I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 582

Jon seemed to be discouraging Gumen Ikki, but there was no hesitation on Gumen Ikki's face.

Before, Mr. Ji Ya Jun asked him what "light" is.

This question Kudo Ikki had already had an answer in his mind, but he didn't have a chance to tell Ji Yazhun last time.

For him, "light" is a cosmic person!

Because the person who rescued him from falling into the water when he was a child was helping him, leaving him with the phrase ‘don’t give up’ and then disappeared into the light.

The cosmic man is possessed by Mr. Ji Shijun, and he is asked to fight the alien beast, and now the cosmic man is also possessed by him, so...

For him, this is "light"!

As if sensing the determination in Kudo Ikki's heart, Jon's tone gradually became admired.

"Nice enlightenment, Ikki."

As Jon's voice fell, the Wizard driver appeared on the waist of Kudo Ikki, along with the Ring of the Water Wizard.

"Since you want to help Ultraman, then just do it as much as you want. You can just fight, and I will think of the way."

"Thank you, Mr. Kamen Rider." Kizuki Kazuki let go of the joystick, and in Nai Saijo's incredulous gaze, he placed the connecting magic ring on his right hand on his waist according to Jon's instructions.

[Connect! 】

The red magic circle appeared, and then Ikki Kudo disappeared in the cockpit of the fighter plane and appeared high in the sky.

But even if his figure kept falling, Kudo Ikki didn't mean anything to be nervous.

[DriveOn! 】


[Water! 】

【Please! 】

This is a completely different power from the Kamen Rider Drake that he transformed into before, but even the first contact with Ikki Kudo can feel the strength of this power.

But he knew very well that the source of this power was not himself, but Mr. Kamen Rider who possessed him!

Mr. Kamen Rider is using himself as an energy source for him to fight!

After understanding this, Kudo Ikki's heart was touched for a while, but then he knew that he couldn't waste a bit of time now!

"Next, this is it."

Another magic ring appeared in Kudo Ikki's hands, and then he placed it in front of the Wizard drive sensing device.

[Big! 】

【Please! 】

As if the blue magic circle composed of flowing water appeared at the foot of Ikki, who was falling continuously.

In the next second, Kudo Kazuki's body passed directly through this magic circle, and then...


The third giant is here!


"What the **** is this..."

When the Kamen Rider Wizard, transformed by Ikki Koumon, passed through the magic circle and turned into a giant with a size comparable to Ultraman and appeared on the battlefield, all the members of the night raid team except Ishibori Mitsuhiko were stunned. NS.

The third giant appeared! But unlike the two giants that have already appeared, this new giant is wearing a gorgeous armor. The huge diamond-shaped sapphires on his chest and faceplate make him look completely different from other existences on the battlefield at the moment, even flanking. Ji Yazhun's alien beast and Faust stopped fighting temporarily when they noticed his appearance.

The intelligence from CIC made the night raid team members even more confused, because the third giant did not bring new shock waves after the appearance, that is to say, this new giant and alien beast as well as The other two giants are completely different beings!

So is he an enemy or a friend?

The captain of the night raid team and CIC are judging the current situation on the battlefield, and the corner of Mitsuhiko Ishibori's mouth in the Chromium Chester γ fighter slightly raised.

"Vice captain, lone player, this giant appeared not far away from you. Did you find anything unusual before that?"

The inquiry from Ishibori Mitsuhiko made Saijo Nagi's body tighten.

Obviously, the secret of Koumen Ikki can no longer be concealed.


Seeing Nai Saijo did not respond for a long time, the captain and Eisuke Kurama frowned slightly, and then...

Everyone got an unbelievable answer.

"This giant...should... be a solitary door..."

When Nai Saijo's voice rang in the ears of all the members of the night raid team and Kirazawa Yu from CIC, his eyes widened subconsciously.

Is this new giant a lone player?

What exactly is going on? !


Kudo Ikki still didn't know how much shock he had brought other people, he was still immersed in the shock that he suddenly became such a huge body.

Is this the power of Mr. Kamen Rider?

Kudo Ikki could feel the terrifying power in this body now, and not only that, he found that he had the power to manipulate flowing water!

The power to manipulate flowing water is definitely the most suitable ability to deal with the alien beast in front of you!

Without a teacher, Ikki Koumen raised his palm towards the sky under everyone's gaze.

In the next second, a huge magic circle enveloped the battlefield, and pouring rain poured down from the magic circle, dissolving the yellow combustible pollen spewed by the alien beast Lavria in it, and then was taken to the ground.

Just this one hand directly cracks the most difficult ability of this alien beast!

Even Faust was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

"Strange posture, I didn't expect that a second "light" would appear five years after that incident, but are you sure you are really "light"? "Faust asked Ikki to Gumen.

"I don't know." Kudo Kazuki shook his head. At the same time, the voice made the people of the Night Assault team confirm that, as Saijo Nai said, the third giant that appeared on the battlefield was the Night Assault team. New team member-Yimeng Yihui!

When this point is understood, everyone's complexion becomes extremely complicated.