unfortunately, if you can gain power with this kind of reason, then the power is too cheap, so I refuse."

This answer stunned Wuma Youxiang.

She was already prepared to be rejected by the other party, but she didn't expect to be rejected for this reason.

"Why?" Wuma Youxiang couldn't help but look up at Jon. "Whether it is talent or ability, I am better than Long Aojiao. Why are you unwilling to choose me after seeing a better choice? "

"Who knows..." Jon shrugged, and then walked towards the countermeasure team. "Perhaps it was just because the dragon was pleasing to the eyes at that time..."

The dragon girl looked moved, but Jon felt that the reason for the touch should be that he didn't directly address the other party by name.

At the same time, he added another sentence to Wuma Youxiang.

"Or maybe you are missing something."

Chapter 181 Jon: No, the price is too low, not in line with my identity!

For Jon's sudden arrival, Kaga Mishin still wanted to be a little surprised, but he also kept in mind the previous agreement with Jon, and did not show an intimate attitude.

Although he hurried out a mission after joining the team led by Kamen Rider Cross-Z, it was undoubtedly the best way to integrate into the team, and he did not panic at all during the mission just now, but calmly assisted. The performance of other people's analysis of intelligence also made other team members not repel Kagami's new addition, but...

I always feel a little strange!

Of course the strange part refers to the character of the dragon girl.

If Kaga Mishin was surprised by the strength that the other party showed when I first saw him, then now the image of the dragon girl in Kaga Mishin's heart has begun to become strange.