I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 641

This sentence made Gan Qiao stunned, and then asked in disbelief: "How did you know?"

At the moment when he heard where he wanted to travel, Qian Qiao had this answer in his heart, but he hadn't said it yet!

"I can sense anyone's heart." The girl stretched out her palm and pressed it to her dry chest.

This action made Qianqiao take a few steps back subconsciously.

"Hey! Girls, don't make such strange movements suddenly!"

"I heard your body crying, sir, but I regret that I cannot save you, so please allow me to give you some help in the last stage of your life. If you travel, where do you want to go? Your body can't support you anymore. You are driving the locomotive all the way to enjoy the scenery."

As soon as this sentence came out, no matter how dull she was, she was aware of the abnormality of the girl in front of her.

However, Qianqiao couldn't detect any hostility from the opponent.

"I said I don't want to travel." Qianqiao scratched his head, "I said, I just want to meet my friends, why are you stopping me?"

"Friend?" The girl was taken aback, and then shook her head again, "It's a pity that I can't let you meet Mr. Kiba."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ganqiao scratched his hair frantically. Before that, he had imagined that there would be an accident that would prevent him from seeing Yuji Kiba, such as getting lost, Mu Field Yuji happened to be out, but he didn't expect it to be such a strange girl.

"Who the **** are you guys?!"

"Yun Yuyang, this is my name. The task is to protect Mr. Kiba's safety." The girl named Yun Yuyang bowed slightly to Gan Qiao, and even took out her wallet directly and handed it to Gan. skillful.

"I hope this money can help you, sir, leave beautiful memories in the last days of your life."

"I've said it, don't talk to yourself about strange things!" Qianqiao yelled, and at the same time opened his luggage bag and prepared to transform, but he hadn't waited for him to take out the box containing the Faiz drive and mobile phone. He saw a green shadow appearing in his sight, and then the light dimmed suddenly.

"You guy!" Qian Qiao realized that the other party had started first, but after he opened the box, he found that there were no people around. The reason why the light suddenly dimmed was because he had come to an alley for some reason.

"Has it gone?" Gan Qiao glanced around and found that the strange girl no longer existed around him, and then silently put it back in the box.

He walked out of the alley, and then found that he seemed to have come to a strange place.

"That guy...what the **** do you mean?" Ganqiao's face was stinky. It was obvious that he was about to see Yuji Kiba, but in the end he met such a strange guy.

Do you want to transform first, and then trouble the other party?

Judging from the feeling from his body, he should have been brought here by the opponent from near the countermeasure group base at a terrifying speed, which means that if the opponent really wants to do something to him, then he should be dead.

"Asshole Kiba, even if you come to this world, is the relationship between women so good?" Gan Qiao looked upset.

Because he didn't know the road, he could only return to the office first and told Jon what he had encountered.

After listening to the dry description, Jon also showed a strange expression on his face.

"There is someone around Yuji Kiba protecting him?"

This is unreasonable!

The reason why Jon didn't pay much attention at the beginning was mainly because the battle power of the Kamen Rider 555 world was not high. He thought that this was just a special reunion of friends. How could this have happened.

The extremely terrifying speed instantly took him from near the countermeasure group base to a strange place, and he also has the ability to read his mind?

It's impossible to be the sister of the king, this mayfly protozoan, right?

The key is...

Why was Yuji Kiba protected by a protozoan? ! Is there any intersection between Orfino and Protozoa? Obviously impossible! And it's still a moulting protozoan, even ten ponies are not enough for each other to fight.

Jon is also a little confused, but if he can't figure it out, why not go and have a look with Gan Qiao?

But now that he hasn't "resurrected", he can only borrow Sakura's body, but Sakura is still in school now! It is impossible that now he is directly attached to Sakura, ready to skip class, and then raises the corner of his mouth at the teacher who is going to stop him, saying-are you teaching me Evolto to do things?


Don't! This is too shameful!

In the end, Jon still didn't interrupt Ma Tong Sakura's class time. Since the suspicious character was ‘protecting’ Yuji Kiba, and he did not directly attack him, at least from now on, the other party is not malicious.

But why exactly?

Is there really any quality in Yuji Kiba that he saw it off?

For Yuji Kiba, what impressed Jon most was his gentle character towards everyone, and even if he became Orfino, he wanted to continue to live as a human being and then protect it.

Excluding the later blackening, it looks like a template for the male lead of Asashi!

Is it possible that the girl in Ganqiao's mouth was subdued by the Asashi aura of Yuji Kiba, but because she is not a human, she acts as a guardian of the dark?

Obviously impossible!

If that was the case, she would have no reason to stop Ganqiao from going to see Yuji Kiba.

Then you can also directly rule out the reason why Gan Qiao is a Kamen Rider. After all, Dragon Girl and Tong Yao are also Kamen Riders, but they saw Yuji Kiba.

So what exactly is it?

Jon frowned slightly, then remembered the words that the dragon girl murmured when she mentioned Yuji Kiba.

It seems to be saying that a tiger-level disaster suddenly went violently and became stronger, which is very unreasonable.

Jon didn't pay much attention to this sentence at the time, but now it seems that the words are full of doubts.

If that girl's mission is really to protect Yuji Kiba, then he shouldn't be allowed to reveal his Orfino identity, then...

In other words, the tiger-level disaster suddenly went wild and it was indeed as unreasonable as the dragon girl said.

Jon pressed his forehead helplessly when he was guessed right by that fool.

Why did it happen that he was stopped because of his identity as Orfino? Or what else?

And since the girl’s description is ‘mission’, it also means that there may be a stronger person behind her.

So what do they want from Yuji Kiba?

Jon was trying to find the answer from these limited clues, and Qianqiao was unable to sit still.

Then, the office door was pushed open again, and what came in was...

"Saitama?" Jon glanced curiously at Saitama who opened the door and walked in, especially after seeing his empty palm, he became more curious.

"Don't you grab a discounted item this time?"

"Because something happened... so I couldn't catch up." Saitama explained, scratching the head that seemed untenable even for mosquitoes.

Saitama's tone sounded a little distressed, which made Jon wonder what exactly caused Saitama to show such an expression.