I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 411

As he said, Shi Dong glanced at his watch.

"Ah! It's all this time, I have some important things to do next, so I'll leave first."

He picked up the straw hat placed aside and said goodbye to Jon.


After leaving this sentence, he left directly, as if the purpose of coming was only to tell Jon that he had sent the Caesar system to the countermeasure team.

But this situation is troublesome enough.

Jon didn't think that E would always do such a meaningless thing. Originally, after understanding the future direction of his world from Jon's side, he directly changed his plan.

Jon doesn't think that the opponent's recovery speed will be much slower because of this, and even faster!

So E always moved his hands and feet on the Caesar system he sent?

No, Jon thinks it should not.

Although E always doesn't know the things in the world he is in, if he changes to him, he will definitely be cautious when doing such things!

Give the other party some sweetness first to gain more power!

So there is no problem with the Caesar system that was sent, but the next thing is hard to say.

And if he did such a thing and reminded him specially, did he count him?

After having tasted the sweetness, the countermeasure team will definitely not give up this kind of derivative experiment of the paradise system. Even if 001 and the protozoa are not involved in it, they still need to do something to restore the credibility of the countermeasure team.

"So, what do you want me to do to make me hostile to official organizations in my own world? It's not right..."

Jon shook his head.

Just as he currently knows nothing about the world of Kamen Rider Build, E always knows nothing about the situation in his world.

They don't understand each other's current strength or the state of the other's world, but are conducting various trials. Then, is the Caesar system copied to this world this time, is it a trial for E?

Chapter 383 Fighting for Atonement vs. Fighting to Protect the Smile

"To sum up, although the paradise system failed, the derivative experiment was perfectly successful." The person who came down from the headquarters said sincerely.

"I know that everyone has doubts about the headquarters because of the paradise system, but the people at the headquarters also want to get rid of those monsters and hurry up."

With that, he opened the suitcase.

In front of the executives of the Lujiang City Countermeasures Team, there is a purple nebula smoke gun with a golden pipe and a green gear structure. In addition, there are two special bottles and cans.

The appearance looks similar to the well-known full bottle can, but in fact it is not the same kind of item, but a booster called "gear".

The gear remote control with green gears in the middle, and the gear engine with white gears.

Caesar system!

Although it is not like a smoke system that can be used without nebula gas transformation, it brings more powerful combat capabilities!

"Please!" The person who brought the Caesar system bowed deeply to the people present, "If this continues, the situation will get worse! Now we know that the reason these disasters are coming to our world is purely Because of the pollution of spiritual power, if we continue to do nothing, then it will definitely get worse!"

This sentence made everyone's face sink.

Obviously, the current bad situation is absolutely very dangerous!

People's distrust of the countermeasure team not only affects morale, it is more likely to aggravate the disaster!

The current situation in Lujiang City has proved this!

So who should use the Caesar system? And who can meet the requirements for use?

Although it is still unclear what the Caesar system requires for users, from the perspective that ordinary people can use the transforming smoke system and the hazard level is fixed at 3.5, the Caesar system's requirements for users are likely to exceed 4.0! And if you want to use two gears to transform at the same time, the requirements should be even higher.

Li Xiu, who has been using the Smoke Transformation System to fight, is currently unclear. People only know that he has conducted nebula gas transformation experiments, and his current position is a bit ambiguous. Although he came to Lujiang City to help, he has already withdrawn from the countermeasure team. The reason for coming here seems to be because of my own personal wishes.

Wuma Youxiang has also conducted nebula gas transformation experiments, and used the Zecter Lost Bottles, which should have met the requirements for the use of the Caesar system, but abandoning the powerful killing ability of the Zecter system and switching to the Caesar system is really a bit wrong. Proper.

In this way...

Many people cast their sights on Ji Ming, looking at this person in a wheelchair, even attending the meeting is a strong person to participate.

The spiritualization process is irreversible,

This scene made Wuma Youxiang angry, but also understood why Li Xiu had become angry before.

But just when she was about to say something, Ji Ming spoke.

"I can..."

The voice sounded extremely weak, and his performance that he couldn't even stand up from the wheelchair on his own made people doubt whether he could really use the Caesar system to fight.

Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath, then turned and left.

She was very angry, but she also knew that pure anger could not solve anything, and at that time Ji Ming's own choice, he wanted to continue fighting.

Is it for atonement?

The grim expression reappeared on Wuma Youxiang, but when she had just walked out of the temporary base, she saw Jon sitting on the side.

Not eating ice cream, but playing with a black evolution bottle.

Wuma Youxiang recognizes this thing as the knight system bottle used on the Evol drive.

But what does this mean? Could it be that it came here to show off? This absurd idea suddenly appeared in Wuma Youxiang's mind, and then she saw Jon speak.

"It seems you are in a bad mood?" Jon looked at Wu Ma Youxiang curiously, "Did something happen?"

"Evolto, how could you..." Wuma Youxiang spoke subconsciously, but as soon as she spoke, she realized that there was something wrong with her tone.

Considering the special relationship between the other party and the dragon, Wuma Youxiang eased her tone and said, "I mean, how come you suddenly came here."

"It's just the Kamen Rider who appeared here with some curiosity." Jon found a reason casually.

Wuma Youxiang remembered that the other party seemed to have been committed to making good relations with other guests from other worlds. Some did not care about it, but after that, he thought about something. He looked at the knight system bottle in Jon's hand a few more times. Eye.

She vaguely remembered that in the Bai'an incident, the other party's drive was not using the Cavalier system bottle. Did she remember it wrong?

Shaking his head, Wuma Youxiang didn't think about it, but asked instead.

"How much do you know about the Caesar system, Mr. Evolto?"

"Caesar system?" Jon pretended to be unaware, then shrugged, "No more than you."