I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 265

"Hahahaha! Tosaka Toshimi..." Jian Tongyan laughed while clutching her belly, but smiling...

Jian Tongyan cried at night.

Tears continued to drip down his face to the ground.

"I really want to kill you, Tosaka Toshimi... I really want to kill you! I actually sent Sakura to that magic cave without knowing anything..."

The painful voice made Tosaka Toshimi suddenly have a bad feeling in his heart, but before he could say anything, Ma Tong Yanye clenched the magical girl evolution bottle in his hand.

"If you want to know, beat me, or... let me beat you, and let you taste the pain that Sakura once suffered!"

The pure white magic power continuously poured into Ma Tong Yanye's body from the magical girl evolution bottle, and at the same time, Ma Tong Yanye felt terrible pain.

He could feel that the bugs in his body were struggling, struggling under this white magic power! Then die!

With a bang, Jian Tong Yanye's facial muscles burst, and several ugly engraving insects fell on the ground with his blood, constantly squirming and making nauseating neighs.

The engraved insects drilled out of Yanye Ma's body and his appearance made Tosaka Toshimi finally understand what he had done wrong.

But Jian Tong Yanye's tone at this time brought a touch of invigoration.

After being taken away by that man, Sakura will definitely be happy! This kind of magic power that even the bugs in his body are afraid to avoid can definitely bring happiness to Sakura!

So, the next thing he has to do is revenge!

After fully waking up, he would not choose to kill Tosaka Tokimi, this would only make Rin and Aoi painful, but...

He wanted this man to bear the guilt of Sakura from today until he died!

"Jian Tong Yan Ye..." Tosaka Shichen's face was full of pain. At this moment, the more ugly Tong Yan Ye looked, the more angry he was.

There is anger towards yourself! There is also anger at the dirty inkstone of Ma Tong!

"What's the matter? Can't you bear to watch it at this level?" Jian Tong Yanye mocked. After constantly driving this force, he could feel the engraving insects all over his body wailing and wanting to escape from his body, as it was originally. If he did, he would die directly, but his ragged body continued to heal under this peculiar force.

"Sakura is much stronger than me, she has endured countless times more pain than me, and she didn't give up to these bugs."

While speaking, Jian Tong Yanye coughed out a large pool of blood, but this time, no worms could be seen in the blood that he vomited out.

Before that, he had been so painful that he had almost fainted just by trying to instill part of this magic power on himself, but now he was able to sustain it.

After seeing the painful expression on Tosaka Tokimi's face, Ma Tong Yanye felt that the pain on her body had alleviated a lot.

"You guy who trampled on the happiness of Sakura and Aoi, I can't spare you!" Looking at Tosaka Tokimi, who had already closed his eyes in pain and did not dare to look at the mountain of worms at his feet, Ma Tong Yanye A cheerful smile appeared.

He reached out and wiped the blood from his mouth, then he was surprised to find...

I don't know when my arm has been covered with a pair of white hollow lace gauze long gloves.

Chapter 249 Alternative Banquet (2150 monthly ticket plus more)


Altria used the sword to block Jon's fist, but in the next moment, because of this terrible force, he kept flying backwards.

The trees with thick adult waists were torn apart in front of Altria's body, and after leaving a long gully on the ground, she finally stopped.

Although his injuries were quickly recovered with Avalon's help, the stamina and magic that were consumed were not so easy to recover.

But just as Altria got up from the ground to continue the challenge, a voice rang from behind her.

"It's really embarrassing, Saber."

"Rider?" Altria turned around subconsciously, and then saw Iskandar's figure.

Until then, she never realized that she did not know when she had returned to the original point.

Is this even under the control of the other party?

Thinking of this, Altria clenched the sword in her hand.

Even for Avalon, it is just that she will not be directly defeated by the opponent's blow, but if she wants to defeat the opponent, she can't think of any other way besides liberating the treasure!

Heavy footsteps sounded.

In the next second, Jon, who had turned towards the nightmare in almost everyone's heart, appeared in everyone's eyes.

Compared with Altria's embarrassed appearance, Jon looked like he had just finished warming up.

Then, he cast his sights on Iskandar.

This action caused Webber's calf to cramp, and Iskandall touched the beard on his chin in distress.

"I said Berserker, don’t you think about ending this war completely tonight? This is really nerve-wracking... I originally planned to find everyone to have a banquet, since Berserker you think so. There may be no chance."

With that, Iskandar rolled over and dismounted.

Although he looks only a rough man, this man who has left his name in history to conquer Wang has a unique personal charm.

Even in the face of the enemy, and in the eyes of others, Jon, whose reason was suppressed because of his madness, he showed his own demeanor.

"Saber..." Iskandar suddenly put the topic on Altria, "Before I saw you, I didn't expect that the famous Knight King Zhenshen was actually a female. When you had that treasure, I was really taken aback!"

As he said, Iskandar laughed loudly.

Then he looked up at Vimana in the air before Altria could speak.

"Archer, since you are also the king, how about joining this feast."

"Banquet? Do you want to have a banquet in this kind of place? You really are a bastard." Gilgamesh fell from the sky, shook the golden wine glass in his hand, looked at everyone present, and then he smiled slightly. Go down from Vimona.

"But it's also a funny bastard, thinking about holding a banquet in the Holy Grail War. Do you want to invite this mad dog as an audience?"

The provocative words made everyone present to focus on Gilgamesh, but Iskandar smiled heartily.

"Berserker is not an audience, but the protagonist of this banquet."

In the surprised eyes of others, Iskandar shook his arm and said: "Everyone has already seen the bravery of Berserker. It is undeniable that no matter what era he is in, he is a famous hero! If he is in my time and joins Darius, I am afraid Iskandall has already become a dust in history."

"Rider, what are you trying to say?" Altria frowned.

She acknowledged the bravery of the Berserker in front of her, but what Iskander said had nothing to do with the moment.

"Don't understand what I mean? Saber." Iskandar smiled. "If I say that no matter what era the king, as long as he surrenders a brave man like Berserker, then he can definitely stay in history. Make a more dazzling stroke, do you agree with what I said?"

Although Altria still had some doubts about Iskandar's meaning, she nodded.

"So, Archer, what about you?"