I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 377

Among them, Guan Qing's reaction was the most intense. He pushed the researcher away forcefully. Before the others could react, he rushed to the life-sustaining device that had been cut by Wuma Yuxiang and tried to catch the spiritual fluid with his palm.

The next second, a strange scene appeared.

The second after Guan Qing's palm touched the spirit fluid, he let out a painful hiss and his body trembled. If he hadn't held the life support device, he would have fallen directly to the ground.

Under normal circumstances, although ordinary people are not suitable for exposure to high-concentration spiritual fluids, such a situation will never happen!

The moment these contaminated spiritual fluids penetrated into Guan Qing's body, a painful expression appeared on his face.

The veins on his arm were violent, as if experiencing some terrible pain. At the same time, signs of aging slowly appeared on his arm, but he did not choose to ask for help. Spirit fluid.

After direct contact with such spiritual fluid, he seemed to understand something.

"I understand..."

Guan Qing stuck his head on the glass wall of the life-sustaining device, and in the ugly faces of Wuma Youxiang and the others, he said in agony: "Why do disasters come? Why do disasters come with contaminated spiritual power? Why can students who have reached the critical point contaminate pure spiritual fluids?"

"It's emotions!" Guan Qing's head kept hitting the glass wall with a painful look. "Human emotions can transform spiritual fluids into a new form, in which spiritual power can even instantly turn into flesh and blood. Other substances! This is the reason why those disasters can come! But why... Obviously people who use it for the first time and dragons will not have such problems, I have clearly checked..."

The sirens that echoed through the base of the countermeasure team did not stop, but continued to sound, but what was strange was that this time the disaster did not come in a hurry, but seemed to be waiting for something.

Everyone guessed what was going on, and then cut off the pipeline that supplies the life-sustaining device with spiritual fluids, and at the same time tried to plug the leak.

But when the people in the countermeasure group started to get busy, Guan Qing still stood motionless, as if his soul had been drawn from his body because of such a terrible blow.

He just stood there motionless, as if he was dead, only the slightly undulating chest and murmurs proved that he was still alive.

"Obviously the previous experiment would not... why... don't we even have the qualifications to contaminate the spiritual liquid..."

Is this really just an accident? Wuma Youxiang thought this way.

But just when the researchers who had put on protective clothing were preparing to fix the loopholes, they were prevented.

The one who stopped them was Guan Qing.

Guan Qing pushed the opponent away and changed his previous look of desolation. In the glaring of other people, there were already many wrinkled faces twitching slightly, and then a distorted smile appeared.

"But rest assured, I have a way to deal with it. This should be the reason why Xiao Ming's willpower is not firm enough, but it is not his fault. I will help him and others."

Wuma Youxiang keenly sensed that Guan Qing was wrong and tried to stop Guan Qing's behavior, but in the next second Guan Qing hit the life-saving device with a punch.

The peculiar glass wall unexpectedly appeared a lot of cracks under Guan Qing's fist, and then the spiritual liquid inside began to leak in large quantities under the horrified gaze of others!

Seeing this, Guan Qing changed his painful appearance when he was exposed to the spiritual fluid before, and with a fanatical expression, he drowned himself in the spiritual fluid.

"Leave here!" Wuma Youxiang roared, and then subconsciously wanted to step forward to pull up the scientific researcher who was pushed to the ground by Guan Qing.

But what caused her pupils to shrink suddenly in the next second was that this researcher in protective clothing actually slammed her fiercely!

Although this punch did not cause any harm to Wuma Youxiang, such an action clearly showed one thing.

Even wearing protective clothing cannot prevent the impact of contaminated spiritual liquid on people!

Even Wuma Yuxiang wearing the armor of the Kamen Rider can feel the things in the air that her body subconsciously repels.

At the same time, the alarm sounded again.

"Correct! Re-evaluate the disaster level, the level is-ghost level!"

Yes, it is a ghost-level disaster!

And it came in the way of appearing on Guan Qing!


"A ghost-level disaster occurred in the area where the Chuo Ward Countermeasures Group Base is located. Citizens approaching here are requested to leave as soon as possible. Citizens in nearby areas should also prepare for evacuation."

The patrol robots on the streets kept broadcasting such warnings, which made the residents of this city uncontrollably show strange expressions on their faces.

The third time!

In just a few days, this is the third ghost-level disaster that has come!

What happened? Could it be that the end of the world is here?

However, despite this thought, most people are not worried, because the two ghost-level disasters that have occurred before have been perfectly solved, not to mention the place where the countermeasure group base is located this time.

Someone even showed a gleeful expression, as if they felt that the place where the ghost-level disaster came this time was simply looking for something.

And the sound of such a siren also made Jon understand that Wuma Youxiang started to do it.

Through the smoke gun, he went directly to the base of the countermeasure team.

But he didn't come to help Wuma Youxiang, but wanted to verify a conjecture.

If the disasters caused by this paradise system really occurred because of the negligence of those researchers, then why are the recent disasters in Lujiang City so frequent?

Is the equipment prepared by the countermeasure team for the park system so unreliable?

In the past, Jon has never heard of any spiritual liquid leakage incidents, but the recent frequent disasters in Lujiang City clearly prove that the contaminated spiritual liquid is leaking!

Otherwise, maybe this big bomb will be kept under pressure until a certain time when the paradise system is activated again, the user has a problem, or it directly erupts and causes a dragon-level disaster to occur. These are the two most likely results, not It's like this now.

Could it be the ghost of the protozoan high-level? Or is it not just protozoa?

The news from Wuma Youxiang is that she joined the special ability training program when she was 12 years old, which was 7 years ago.

However, such a plan is obviously impossible to be just formulated when Wuma Youxiang joined the special ability training program. There must be a series of preliminary experiments before the final decision is made. It is likely to be ten years ago or more. There have been such thoughts a long time ago.

As a result, Guan Qing, who is the main officer, is not up to date on the point of age.

Chapter 354 The entire countermeasure group has been played (5W1 recommended vote)

"You guy...who is it?" Wuma Youxiang squeezed the hilt of the sword and pointed the tip of the sword at Guan Qing.

The pain that the other party showed when learning about the damage that the Paradise Project could cause just now is not to be faked, but now this look with his head drooping and smiling weirdly and all the contaminated spiritual power that has gathered in his body, obviously It has been proved that Guan Qing has become a monster.

Wuma Youxiang couldn't help but think of the ghost-level disaster that he had fought with the dragon girl before.

It's also a human form, and it also has wisdom!

At this moment, all the spiritual fluid in the life-sustaining device had leaked, and it was no longer able to support Ji Ming who was staying inside, making his body limp inside the life-sustaining device.

He seemed to be awake, but he didn't even have the energy to move his fingers. He just opened his eyes slightly and his lips were shaking slightly.

Ji Ming seemed to want to speak, but he didn't have the ability.

He could only vaguely see two people standing in front of him, and they seemed to be talking, but under the influence of the alarm, he could only hear a few words clearly.