I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 683

The Dragon Maiden doesn't know the answer, but if there is such a possibility, then she needs to correct the other person's thoughts!

So after hearing Douzhen’s words, the Dragon Maiden shook her head and said: “Not all Orfino will harm humans, and there are also people like Gan Qiao and Yuji Kiba! Even if it’s Hou Liang... also has a shining point!"

Douzhen was taken aback by this sentence, and then he smiled again.

"You should have been deceived by the appearance of the Orfino. Didn't you also say before that appearance is a very important factor for humans? Although Orfino still has half of humanity, they No longer intends to regard themselves as humans, and after this half is abandoned, they are completely non-human."

With that said, Douzhen seemed to feel that this was not enough, and the blue rune on his right hand lit up.

He is a god, he has all the abilities in this world! Even if it is the ability that he doesn't have right now, it's just that he didn't think of it.

Dou Zhen gave the dragon girl a short-term mind-reading ability, and at the same time that this ability appeared on the dragon girl, she heard the cheerful smile from Meng Qi's heart.

"That idiot is finally dead!"

"I survived, and evolution is ushered in! The sacrifice of my companions is worth it! I am Orfino's hope!"

"Those idiots who choose to surrender to humanity have no idea what they missed! They missed eternal life! They missed the opportunity to rule the world with me!"

"As long as I kill enough people, I will become stronger and stronger!"


When these words appeared in the dragon girl's mind, she even wanted to jump out and kill Meng Qi, but she knew that her most important task was not this.

The matter between Orfino was settled by Orfino himself, unless they personally asked for the help of the humans and asked the humans to destroy Meng Qi, otherwise she would not be able to take action!

"But...it’s wrong to use a single individual to evaluate the entire ethnic group!" The dragon girl put on an offensive posture, and then seriously said: "Could it be that you want to destroy the human race because of the existence of bad guys in humans. ?"

"No." Douzhen smiled gently, "Humans are my children, how could I go to my own children."

"You said before that Orfino is one of the directions of human evolution!"

"That's just a wrong judgment." Dou Zhen explained patiently, but the words of the dragon girl in the next second made him startled.

"But you also said that spiritual power is one of the directions of human evolution, so in the future you will also feel that this is a misjudgment and eliminate humans who have been exposed to spiritual power?"

Dou Zhen did not answer this question immediately.

It is not easy for Douzhen to admit that his previous view of Orfino was a misjudgment. After all, he is a god. Even if it is really a misjudgment, he should not admit it. The love of mankind, he felt that his misjudgment might bring danger to mankind, so he admitted it.

But now the words of the Dragon Maiden also made him doubtful.

Since he denied the previous claim that Orfino belongs to the evolution of human beings, will he also deny that spiritual power is the direction of human evolution in the future?

There are one or two. After a proud **** confessed his mistake for the first time, it does not seem very surprising that it appears the second time.

And this hesitation made the Dragon Maiden confirm her previous judgment. If the thought of the person in front of her is not corrected, then it is very likely to bring disasters to mankind in the future! so...

"I will definitely correct your weird thoughts!"

[MaxHazardOn! 】

The kill switch on the dangerous trigger was pressed once again, and the black dragon bound by the golden chain appeared again!

[GataGataGotton! ZuttanZutan! 】

[GataGataGotton! ZuttanZutan! 】

As the drive rocker was turned, the black dragon once again tore off the golden chain that bound its huge jaws, and let out a roar at Douzhen.

The deafening roar shattered the windows of the office, and even the windows on the lower floors were unavoidable!

[ReadyGo! 】

Broken glass shards kept falling downward, and the dragon girl also rushed towards Douzhen, but...

"It's impossible for humans to hurt me." The smile on Douzhen's face was still gentle, and the gaze towards the dragon girl seemed to be looking at a child in the rebellious period.

The golden energy light wall easily blocked the powerful blow of the Dragon Girl, and it also made Dou Zhen once again hear the thoughts that came from the heart of the Dragon Girl.

"Child, I'm very curious, why do you think you beat me up for my own good?" Dou Zhen can still clearly perceive the thoughts in the dragon girl's heart at this moment, just like after he was stripped of genetic factors before, he perceives The other party would feel sad that he might not be able to continue to protect humans in the future. This time, Dou Zhen felt such strange thoughts from the dragon girl.

"Because..." The dragon girl gritted her teeth and stretched her palm to the dangerous trigger again.

Only when you really fight this enemy called Douzhen, can you feel the gap between the two sides that is like a ditch, just like what Douzhen said.

Humans cannot hurt him!

The thin golden wall of light blocked the dragon girl’s attack, and even recovered her calm after only a few ripples, telling the dragon girl that no matter how hard she works, there are things that humans can’t do at all, but. ..

"Because only by beating you well, Douzhen, you can truly realize what kind of race a human being is! Can you really use a human mind to look at all of this now!"

Accompanied by the Dragon Maiden's words from the heart, her left hand clenched a fist without hesitation, and once again smashed towards the dangerous trigger.

[MaxHazardOn! 】

The black mist spouted from her body once again, injected into the huge and hideous body of the black dragon, making its body that had become fragmented under the barrier of the golden light wall become stable!

Then the black dragon began to roar again, trying to break through the thin golden wall of light blocking it.

The terrible impact caused ripples on it, as if it would be able to tear this light wall in the next second, pouring his own anger on Dou Zhen who was behind the light wall.

But it is still in vain!

Even the huge body of the roaring black dragon tore the floor at the top of the building, tore the ceiling and the surrounding walls, turning this simple but aesthetically pleasing office of the chairman into ruins in an instant. The thin paper-like golden light wall still stood firmly in front of the dragon girl, and even the corner of Douzhen's clothes standing behind the light wall could not be blown up!

Dou Zhen's face was calm and calm, and he even stopped the Angel of Water who wanted to shoot because he saw the dragon girl do something to him.

"Go and execute the previous order." Dou Zhen said calmly.

And this sentence made the Dragon Girl more firm in her determination!

She must change the idea that Dou Zhen is so dangerous!

Maybe her strength is not enough, maybe her behavior at the moment is just a fool in Douzhen's eyes, but...

This is the real human!

Regardless of the genetic factors of Uncle Blood Latent in her body, as long as she still thinks that she is a human, then her belief in protecting all humans will not change!

"The decision is human... not the body, but..."

Make a fist again with his left hand and smash it down!

[MaxHazardOn! 】

"It's their will!"