I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 333

Inuboke Saikaze didn't hear Yuki Yuna's words at all. He still hugged the black tea cup in his hand with bliss and gently rubbed it, and still muttered such strange words as'female power...female power...' .

How should I put it, Jon's first impression of the four girls in front of him is quite good.

"Then Yuuki..."

"Just call me Yuna!" After hearing Jon call her name, Yuki Yuna regained his vitality.

"Well, Yuna..." Jon smiled. "So what's the matter with Yuna bringing friends over today?"

"I want to see more brave men!" Yuki Yunai said without hesitation.

After going back last night, she couldn’t wait to tell the rest of the brave department about the incident. Although everyone didn’t believe it and thought she was only in a dream, if she brought everyone here, everyone I will definitely be very happy too!

Just like it is now!

Yuki Yuna thought this way, then looked back at the door from time to time as if unable to sit still, as if expecting someone to open the door and come in.

Although the other three were a little curious, they were a little cautious because it was the first time they met, and Yuuki Yuna was always talking.

"The manager and the manager! How many brave men will come here one day?" After finding that the door had not been opened, Yuki Yuna asked again towards Jon.

"Sometimes there will be two or three a day, but sometimes there may be no guests for several days." Jon replied, "So if you want to meet the braves of other worlds, don't you have enough luck... uh... ."

Jon wanted to tell Yuki Yuna that he needed some luck if he wanted to meet other people, but before he could finish speaking, the door was opened.

"Yeah! Shopkeeper brother, are there any new customers?" Shi Dongzun opened the door and saw four young girls sitting in front of the bar with unexpected gazes.

Then, he saw a red-haired girl rushing to him excitedly after seeing him come in.

"Uncle, are you also brave from other worlds?"

"Brave?" Shi Dongzhuang showed a thoughtful expression, as if he felt that it was difficult to get an answer to this question.

A few seconds later, Shi Dong Dianyi gave an answer.

"It's a bit weird to say it's a brave man, because this title sounds like it's separated from ordinary people."

"Huh?" Yuki Yuna tilted his head, wondering why Shi Dongzhang would give such an answer in a moment.

Then she saw Shi Dong smashed her mouth, put her hands on her chest and nodded seriously: "Rather than say that, I hope everyone is brave! In this way, there will be no misfortune in this world. Come on, then the world where no one can get hurt is complete."

Work done! Work done! Total E has done work!

Jon sighed helplessly after seeing Yuki Yuna's expression moved by Shi Dong Soichi's words.

"Okay, okay, then, in the face of the murderous Demon King, the shopkeeper Shi Dong who dared to be the first to rush forward, would you like some coffee?"

Jon interrupted the communication between Shi Dong Soichi and Yuki Yuna, but his words made Yuki Yuna even more excited.

"For coffee, don't worry, the manager, brother, you still like to say something I don't understand." Shi Dongzhuang showed a distressed expression, then walked to Jon and sat down.

"Isn’t the store manager curious how I determined that the nebula gas appeared in the store manager’s world? I didn’t care too much at the time, but there have been some new discoveries recently." Shi Dongzong gave a push. Push the glasses, and then continue:

"Before, I barely completed this kind of experiment through what you gave me, the manager, but after I got the information from the other two cities, I found an unexpected situation."

Shi Dongdiao took out a can of coffee, opened it and took a sip.

"Other places also reacted like this without my leadership, and the location was very fixed! So I was a little curious to put something in that place."

Chapter 313

At the same time, the outskirts of another city.

In a large airtight laboratory, there is a large instrument in the middle of which is connected to other devices with various metal pipes.

When it was running, the people in this laboratory even felt a body as if losing all consciousness and becoming another illusion of existence.

But soon, the instrument stopped working.

"Thirty-eighth test, lost...no!" The researcher in charge of this experiment looked at the instrument that had stopped running in front of him and spoke subconsciously, but he noticed before he could finish speaking. ..

In the instrument...

There seems to be something more!

He didn't suspect that he had read it wrong, but he pressed the next button without hesitation.

This is a signal. Once there is any strange change in the experiment, the laboratory will be completely sealed off, and even a large amount of explosives has been buried underneath.

As the button was activated, alarms sounded in the laboratory, and everyone returned to their posts in an orderly manner.

After everything was ready, the large instrument was opened.

Accompanied by the sound of the hydraulic device operating, the door of the instrument was opened, exposing the space enclosed by solid metal walls.

What is completely different from the previous experimental results is...

Except for the fragments in the middle that were originally filled with zerg bottles and were collected after being destroyed, there was one more thing on the ground of the instrument at this moment.

It looks like the handle of a pistol, but it is purple and incomplete, and the cut is as smooth as a mirror!

When he saw something like this, the person in charge suddenly shrank his pupils, and ordered others to store the handle of the gun that appeared abruptly in the instrument, and turned to contact the initiator of the experiment.


"Sure enough, I guessed right..." Guan Qing smiled and looked at the latest experiment report.

If it hadn't been for the information that the source of infection that appeared in Gui City was likely to be a copy of some kind, he would really not have thought of this level.

Since it is a replica, coupled with the contaminated spiritual power that accompanies each disaster, it means that it is the contaminated spiritual power that caused those disasters to appear in this world.

So if these contaminated spiritual powers that appear in disasters are collected, can disasters be artificially brought to this world?

It seemed like a crazy idea, but Guan Qing's experimental proposal was recognized.

Once you have successfully mastered the laws of the emergence of those disasters, you will be able to formulate more coping methods, which everyone thinks.

It just so happened that Guan Qing had conducted some similar experiments before, so he was handed over to him, but he didn't have the idea of ​​personally taking charge, but instead threw it to his subordinates.

"There is no doubt that the disasters that appear in this world are also flesh and blood, which means that flesh and blood can also be transformed into spirits."

Guan Qing called out several of these data, including the latest medical reports of the graduate students, including Long.

"With the continuous use of spiritual fluids, even the poorest students' adaptability to spiritual power is slowly improving."

Looking at the data, Guan Qing showed a satisfied look on his face.

"It seems that they are really using this power well."