I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 583

Who can imagine that this new player who hasn't fully integrated into the night raid team in their eyes actually possesses such terrifying power!

Is this the reason Ikki Komon always wanted them to trust Ultraman? It is precisely because he is the same existence as Ultraman, so do you do this?


The second "light"?

What does it mean?

Except for Ishibori Mitsuhiko and Kira Sawayu, no one understood what Faust meant.

However, unlike Mitsuhiko Ishibori's shocked appearance as the emperor, Kira Sawayu who was in CIC was plunged into horror after hearing these words from Faust.

The second "light"? !

Is there more than one "light" coming to the earth from the universe?

As the commander of the night raid team, Kira Sawa naturally knew where Ji Yajun's power came from, but TLT never knew that there was a second "light"!

And judging from the posture shown by Kudo Kazuki, it is completely different from the first "light"!

Kira Sawa was thinking about the answer, but the words that came out of Kudo Ikki's mouth caught him stunned.


"But as long as it is a power that exists to protect humans, then it is "light"! Faust was taken aback by Gumen Yikki's words, and then he sneered.

"It seems that you also don't understand the true meaning of power."

After that, Faust attacked again. However, contrary to the previous situation, after Komito Ikki's intervention, Ji Yajun has gotten rid of the predicament of being flanked by Faust and alien beasts. While Shide was fighting, he still kept his eyes on Gumen Yikki from time to time.

The moment Gumen Ikki appeared, he already understood what was going on.

The shopkeeper came to help him, but why did he use this method?

This is where Ji Shizhun was puzzled, but soon he didn't have the energy to think about it.

Reaching out to block Faust's hand knife and slashing, Ji Yajun fought with Faust again.

After the alien beast was dragged by the person chosen by the manager, his battle became a lot easier.

But Kudo Ikki was caught in a hard fight.

Despite having Jon as the source of magic power, Koumen Ikki is not good at close combat, not to mention that the object of combat is such an ugly alien beast.

Even if the combustible gas pollen sprayed by the opponent was constantly washed away in the pouring rain, Ikki Kudo still felt the terrible burning sensation that almost scorched his body.

Not to mention the terrifying power of this alien beast itself and the hideous mouthparts hidden deep in the petals. Once hit by such an attack, the result will definitely be very bad!

So Jun Hime...has always been fighting like this? "Captain, what should we do?" Saijo Nagi asked on the team channel.

While speaking, she looked up at the magic circle that enveloped the sky.

This level of heavy rainfall even affected Chrome Chester, especially under the hot steam that the alien beast sprayed out of combustible pollen and rain water came in contact with it, even driving in a fighter plane. The members of the night raid team in the cabin could all feel the burning sensation.

The sweat has wetted their bodies and faces at this moment, and this is just a reaction from not getting too close to the alien beast!

This made them unable to imagine what kind of pain Kudo Ikki, who was fighting with the alien beast, was enduring at the moment.

The captain and Kura Hidesuke are also hesitating.

He has actually received an order from CIC, ordering him not to disturb the battle between Ikki Komon and the alien beast for the time being, the reason is to test Ikki Komon's current strength.

This reason makes Wakura Hidesuke dissatisfied, because Ikki Kudo is different from Ultraman.

When receiving an order to attack Ultraman before, Kura Hidesuke did not feel that there was anything wrong, because Ultraman appeared with the same shock wave as the alien beast, so Kura Hidesuke was executing I didn't hesitate when I gave this order, but Ikki Kudo is different!

He is a member of his own team!

So after hearing inquiries from other team members, the back of Kakura Hidesuke's hand holding the joystick of the fighter violent.

Heavy gasps continued to be heard in the cockpit of this fighter jet, and finally he made a decision.

"Cover the lone team member and look for opportunities to attack."

Wakura Hidesuke gave this order to others, and then found that the heavy feeling in his heart disappeared without a trace after he made this decision.

This decision is undoubtedly contradicting the combat order issued by CIC, but Kakura Hidesuke can no longer manage so much at this moment, even if he will be punished after returning, I will talk about it after returning!

Whether it is a lone team member or other people in the team, they are all for destroying alien beasts and protecting human existence! It's not that other companions can only watch when they are caught in a hard fight now!

The other team members seemed to have heard the abnormal tone in Hekura Hidesuke's tone, but at the moment they obviously didn't have time to care about such things.

Changing the way of hovering in the sky, three Chrome Chester fighters flew towards the alien beast who was battling Komon Ikki, and then opened fire.

When the combustible pollen was washed away by the rain, the attack from the night raid team did not cause any bad effects, and it also helped Ikki Kudo to open the situation.

The powerful weapon system carried on the three Chrome Chester fighters easily ripped apart the alien beast’s defenses, leaving several terrifying wounds on its body, causing the alien beast to scream in pain. Voice.

Taking this opportunity, Gumen Ikki also got rid of the shackles of the alien beast, panting heavily.

He is still not suitable for this kind of battle. The energy provided by Mr. Kamen Rider is strong enough to easily destroy the alien beast in front of him, but he is restrained in his hands.


Seeing the fighter plane passing by not far away, the face under the visor of Kudo Ikki showed a sincere smile.

That's how it should be, everyone is working hard to protect mankind!


"It seems that you have also found a good helper." Faust's low and hoarse voice sounded again.

At the beginning, he looked like he was about to take Ji Yazhun's life, but now he retreated without hesitation, as if the appearance of Ikki Gumen had disrupted his plan.

"But..." Faust's figure began to disappear slowly, "Don't forget, I am your shadow, as long as you still exist, I will not disappear."

Ji Ya Zhun wanted to stop, but Faust disappeared too fast, and after leaving this sentence, he had completely disappeared in front of Ji Ya Zhun.

This guy!

Ji Shiquan cursed secretly, but in the end he didn't choose to pursue Faust's trace, but turned around to help Gumen Yikki deal with the alien beast.

This alien beast has already gradually fallen into a disadvantage with the addition of the night raid team, and now it has been added Ji Yazhun, so it can not set off any waves, and soon exploded under a cross light storm of Ji Yazhun. , The combustible pollen stored in its body also failed to spread to other places under the water magic of Ikki Kudo’s greatest output.

The battle with the alien beast is over, but the situation has also become a little weird.

After seeing the death of the alien beast, Kira Sawayu, who is located in CIC, did not hesitate to continue to give orders for the Night Assault Team and Ikki Koto to attack Ultraman, but at this moment no one chose to execute it, just quietly. Looking at the two giants who are facing each other.