I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 292

Yingshanren's backpack was a bit old, and when the zipper was pulled, he didn't even open it for the first time, and then pulled it hard before pulling it open.

Are you hungry?

Xia Bei remembered that apart from some eggs in this uncle's backpack, there was only one black metal belt that looked very old and had a lot of scratches on it.

"Hey, kid...go away..."

brat? Go further?

Are you talking to him? Xia Bei subconsciously looked at Yingshanren's back, and then saw him take the strange belt out of his backpack and put it on his waist.

"Go away." Yingshanren said again.

This sentence made Xia Bei understand that Ying Shanren was indeed talking to him, which meant that he had always been aware of the behavior he followed?

Xia Bei took a few steps back.

The voice of the patrol robot continued to be heard, and then the voice of Hitoshi Takayama sounded again.

"Go further."

The calm words overwhelmed the voice of the patrol robot, causing Xia Bei to subconsciously follow Yingshanren's request to go a little further.

"It's really obedient, little guy, as Sister Qiyu said, if I work hard, I will definitely be a good father..."

While saying things that Xia Bei and passers-by could not understand, Ying Shanren walked step by step towards the fat young man not far away, and at the same time, in the eyes of other people as if looking at a lunatic, he said in agony:

"Why... even this world will have worms... in this way... how many humans will die because of it..."

The trembling hand grasped the handle on the left side of the belt, and Takayama Ren twisted it.

The green indicator light, like compound eyes of an insect, was filled with bloodshot lines, and then it was completely lit.


When this voice sounded, Xia Bei's eyes widened in disbelief. Not only him, but even other people couldn't help but let out a shock when they noticed Yingshanren's waist belt. call.

Due to the dragon-level disaster that occurred in Gui City, the existence of Kamen Rider and Magical Girl has evolved into heroic characters in people's eyes, and many fake toys have appeared on the market.

And when seeing this belt of the style that I have never seen before, many people think of a popular urban legend, that is...

There are still some Kamen Riders who are not yet known in this world!

Thinking of this, some people couldn't help but get excited. What they did the first time they didn't realize the danger was to point their mobile phone at Yingshanren's figure.

at the same time...



A deafening explosion once again erupted centered on the body of Yingshanren. Even the ground on which he was standing collapsed and then collapsed. The scorching waves of air blew away all the people who gathered around him and fell into pieces. A lump.

[BloodandWild! Wi-Wi-WiWild! 】

In people’s horrified eyes, Kamen Rider AmazonAlpha...

Debut again!


ps: ∑(っ°Д°;)っ already owes 45 chapters!

Pull me for a long time, yesterday and today

Thanks to 4440 cat biscuits and 2 blades from'Guan Ling の Juice Concentrate', 4704 cat biscuits from'Waste Admiral', 1000 cat biscuits from'Maid Sixteen Nights Dio', and 688 cat biscuits from'Ls?? Gray??' And 3 blades, 588 cat biscuits and 3 blades from'Boundary Yakumo Green', 588 cat biscuits from'Maple Leaf Street Light', 300 cat biscuits from'Dark Blue Aria','Meng Xin Xue Zuo' and'Shu Ke 7385,045,531 100 cat biscuits from'Dr. Honest Liangliang', 33 blades from'Warrior of the World', 10 blades from'Kawaii's Cat', 8 blades from'Void under the Moonlight',' The 7 blades of "Good question", "Traveler Tobin" and "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" and the 5 blades of "Crazy_LK" and "Maid Sixteen Nights dio", "Su Jie's Eagle" and "Shadow Assassin Wuliu" The 4 blades of Qi' and'My Yan Zhishang','zzzsk' and'Lin Lang Tian Shang Ha You Ying' and'I'm Coming' and'Crow of Wind and Rain' and'An Old Driver Passing By' and'Fool's Heart' And'Gravity King' and'Hilling Inspector Gan Luo' and'Calm pw|' and'Alien Out of Print Civil Affairs (Harmony) Bureau' and'Hapa Kabuto' and'The Last Heisei' and'Fast and Fallen 'And'Dan Luo' and'Kindai Tatsuka' and'Gensokyo Walker' and'Deck Washing Captain' and'Mochi I'm Going to God' and'ZagemoX' and'Same Set Good (Harmony) The 3 blades of "Sao Nian" and "Kong Ming's black-frame glasses" and "Yueyue not lazy".

'Gabriel(?ω?)' and'Ouyang Qingluo' and'私の神の才務よ' and'Dongfang-Yu' and'The King's Landing' and'Gaen' and'乀ABi' and'zhu1789' and 'Nine Heavens Shaniat ★'and'Wu Meow King Arthas' and'scp.3999' and'Destroyed Lilian' and'Bone Z'and'This is Courage' and'Heart Burning' and 'Majestic Remy' and'Yu Fukushi plays the sound of the sky' and'Sister Dou Miao' and'Cat Borrowing Claw' and'Like a Smile' and'Lord Ran Xingyu' and'My&' and'zl-o' and 'Pure White Rabbit's Feet' and'Long Live Your Majesty' and'The Immortal Demon Suit' and'Booker 92699824539' and'I want to catch a fish' and'Misha' and'Qingdi-Hunshi Qinglian' and'Booker 7385704531' and'Tokisaki Comics' and'House Fox' and'Nine Stars Shaniat ★'and'Just Lose' and'Maple Leaf Street Lamp' and'Gu Yuezhou' and'Little Red Riding Hood Who Wants to Touch the Tail' and ' Tan Li Dou 2'and'Eustia of the Foul Wing' and'Weimiya Kirishu refuses to evade tax' and'Dust Cloud Star Realm' and'Shu Ke 71704541891' and'Majiecheng キバ' and'Sajia Huifei?' "And "justlove" and "Time Angel A Meng" and "Lily's Petals" and "Shu Ke 69423222090" and the 2 blades of "Benevolence".

'Non-human genetic unity' and'I don't know what head portrait to use' and'A wild north' and'Astorfo' and'Suckling pig duck leg rice' and'Champagne??' and'Baixiyi "Saku" and "Shuke 59532031853" and "Gendarmerie Lotus" and "Aura Star" and "Tool Rabbit" and "Dawn Star" and "Left Hand of Law" and "Platinum Star~Soul Song" and "Thirteen Incense" Rat poison' and'ASRIEL' and'Er Desire' and'Blue Steel' and'A Wild North' and'Pigeon on the Road' and'But a copy' and'Ghostly Silent' and'Dream Misty' And "Xia Se Ji·The Source of Chaos" and "The Truth Is Not Only One" and the 1 blade of "Lamp Oil Jar" and "Chenxi Weishuang".

Chapter 274 The Battle Between Monsters


A scorching air wave broke out centered on Yingshanren’s body, and even Xia Bei, who had walked a little farther in accordance with Yingshanren’s instructions in advance, was almost lifted off, and could only hold the patrol robot in front of him to prevent himself from being blown away. .

And almost at the same time as the explosion appeared, the patrol robot that was trying to get him back had also changed his mind and issued a series of warning sounds.

"Unknown energy fluctuation detected! Unknown energy fluctuation detected! Please leave this area immediately!"

Unknown energy fluctuations?

After hearing these words, Xia Bei subconsciously looked at Yingshanren's location, and then he was stunned by what he saw.

Not only him, but the other people who subconsciously wanted to take a photo after seeing Ying Shanren pull out a belt also looked at the red figure standing on the collapsed ground in terror.

"Big...Uncle?" Xia Bei's throat moved, and there was already fear in his eyes.

He felt that his legs were weak, and if he were not holding the patrol robot, he would be limp on the ground.

This monster in front of me is really... really that uncle?

It's really the uncle who will give him eggs, hurt his eyes and always bump into something accidentally when he walks?

Xia Bei's body was trembling constantly.

The layers of folding are like some kind of biological skin-like armor on the opponent's body to create a hideous appearance, even more terrifying than the monsters that are published on the countermeasure team website!

Xia Bei had already seen many people screaming and trying to escape from here, as if in front of fear, the monster would burst into tears in the next second and then ate their bodies.

They were screaming, they were running away, but few people noticed that the red monster that appeared in front of them with explosions and flames had never paid attention to them from beginning to end.

Xia Bei didn't choose to run away like these people, but stared at Ying Shanren not far away.

He doesn't think this uncle will hurt others!

He didn't think that the uncle who gave him eggs as soon as they met and found traces of the monster that killed his parents would be a monster that harmed humans!

So Xia Bei did not leave, but stood up with his soft legs and looked at Yingshanren.

He noticed that Takayama Hitoshi seemed to look back at him, and then walked forward step by step.

Not far in front of him, there was a figure sitting motionless.


The movement that happened here was naturally transmitted back to the countermeasure group by the nearby patrol robot through the camera, making the expression of Ning Wu who had been paying attention to become extremely serious.