I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 47

"Yes, it's the place where the three of us eat barbecue together." Jon smiled, and then reached out and grabbed the golden ribbon extended by Bamami to stop the downward trend.

"In Kyoko's eyes, this should be the place where her life is once again ushered in change, so if even we abandon her, she will probably stay here alone forever."

As Jon's voice fell.

The witch named Wu Dan was riding her beloved horse and slowly emerged from the mist.


ps: Thank you for the 3 blades of "Aka Summer", the 2 blades of "Little House Tirbitz", and the 1 blade of "Bubble Man of Different Dimensions".

Chapter 43 Wudan Witch (2)

When she saw the Wudan Witch appearing in front of them, a trace of sadness flashed across Miki Sayaka's face.

"Is this Kyoko?"

The witch, who was nearly twenty meters tall, was wearing a gorgeous red martial arts suit, riding an equally tall war horse, holding the reins and walking step by step towards their location.

On the neck of the horse is a red pendant of the same style as the cross pendant used to inlay soul gems in front of Kyoko, wearing a silver horse armor.

Every step down, they can feel the tremor coming from under their feet.

There are no other envoys in this area, and some are just Wudan witches, but even this can bring a huge sense of oppression to people!

This Wudan witch who was transformed from Sakura Kyoko is far more powerful than the type they have dealt with before!

"Are you scared?" Jon asked suddenly.

"How is it possible!" Miki Sayaka squeezed the hilt of the sword with a warfare expression, "Only such a guy is qualified to be defeated by me! I'm just wondering why her head is a candle!"

"Me...Me too!" Kagomaru also hurriedly explained why she was stunned.

On the contrary, Bamami looked sluggish.


It was actually hit.

In this way...it is even more necessary to pull your will back!

"What do I need to do next?"

"You just have to pester her. I need a seed of lament close to her." Jon said, and then prepared to act, but...

"Then...that..." Xiao Meiyan who stood at the end of the line couldn't help but said, "If that's the case, I...I can help!"

"It might die!" Jon reminded.

Hearing this, Xiao Meiyan's face flashed with fear, but she still said firmly: "I won't be afraid!"

As if she was declaring her will, she said loudly: "Even though Kyoko-sen looks fierce, but she is also using her own way to protect everyone! If... if I shrink now, how can I save Xiao Xiao? round!"

"Homura..." Kamenumaru had a complicated face.

"So!" Xiao Meiyan stretched out her palm seriously, "If there is anything I can help, please use me as much as you can!"

Jon reached out and took her palm.

With a click, the buckler on Xiao Meiyan's left forearm turned, and the frame was frozen in the next second.

Whether it was Bamamei and the others, or the Wudan witch who was wielding a huge three-pointed two-edged sword toward them, they were all frozen in place and unable to move.

"This ability is really helpful."

After that, Jon picked up Xiao Meiyan as a princess in her shy expression, and then rushed towards the Wudan witch.

His target was the candle wick on the head of the Wudan Witch, and he felt that Sakura Kyoko's lamenting seed was hidden inside, but doing so also meant that Jon must rush into the burning flame.

With the help of Xiao Meiyan's ability, Jon came to Wudan Witch's feet in a few jumps, and then put Xiao Meiyan down in his arms.

"After you run to a safe distance, disarm your ability, and then I will ask you to cover it."

Xiao Mi Homura nodded seriously, but just before her palm was about to detach from Jon's hand, a word that sounded a bit playful appeared in her ear.

"However, compared with your bravery, this style of glasses and hairstyle are not suitable. If you want to change yourself, you can try to start with the appearance."

After speaking, the palms of the two were separated, and Jon's own time was also suspended.

Do you start by changing your appearance? Xiao Meiyan glanced at her palm with remaining warmth, as if she was encouraged, nodded vigorously, and then left from the vicinity of the Wudan Witch, and immediately relieved her ability.

Of course, this was only a moment for Jon. The moment he finished that sentence, Xiao Meiyan had disappeared in place, and Wu Dan Witch also resumed action.

She seemed to have noticed the small insect that suddenly appeared at her feet. The moment Wudan Witch regained her action, she waved the long-handled weapon in her hand and smashed it towards Jon.

The sharp blade of the gun pierced the ground easily, and the terrifying force directly lifted the dark red bricks and the soil on the road.

It can be said that in terms of pure power, the blood latent state is not dominant. After all, the state of transformation through the transformation smoke system has a fixed level of danger, but his own purpose is not to head against the opponent.

Dodged to avoid the huge spear blade that hit him, Jon jumped on the instep of the Wudan witch stepped on the stirrup, and then quickly approached the candle wick.

This approach also caused a strong backlash from the Wudan Witch. Although she has completely lost her mind, the image of the Witch also represents their obsession.

Just like the mermaid witch will be angry once she is interrupted to play, the Wudan witch will act decisively when she sees the enemy invading her territory, not to mention that Jon's actions are simply an insult to her!

Fortunately, Bamamei and the others had already prepared for assistance. At the moment when the Wudan Witch was upset, the bullets and arrows constructed by magic power arrived and shot through the Wudan Witch's arm.

The support from them helped Jon get closer to the wick on Wudan Witch's head, but it also attracted Wudan Witch's attention to them.

In the next second, the Wudan witch appeared afterimages, and two clones appeared and charged towards Bamamei and the others.

"It's really strong..." Jon, who was jumping back and forth on the body of the horse armor and the Wudan witch, not only sighed after seeing this scene, "It seems that I need to work harder too."

What responded to him was the palm of Wudan Witch that smashed towards him.

Her huge size allowed her every move to bring about terrible movements. In front of her, Jon was like an annoying little fly, but this little fly possessed the same powerful power.

Seeing the palm sent by Wu Dan Witch toward him, Jon showed no signs of evading.

"It's time to wait!"

The cobra bottle is inserted into the magazine of the transformed smoke rifle.

[SteamShot! 】

"It will end soon."

Pull the trigger.