I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 339

"You guy, haven't you noticed that your body is abnormal?"

After Sakura Kyoko left with Makiri Sakura, the dragon girl sat blankly on the sofa.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly thought of something. She ran to the kitchen to open the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of milk, and then put several spoons of sugar.

"Woo... so sweet!"

Feeling a sweet and sweet sensation coming from her mouth, the Dragon Maiden couldn't help but spit it out, then looked at the milk in front of her with helplessness.

The milk was left over from her drink this morning, and the amount of sugar added was about the same as the morning, but...

There are two completely different feelings!

Why is this happening?

The Dragon Maiden panicked a bit, then hurriedly found her mobile phone and dialed Wuma Youxiang's number.

After the phone was connected, the Dragon Maiden asked for the first time: "Youxiang Youxiang, have you stopped using the spirit liquid recently?"

"Stop using the spirit liquid? No, after all, my ability needs to be injected into the spirit liquid to be able to use it, but I remember you can stop the injection." On the other side, Wu Ma Youxiang's tone is a little puzzled, it seems to be strange to the dragon girl. Why do you ask such a strange question.

"Long, even if you don't need to inject elixir, the danger level has reached the threshold for using a squeeze driver, right? Do you want to tell me about this?"

"No, just suddenly wanted to ask." Long Maiden hurriedly covered her strange tone with a smirk, and explained: "That's it! I just want to tell Youxiang that I don't need to use spiritual liquid anymore! Aha! Ha ha..."

She hung up the phone with a smirk, and the dragon girl became at a loss again.


On the other hand, Wuma Youxiang, who hung up the phone, was still a little strange. She always felt that something had happened to the Dragon Girl. Even the iconic silly laughter became a lot more exaggerated than usual, and it was no longer a true performance. , But the target that had already appeared in her sight forced her to temporarily let go of her worries about the dragon girl.

"Deworm, start!"

[StandBy! 】

Sasword jumped out of the green belt on the side and was caught by Wuma Youxiang.


[Henshin! 】

Heavy armor began to appear on Wuma Youxiang, announcing that the Kamen Rider had officially appeared in a city outside of Gui City.

In contrast to Wuma Youxiang's battle, the body of the already locked target also began to transform, turning into an ugly moult.

This also changed the expressions on people's faces from the excitement when Wuma Youxiang turned into a horror at the monster.


"Is there a problem with the dragon too?" Jon frowned slightly when he heard about it from Kyoko Sakura.

"Yes..." Sakura Kyoko rarely played games after returning, lying on the sofa with her smooth little feet resting on Jon's lap.

"If it weren't for me to remind you, that idiot would never find out about it."

Sakura Kyoko looked sad, as if regretting that the people who appeared next to her were stupid.

"When I first met her, she seemed groggy, as if she would fall asleep on the street if she left it alone. I thought this stupid was just the reason for being so tired, but I was listening. After Xiaoxuan said that the idiot was acting a little strange recently, I felt a little abnormal."

"Then Kyoko-sama really helped a lot." Jon smiled.

Unexpectedly, this **** was finally useful.

If she hadn't noticed any problems, I am afraid he would not have noticed the problems with the dragon girl in a short time.

And he didn't expect that what he had said to the dragon girl like a grumbling before would actually come true.

Obviously, the special ability training program developed by the countermeasure team obviously also has some problems, otherwise it is impossible for the dragon girl to have such problems.

So the question now is...

Did the person in charge of this plan deliberately conceal it, or did the countermeasure team not even know about it?

Judging from the current situation, the side effects that appear in Dragon Maiden are just lack of motivation and weak sense of taste, but this is only a problem that occurs when Dragon Maiden has not injected the elixir for a period of time. If you continue to not inject for a long time If so, no one knows if there will be more serious problems.

But with her character, I'm afraid no one will tell now.


Xiaoxuan's home.

The dragon girl hid in the room alone.

She bit her lip and wrote all the words she heard from Sakura Kyoko in her diary.

She didn't even dare to write such things on the phone.

Although she is stupid, she knows that her mobile phone is easy to be monitored after watching so many TV shows.

Then, she began to think hard about the time of the last injection of the spirit fluid, which is the time to deal with the source of infection.

"Seventeen...No, it should be eighteen days ago."

The dragon girl wrote the number 18 in her notebook.

"The first time I noticed that there was a problem with the sense of taste, it was on the day Youxiang left."

After thinking about it, Dragon Maiden wrote down the number 14.

For almost two weeks without injecting the spirit fluid, her body felt tired and the sense of taste became dull. After reinjecting the spirit fluid, the feeling disappeared strangely, as if her body was hungry. ', it became normal after eating the spiritual liquid again.

That is to say, now she has no abnormalities in her body for 14 days after injecting the spirit liquid once.

However, there have been cases where there has been no injection of Lingye for more than 14 days, but this has never happened before!

She didn't say anything, even if she knew that Uncle Blood Latent must have known it from Kyoko, she didn't panic calling for help.


Everything hasn't gone in a bad direction yet, has it?

It's just that she feels tired and her sense of taste becomes dull. The grandfather of the director has also told her that the spiritual liquid is harmless to the human body, so it will definitely not be a problem.

The dragon girl drew a circle on the 14 numbers, and then wrote today's date next to it.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door, causing the dragon girl to hurriedly put the diary away, and then went to open the door.

Standing outside the door was Xiao Xuan. She looked at each other curiously when she saw the Dragon Maiden opening the door, because before that, the Dragon Maiden never locked the door.