I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 67

An anxious voice rang in Jon's mind, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch up slightly.

"Does Kyoko care about me?"

"Long-winded! I just don't want to see you idiot go to death!"

"Then follow what I said, part of your consciousness is bound in the body of Witch's Night. This is the reason why you have not awakened, but now there is a solution."

Standing on the shore, Jon put his palm on the Book of Dimension and watched the colorful ropes that were used to draw the Witch's Night out of the void gradually break, his face unmoved.

"Next, I will let Mami guide you to a place, rest assured that you are absolutely safe in that place, and your soul and body will become one again."

"What about you?" Sakura Kyoko asked.

"My word, I'm ready to start the final work." Jon replied with a smile.

The three were silent, but only Kyoko Sakura knew what Jon was going to do next.

After several seconds, she continued to speak.

"Definitely...don't die, bastard! Otherwise I won't forgive you for the rest of my life!"


After speaking, Jon took his palm back from the Book of Dimension and broke the contact.

In the end, he did not answer Bamami's follow-up question asking him what to do.

"Is this the technology you developed?"

The second after Jon disconnected, Chobe's voice remembered beside Jon.

The red eyes stared at the Book of Dimensions that appeared in Jon's hands, seeming to estimate what kind of help such things can bring to its mission.

"It's understandable..." Jon didn't explain too much. Then, in the unbelievable gazes of Kamen Maru and Akomi Homura, he opened his mouth and said: "Kewpie, I have decided what I want to achieve. ."

At the moment when he heard Jon's words, Lumu Yuan shook her hand, and the magic arrow flicked from the side of Witch's Night, her eyes widened and turned to look at Jon.

"Mr. Manager..."

Xiao Miyan did the same, looking at Jon incredulously.

"It's not surprising..." Jon gave a smile, "After all, I need to be paid for helping out."

"But...but..." Xiao Miyan seemed to want to say something, but Jon rubbed her head roughly.

"Don't worry, as an adult, I won't make a choice that I regret."

"Indeed, if it is an adult human being, then he will definitely do what is best for him..."

Chobe agreed with Jon's choice, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted roughly by Jon.

"Shut up if you say! It's enough to let me be a magical girl!"

While roughly interrupting Chobe's speech, the genetic factor of E total appeared in Jon's hands again.

Chapter 62

After being reminded by Jon that way, Bamami remembered that she had the ability to go to the office. Kyoko Sakura and Miki Sayaka now also have them, but unlike Bamami who was selected by the world and came to the firm, Sakura Kyoko and Miki Sayaka need guidance.

Of course it is not difficult, and after getting rid of the body of Witch's Night through this tricky method, their respective bodies also came to the office together.

It is still the playground that has no one but operates as usual.

The body came back, but the three of them did not have any excited expressions on their faces, instead they looked solemn.

"Hey! Mami, tell me how to go back!" Sakura Kyoko said loudly, clutching Mami's shoulder.

Bamamei didn't say much, she directly took the palms of the two of them and prepared to leave.

Thinking of the thin figures of Jon and Madoka Homura in front of Witch's Night, she felt a convulsive pain from her heart.

And in the end, when Jon didn't answer her questioning, she was so upset that she was going crazy!

Unlike Kyoko who took the initiative to become a witch in order to wake them up idiots, her wayward approach was more like hiding herself behind Jon and letting him face the terrifying monsters that had nothing to do with him alone.

How could she accept this kind of thing now!

It's clearly agreed!

Bumami wanted to rush back to help Jon deal with Witch's Night, but before she reached out and grabbed the door of the cabin behind her, the door opened automatically.

Then came out a bald head with dangling eyes. He was a little surprised when he saw Bamami and his party.

"Ah...It turned out to be you, I thought it was Jon who came back. Do you know where he went recently? I'm tired of the facilities here."


The genetic factor caught in Jon's hand instantly penetrated into Jon's body after losing the energy of the Book of Dimension, which also made him show a painful expression.

The red and black thick blood vessels instantly covered Jon's skin, making him look hideous and terrifying.

He is very clear about the consequences of using this terrible thing. If he came to this world, he would definitely not choose to use the things that E always left with bad intentions, but it is different now!

The reason why a magical girl is called a magical girl is just that the most suitable object is a girl in the second sexual period.

Not because of the age of the body, but also because of the passionate emotions of the girls in this period.

And this prerequisite for becoming a magical girl is to be directly supplemented by the Book of Dimensions.

The price of becoming a magical girl is that the soul is bound in the soul gem, but is this a price for Jon?

Do not! Once the genetic factor of E total is used, then Jon’s body may be controlled by E total, because the other party has this idea and thinks that Jon may one day have to use what he left behind because of the need for strength. .

This is a shame, and Jon also took it.

But E always guessed that Jon could find a way to get the soul out of the body!

As long as the soul directly controls the body, there is no possibility that Jon will be directly controlled by E.

As for becoming a witch in despair?

Judging from the information he possesses, it is not certain who calculated and who!

"From the very beginning, I was collecting the Lamenting Seeds, and then I got their souls..." Jon said calmly, the surface of his body covered with ferocious blood vessels.

"I know that it is precisely because of this that the cause and effect you have will continue to grow. The cause and effect you have is extremely special, as if it is a combination of a large number of broken cause and effect." Chubby shook. Hold his tail, and then continue:

"But after all, you are not a real girl, no matter how hot emotion you have, you will be suppressed by your reason, but you have found a way I never thought of. If you continue to collect magical girl souls, then In the end, I am afraid it will become a terrifying magical girl who can destroy the planet in one blow."