I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 621

And this scene also caused the other three people present to look at Gumen Yikki in astonishment.

They didn't think that Ikki Komon could intervene in such a battle, but the words that came out of Ikki Komon caught them in a daze.

"Humans are indeed despicable, but if all humans are despicable, then how could the "light" in Mr. Hime Ya Jun always help us? "

Pulling Drake's tail, the blue electric current began to flash on Kudo Ikki's body.


[CastOff! 】

When the heavy blue armor faded, revealing the streamlined knight-shaped armor below, Ikki Kudo's voice also sounded again.

"That's why I think that the "Hikari" who selected Mr. Ji Ya Jun must feel that there are many people like Mr. Ji Ya Jun who are trustworthy by everyone, so I am willing to help mankind. "

Although I can no longer see Kudo Ikki's face at the moment, Kakura Hidesuke subconsciously feels that Kudo Ikki should have said this with a smile, and then...

"Then as long as I can convince Mr. Kamen Rider to trust humans again, then the crisis will be resolved." Ikki Komon's almost whimsical thoughts stunned everyone, including the entire TLT.

Let Evolto trust humans again?

Is this really possible?

The other party is not human! I don't even know how long years have passed in the universe! How could it be so simple to change your mind! !

Everyone thinks so, but Ikki Koumen doesn't think so.

The reason is the Zecter system he uses now!

Just as he thought, if Mr. Kamen Rider is really unscrupulous in order to accomplish his goal, then there is no need to move the battlefield to this area, right? And there is no need to leave him such a Kamen Rider system!

Just when Ikki Kudo was about to tell others about his thoughts, a light flashed across the sky, which made his face under his visor show a smile, and then changed his words: "Mr. Ji Ya Jun must think so too. Yes, so come here."


Ji Yazhun's complexion was complicated at this moment. The first time he learned that there was a behind-the-scenes man who wanted to take away the "light", he became vigilant, but the manager told him at the time that he only needed to continue to search for the answer. No need to worry about other things.

But now, he already understands why the store manager behaves so strangely.

Obviously, he has successfully found the man behind the scenes, but he has built himself into an image that Zaki doesn't mind destroying the planet in order to eliminate the darkness.

The reason for everything is because of the plan that TLT had taken for him before.

Ji Shi Zhun had no doubt that if he was in a state of exhaustion after fighting with the alien beast, then those people at TLT would definitely not hesitate to make the decision to capture him!

So he didn't trust TLT, but he didn't think about taking revenge on TLT.

But now Jon's approach made Ji Yazhun hesitate whether his previous approach was correct.

This hesitation does not mean revenge on TLT for venting anger, but...

If in the future Ultraman from that planet 0-50 or other alien visitors who came to Earth with a friendly attitude are treated like this by TLT, will it bring the planet annihilation?

Ji Yan couldn't guarantee that there was no such possibility, so he rushed here as soon as he learned of what happened here.

Not only to help the store manager deal with the dark Zaki, but also to take this opportunity to let those stupid TLT executives understand what they shouldn't do!

After the transformation was completed, Ji Yazhun turned into a ball of light and came to the place where Jon and Dark Zaki fought.

But the second after Ji Yazhun stepped into this battlefield, he felt something was wrong!

Obviously, before he even started fighting, his physical stamina began to drain sharply! Even the dark energy in the air became extremely active when he sensed his arrival, rushing toward his body as if preparing to swallow up the "light" in his body.

Such a weird change made Ji Yazhun very clear that this is definitely the means that dark Zaki prepares to take away the "light"!

After understanding the peculiarities of the battlefield at this moment, Ji Yajun folded his hands directly in front of him without saying a word, and the terrifying energy began to gather on the armed Nexus on both arms.

The dazzling light seems to tell everyone who is paying attention to this battlefield that his arrival, but what makes his face ugly is that the strongest blow from Ji Yajun, the power called Layering Light·Storm, failed to do what he had before. The results achieved when dealing with alien beasts.

When the dazzling light blue energy particle beam shot directly at the dark Zaki who was fighting against Jon, but was directly split by the dark energy palm of the dark Zaki, the TLT executives finally understood. .. What a terrifying power is possessed by the behind-the-scenes man who counts the entire TLT and the earth!

The first "light" that descended on the earth couldn't even hurt the opponent!

At the same time, the attack from Dark Zaki is coming again!

After being pushed high into the sky by the stacked light storms from Ji Yajun, Zaki Dark took this opportunity to attack again.

The black energy surged on Dark Zaki's arm, and then was transformed into a terrifying black flame, blasting in the direction where Ji Yajun was.

Before even waiting for such a black flame to come, the three people who had not escaped from the desert and Ikki Gumen could feel the terrible temperature!

Just appearing in the hands of Dark Zaki, they can all feel the surrounding temperature rise sharply! This makes them have no doubt that even if Dark Zaki does not directly release such a terrifying flame, all creatures in this area will be killed in such a high temperature in a short time!

Zaki Hellfire!

Although it is not as good as the Noah Hellfire whose center exceeds one trillion degrees when Ultraman Noah was used in his heyday, the temperature of this black flame easily exceeds the temperature of the center of the sun!

When such a terrifying black hellfire hit Ji Yazhun, Ji Yazhun found that he was just deploying an energy shield in front of him, and the energy in his body began to consume sharply.

A terrifying blow knocked Ji Yajun directly from the sky back to the ground, and even when the hellfire that was not completely blocked by Ji Ya's energy shield splashed onto the surrounding ground, it easily turned the surrounding into a huge magma pool! If it weren't for Jon's timely support to interrupt the dark Zaki's attack, maybe Ji Ya would be blasted into the center of the earth!

The black hole appeared again, engulfing the hellfire that spewed from the hands of the dark Zaki.

The terrible flame that can burn through to the heart of the earth has no resistance in front of the black hole. At the same time, Jon also appeared in front of the dark Zaki again with the help of the wormhole ability and kicked it out. There is still hellfire remaining with the dark Zaki. Wen's arms collided hard.


When the pure power began to clash, even the clouds in the sky were directly torn apart by the shock wave vented out!

Jon has already sensed Dark Zaki’s intentions. The "fear" power from "Wang Chuan" has been spreading out following the battle of Dark Zaki, polluting the surrounding area. If Ji Yazhun continues to fight in this area If this is the case, then not only the physical energy is rapidly consumed, but even the "light" will gradually be taken away by the darkness Zaki!

Even more terrifying, the constant appearance of alien beast alarms all over the world is also continuously increasing the power of Dark Zaki!


"I can't help it..."

The black magic girl bottle appeared again, replacing the knight system bottle.

[OvertheEvolution! 】

Dark power gushed out from Jon and turned into a dark tornado. Even the dark Zaki, whose arms had already condensed a blade of dark light, could not tear the tornado condensed by black hole energy. .

[BlackHole! 】

[BlackHole! ! 】

The Dark Light Blade was torn to pieces as soon as it touched the Dark Tornado, and the Dark Zaki people were also lifted off under the terrible power that immediately burst out.