I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 48

[Cobra! 】

The powerful light bullet that killed the wedding witch before was launched from the muzzle of the transforming smoke rifle. Even the powerful Wudan witch was pierced through the palm of her hand by this blow. After piercing her palm, the light bullet was even greater. The remaining power is unabated, bombarding Wudan Witch's body.

With the scream of the other party, black blood gushed out from Wudan Witch’s wound like ink, while Jon’s body passed directly through the gap in her palm, and followed her arm quickly. The position of the candle wick rushed away.


ps: Thank you for the 4 blades of "Men Daochen", 100 cat biscuits and one blade of "Shanghai and Hong Kong".

Chapter 44 Wudan Witch (3)

"Damn... this is too strong!" Miki Sayaka kept evading the attack of the Wudan witch clone, but the gravel shot out by the opponent's attack has covered her with large and small wounds.

Although she can use magic to recover quickly, after knowing the truth about the magical girl, Miki Sayaka did not dare to squander her magic.

Every time the filth on the soul gem is transferred, it represents the despair that the predecessors who have died are once again subjected to the despair that they should not have endured.

The pink arrow flew past Miki Sayaka's side and shot into the body of Wudan Witch, but Miki Sayaka turned her head and said, "Mako, don’t care about me. This is just a clone, even if it’s killed. It has no effect, pay attention to the strange uncle! I will entangle this clone to create a chance for you!"

Lu Mu, who helped Miki Sayaka to get out of the siege, nodded her head to express her understanding, and then drew her bow to aim at the Wudan Witch's body.

The magical arrows flew out, smashing the flames ejected by the Wudan Witch, allowing Jon to approach his target position again.

After stepping on the body of the Wudan Witch, Jon gave up the idea of ​​attacking. He didn't want to cause Sakura Kyoko's soul to be further damaged because he accidentally killed the Wudan Witch.

In the first witch transformation, the magical girl's soul is still intact, but once it is killed, the soul will begin to shatter!

Not to mention becoming a Seed of Lament, absorbing enough despair, and becoming a witch again and then being defeated again. Each time such a cycle is equivalent to violently tearing a large part from the magical girl's soul.

Once Sakura Kyoko's Lamentation Seed is taken away by Chobe, even if Jon can finally reach it, the only estimate that can be obtained is a memory and remnant soul like a wedding witch.

The remnant soul, naturally, cannot resurrect a person, not to mention that the body cannot be preserved perfectly when it is dead.

With the help of Lu Muyuan's attack, Jon successfully reached the shoulders of Wudan Witch, and at the same time he will usher in Wudan Witch's most powerful counterattack.

But when Wu Dan Witch turned the burning candle head towards Jon, she also exposed Jon's target in front of his eyes.

"I saw..."

At the moment the flame was beating, Jon successfully found what he wanted to touch in the center of the candle wick.

A great lamenting seed!

It constitutes the candle wick of the Wudan Witch!

"Light up yourself to illuminate others, but hide yourself in the deepest part of the flames and don't want to be touched by others? What an awkward child."

Ignoring the scorching flames that burst out when the Wudan witch roared, Jon turned the valve of the smoke sword.

[IceSteam! 】

The smoke accompanied by the air-conditioning spewed out from the smoke sword, suppressing the surrounding flames, and even a thin layer of ice appeared on the shoulders of the Wu Dan witch.

Although these thin ice melted the moment they appeared, it also made Jon finally stand in front of the candlelight.

At this moment, it seemed that even the Wudan Witch, who had completely lost her mind, was stunned and did not attack again. She seemed to be wondering why such a small insect-like thing would approach her flame so desperately.

But this hesitation was only for a moment, and the flame erupted again, involving Jon.

But what made her strange was that the little bug in her eyes had no idea of ​​avoiding it at all, but allowed her body to be drawn into it by the flames.

"Because from the beginning, I never thought about avoiding it."

In the flames, Jon endured the burning of the flames, muttering to himself as if he heard the voice of Wu Dan witch, and then moved his shoulders.

The book of dimension appeared, and a contract book appeared.

Although Hebami was selected by the world to come to the firm, Jon was still able to come up with the contract and reach a contract with the other party, but the other party paid all the price.

Reaching out and grabbing the contract, Jon's face hidden under the visor showed a smile.

"Perhaps there should be a heroic declaration at this time, so that Kyoko's waiting will not be wasted, then...um..."

"The fate of the magical girl is up to me to change!"


"Have you succeeded?" After witnessing the red monster in her eyes being swallowed by flames, Miki Sayaka showed a worried expression on her face.

The same is true for the other three people. After seeing Jon not resisting being swallowed by flames, the expressions on their faces were all tight.

"It will be successful!" Bamamei yelled with a somewhat hoarse voice, "If it were Mr. Store Manager, it would be successful!"

Are you confident?

Do not!

This is her wish!

If even Jon can't succeed, doesn't it mean that she and others have to die?


Must succeed!


Pulling the trigger of the flintlock rifle, Bamami didn't even care about how much damage she caused to the opponent. Instead, she dropped it mechanically, picked up the other flintlock beside her, and then pulled the trigger again. .

Gunshots continued to sound, but Wudan Witch's clone stood motionless, as if she was dead, letting Bamamei pour bullets on her.

In the end, the clone fell to the ground, and then slowly turned into a phantom.

"Success... Did you succeed?" A hint of surprise flashed across Bumami's face.

Not only the clone she was dealing with, but even the clone of the witch that Miki Sayaka faced had also disappeared in place.

"I knew..." Excited tears kept falling from Ba Mami's face, she dropped the flintlock in her hand, and walked step by step towards the Wudan witch who was standing motionless with her head down.

"Kyoko... can you hear it?" While speaking, Bamami gently waved her hands, "It's me, I'm Mami, can you hear me? Do you remember my voice? We were. .. No! We have always been good friends!"

Wudan Witch was motionless. If it weren't for the candle on her head that was still burning, some people would think she was dead.

"Apricot, don't you like to eat the cake I made the most? I'm ready...so..." Bamamei walked to the Wudan witch, looked up at the tall body of the other party, and tremblingly said: "Quickly Come back, OK! We can continue to eat cake together... If you feel lonely, you can also live with me... So...

So please wake up! "

Accompanied by Bamamei's yelling that almost filled her emotions, the Wudan witch moved, and her drooping head lifted up again, as if she was looking at Bamamei in front of her, and then...