I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 581

It seemed that he had been expected to look like this, Ishibori Mitsuhiko threw a wet towel to him.

"Don't worry, it's just that the people in the anti-biological and chemical weapons processing department found some strange places."

When he heard these words, Kudo Kazuki was taken aback. Obviously he had noticed what was going on, but fortunately, a wet towel thrown by Ishibori Mitsuhiko made him cover up while pretending to wipe his sweat. Own anomaly.

"It turned out to be the case, I thought it was the alien beast that suddenly appeared." Komito Ikki pretended to be relieved, and then sat in front of Eisuke Kakura, and at the same time he asked Jon in his heart what he should do next. How to deal with it.

In Kudo Ikki’s eyes, although he had successfully transformed into a Kamen Rider before, this power does not belong to him, but Mr. Kamen Rider chose him as a user in order to help humans eliminate alien beasts. So he is not qualified to decide anything.

"Don't worry, they shouldn't suspect you." Jon comforted.

There is no doubt that once TLT knows the identity of Kudo Ikki, it will definitely order Kudo Ikki to surrender the Zecter system he used before, and even if Ikki Kudo is unwilling to use it strong, TLT is after all Knowing that Ultraman was helping them deal with the alien beasts, he would also give orders to capture the opponent when Ji Yazhun was exhausted after the battle, and then conduct various experiments on Ji Yazhun, even causing Ji Yazhun to lose his heartbeat.

Those who are deprived and fit are all selected by the "light." If another person is treated like this and escapes, it is possible to dismantle the TLT directly afterwards.

And not long after being treated like this, Ji Ya Zhun even dragged his body to fight the alien beast.

This approach made Jon feel sick.

In the entire TLT, only Ikki Komon made him feel good, and Naruto Saijo was just okay. So Jon chose Ikki Komon not only because of his identity, but also because he wanted to do things easily. In this way, I told Komon Ikki that the Ultraman he had always believed was indeed a human partner.

The comfort from Jon made Koumen Ikki relieved a lot, and then answered Wakura Hidesuke's question.

"The third person who appeared on the battlefield?" Kudo Kazuki shook his head, "I didn't see other people at the time. It might be because I was too nervous and ignored it."

This answer did not exceed Wakura Hidesuke's expectations. After all, Kudo Ikki was just an ordinary person in his eyes. Although he showed the ability to stand alone, it was impossible to possess such power.

"It's okay, I don't need to blame myself." Hekura shook his head and said: "After all, this is just another department's discovery. It's just a routine inquiry. At the same time, the reason why you are so hurried to return to the team is because of the chrome The special strengthening plan has been prepared, but the method of use is somewhat special, so we need to use the simulation equipment to practice in advance."

This made Koumen Ikki a sigh of relief, but when he asked about the enhancement plan, the alarm that represented the appearance of the alien beast sounded again!

At the same time, the calm voice of Commander Kira Sawayu sounded in the combat conference room.

"On the 7th area, at four or seven o'clock, the shock wave of the alien beast is confirmed, and the night raid team is ready to dispatch."

This sound made all the members of the night raid team frown as they were preparing to dispatch. It seemed that they did not expect that the alien beast named Baigbazun would only be eliminated. Less than two days later, the alien beast reappeared. NS.

The fact that such frequent appearances and the alien beasts that need to be dealt with are becoming stronger and stronger, casting a shadow in the hearts of almost all night raid team members. At the same time that the night raid team base sounded the alarm, Ji Yajun also noticed the existence of the alien beast, but when he rushed to the scene, he saw only a few corpses that had been completely carbonized into powder.

I'm late!

The scene in front of him made Ji Yazhun's face a little ugly, but then he seemed to have noticed something again, and suddenly turned around and fired a shot into the air not far away with the energy blasting gun.

It seemed that he was venting his anger because he failed to save these ordinary people who were attacked by alien beasts and lost their lives, but it was obviously not the case.

The vacuum shock wave blasted from the energy blasting gun swept forward, but did not disappear from the line of sight, but was easily blocked by a palm composed of purple energy.

This special attack that killed the shock wave of the alien beast just caused a ripple on the palm of this can only measure, and then dissipated in the air.

Then the huge figure hiding in the air began to gradually appear, appearing in front of Ji Yazhun.

"Sure enough, it's you guy, the lessons you learned last time weren't enough. You hide and lick your wounds? Faust..." Ji Yan held the evolutionary trustee in his hand, taunting.

"This time is different. If you don't put on the light, you will be the one who died." Faust's hoarse and low voice sounded.

At first, Ji Ya didn't understand the meaning of Faust's words, but the alien beast that appeared with the crack of the earth made his expression even more ugly.

This guy named Faust can control the alien beast?

Such a scene made Ji Yazhun a little unbelievable, but he also knew that now is not the time to hesitate, once the alien beast is allowed to move forward, then the city not far away will suffer!

At the moment when the decision is made, the evolutionary trustee is drawn by Ji Yajun, and then...

"Light" draped over him.


When the two giants representing light and darkness and an ugly, flower-shaped alien beast that was piled up with countless carrion appeared in the sight of the night raid team, they were already driving the Chrome Chester series of fighters. They also showed solemn expressions on their faces when they came to the battlefield.

They could tell at a glance the situation on the battlefield. The giant with horns on his head was cooperating with the alien beast to attack the Ultraman that Ikki Gumon always wanted to convince everyone. This made them feel somewhat Hesitate what action to take.

However, this situation only lasted for a second. Before the battle order from CIC was issued, the captain of the night raid team and Hidesuke Kurama made a decision.

"Attack the alien beast!"


The Chrome Chester series fighter jets traversed a trajectory in the air at extremely fast speeds, and then the alpha fighter piloted by Ikki Komon and Naru Saijo took the lead in attacking.

The laser cannon loaded in the fighter began to activate, and a dazzling beam shot towards the body of the alien beast in the next second, but then to everyone's surprise, this powerful attack from the alpha fighter was being attacked. Ji Yazhun, who was fighting with Faust and the alien beast, intercepted it.

This scene made Gumen Yikhui puzzled, but the communication from the wingman immediately silenced him.

"Spectre's analysis results come out. The gas emitted by the alien beast is flammable. If it is attacked easily, it will cause a big explosion, and the explosion will also spread that gas toward the surroundings."

This result caused the other team members to temporarily give up their plans to attack the alien beasts, circling around the battlefield that is currently in a melee, seeming to be looking for a way to break the game.

But what immediately made Kudo Ikki feel heavy is that Ji Yazhun had a flaw in the battle in order to stop his previous attack, and Faust kicked him hard in the waist with a whip.

This heavy foot even seemed to be able to hear the deafening sonic boom when he was in the cockpit of the fighter plane.

The terrifying power caused Ji Yazhun, who was caught by the flaw, to bend in pain, and then once again he was hit by Faust on the side of his head.

The strong wind caused by this force of tens of thousands of tons can not even get too close to the Chrome Chester fighter, otherwise there is a risk of being involved in the aftermath and crashing.

This made Koumen Ikki feel self-blame, and in his eyes it was because of his rash attack that interfered with Ultraman's battle, which made Ji Yazhun fall into a disadvantage.

He wanted to help, but at this moment, because of the special nature of the alien beast, he couldn't help Ji Yazhun at all.

So he thought of Jon's existence.

"Mr. Kamen Rider, I want to help Ultraman."

"Are you sure?" Jon's questioning voice sounded.

"Once you expose the identity of the Kamen Rider now, it will not only cause the dark Zaki to watch, but it will also make you rough by TLT."

Hearing these words, Koumen Ikki hesitated, but after seeing the scene where Ji Yajun was knocked to the ground by Faust again, he made up his mind.

"But even so, I want to help Ultraman. I haven't given an answer to the question he asked me last time."

Kudo Kazuki said directly, and then attracted the attention of Saijo Nagi.

"The lone door?"

Kudo Kazuki did not respond to Saijo Naru's words, but nervously awaited Jon's reply.

"But you are still too weak now, even if you are only lightly touched by the attack of the alien beast or the dark giant, you will die."