I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 554

This sentence was detonated in Jiang He's head like a big bomb, leaving his head empty for a time.

"Sakura Kyoko, have you also been asked..." Jiang He shook his body, then sat weakly.

This kind of thing...how could it be so easy to be accepted!

If the phantom named Phoenix really descends, then Mr. Wizard will die in order to seal it, so do you at least want Tong Yao to survive?

The purpose of approaching Tong Yao is to let Tong Yao transfer her inner spiritual support to him, and then use her own death to make Tong Yao despair, and then let her find new hope? Only in this way will Phoenix be truly trapped in Tong Yao's spiritual world?

At the same time, his death can also help the countermeasure team unearth the monster named Freeze?

Is this what Mr. Wizard thinks?

"Then you agreed to Mr. Wizard's request?" Jiang He looked at Li Xiu tremblingly.

"This is the righteousness of Mr. Wizard."

Chapter 510 The end of Kamen Rider Wizard is here!

"In order to find out the monster called the evil route type, so Wizard this guy came to me to cooperate."

This sentence made Tong Yao stop struggling, and then looked at Jon who was fighting Yingshanren in the battlefield.

"It's a lie..." Tong Yao's lips trembled slightly.

It must be a lie!

If it is only to seduce the evil way, there is no need for such a battle!

The battle between Mr. Wizard and Kamen Rogue just now... it didn't seem like acting at all! If you are not careful...

It's really going to die!

Thinking of this, Tong Yao's body began to struggle again, but the restraint from the chain gun became tighter in the next moment.

"Hey, you guy, don't mess with me!" Sakura Kyoko said vaguely while biting on the candy.

She thought that this would make Tong Yao settle down, but what she didn't expect was that Tong Yao's struggle became more intense in the next second.

"There must be other reasons in it, right!" Tong Yao continued to struggle, and at the same time showed an anxious look on his face: "If you just want to attract that monster out, you don't need to do this level at all, right? It’s like being cut off from the outside world now."

With that said, Tong Yao seemed to have realized something and said loudly: "The evil route can be hidden in the network, right! As long as the network in this city is gradually cut off according to the region, the evil route can be caught soon. Right! And the evil way is to kill Mr. Wizard. Didn't you do that to make the monster wish?"

Tong Yao keenly noticed something abnormal in Sakura Kyoko's explanation, which made Sakura Kyoko tsk.

What a keen guy! Sakura Kyoko thought this way, and then stopped paying attention.

"Who knows," she replied.


In the battlefield, the battle continues.

Hitoshi Takayama finds it very interesting, because the boss can always do something beyond his expectations, and no one can even guess what his true thoughts are before the truth is completely revealed.

If such an approach appears to the enemy, it will inevitably make people feel scared, but when it appears to the boss, it will only make Takayama Hitoshi interesting.

The Gatack Vulcan cannon on his shoulder kept firing towards Jon's location, and the light projectile shot from the barrel of the gun bombarded the rock wall made in the style of the earth easily to tear this defense to pieces.

But after the rock wall was torn apart, Jon's figure had already disappeared in place.

In the next second, the ground beneath Yingshanren's feet suddenly bulged, and then Jon's figure appeared from under the ground and kicked Yingshanren in the chest.

The terrible force kicked Takayama Ren's body off the ground, but Takayama Ren slowly opened Gatack's jaw.

"So how about trying this?"

[CastOff! 】

The heavy armor of the knight form began to bulge with the continuous flashing electric current. Once Jon chooses to attack at this time, he will definitely be shot out of the armor.


"Type of speed? It's not that there is no solution."

The green wizard's ring appeared in Jon's hand, and then placed it on the drive's sensing device.

[Hurricane! (hurricane)】

【Please! 】

The green magic circle appeared on top of Jon’s head, accompanied by the strong green wind element slowly descending, even before Jon completed his transformation, people felt that the surrounding air was suddenly possessed of life, moving towards Jon's location flooded.

And this scene made Tong Yao more painful.

She had already guessed something.

In order to attract the enemy hiding behind the scenes? But isn't this putting yourself in danger?

In the previous battle with Kamen Rogue Rogue, Tong Yao noticed that Mr. Wizard had been injured. If he continued to fight with such an injury, it would definitely lead to even worse results!

So that reason doesn't make sense at all! Mr. Wizard definitely has a deeper purpose in it!

And that purpose made Tong Yao a little scared.

She began to struggle again, but it also made her body feel throbbing pain.

"Are you crazy?" Sakura Kyoko looked at Tong Yao unexpectedly, "If you continue like this, you will be injured."

Tong Yao ignored it, but continued to struggle.

She has guessed the purpose of Mr. Wizard, so she is betting! Betting that Sakura Kyoko will release her restraints when she sees her struggling like this.

Sure enough, as she had guessed, after she showed that she would break free even if she twisted her arm, Sakura Kyoko directly released her restraint, and after landing, she didn't even look at Sakura Kyoko. At a glance, he stumbled towards Jon's location.


Only that kind of result she doesn't want!

It's near! It's close!

Tong Yao kept running forward, and she could even see the beryl gradually shattering on Jon's body under Ying Shanren's attack.

Not even getting close enough, she already started to stretch her palms forward, trying to grasp the warmth that she had only met with difficulty.

"Wizard first..."

Tong Yao tried to call Jon's name, but the next moment she found that the last word could not be spoken at all.