I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 725

"Tomorrow! Youxiang will know tomorrow." The Dragon Maiden said with a look on her face, patted her chest and said: "I promise! It will definitely shock Youxiang! As long as you study hard, you will be able to change Youxiang. Back to the original!"

Even if Wuma Youxiang is not abnormal, she will choose to tell her own discovery, because such a discovery can definitely save many people!

Not only those students, there are more people!

Kamen Rider Sasword will not disappear!

The confident appearance made Wuma Youxiang breathe a sigh of relief, but she didn't notice that Maria, who was standing on the top of the countermeasure team building not far away, couldn't help but shook her head after seeing this scene.

Unlike Wuma Youxiang, she guessed from the very beginning what the dragon girl was going to do, but it was precisely because she had guessed that Maria did not want to see such a scene.

If it really becomes like that, then it is possible that more than one person will be hurt.

Wuma Youxiang didn't know what Maria was thinking now, she was just very curious about where the dragon girl's confidence came from.


At the same time, what happened a few days ago was also constantly fermenting on the Internet. After all, the centipede was decapitated in the street without resistance, struggled and then was nailed to the ground. The **** scene was still seen by many people. After that, coupled with the armor that was completely different from people's impressions, people were very curious about what was going on.

People also know that there is Kamen Rider Sasword in the countermeasure group. After all, unlike other Kamen Riders, Wuma Yuxiang has performed missions in many cities, but this new form is the first time. Appear in people's eyes.

And most importantly...

Recently, the Jiangqu City Countermeasures Team is almost in a state of nothing to do!

Any disaster that comes to Jiangqu City, even the weakest wolf-level disaster, is almost directly solved the first time it comes!

This makes people unable to help but think of the paradise system that was once popular but has become a taint, no! This is even countless times more efficient than the paradise system! It seems that the Kamen Rider has never rested from start to finish, but is constantly hunting disasters!

This situation also caused many people to worry about whether the countermeasures team had come up with some moths, and even some people were alarmist about whether there was a problem with the Kamen Rider system, which caused the Kamen Rider Sasword to fail to exit the acceleration state.

Although such wild speculation was quickly overturned by others, Wuma Youxiang did not take it as a joke.

Of course, it is impossible for the Kamen Rider system to malfunction, but she from the future showed such a situation abruptly.

Did she really take a break from the accelerated form? Wuma Youxiang looked at the documents obtained from the Jiangqu City Countermeasures Team and was silent.

The document records the frequency of disasters that have occurred in Jiangqu City in the past few days, but none of them were resolved by the countermeasure team!

What does she want from the future?

Wuma Youxiang read all the documents in his hands without saying a word, and then looked at the dragon girl who had put on a naive pajamas.

She subconsciously felt that the reason why her future self returned to the present was probably because of the dragon.

Such a look was noticed by the dragon girl, and she hurriedly put the Zect buckle that had not been retracted into her backpack.

"It's agreed, Youxiang must not use this buckle!"

The nervous appearance seemed to be worried that Wuma Youxiang would go back and want to use this buckle, which made Wuma Youxiang a little bit to laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't use it."

With that, Wuma Youxiang glanced at Maria who was standing in front of the window.

She was a little surprised why this lady Maria has been silent today, as if something was on her mind.

Shaking his head, Wuma Youxiang did not ask Maria the reason, but took out the blood-stained amulet.

She still couldn't understand why Maria didn't choose to take this amulet directly, obviously she didn't care at all, and...

Wuma Youxiang remembered what her mother had said to her at home.

She will prepare her favorite fried shrimp tempura and pork chop rice.

Is it a coincidence? Or did Ms. Maria know her favorite thing in advance? Recalling the dinner that Maria brought to her in the countermeasure team of Gui City, Wuma Youxiang's eyes were a little trance, as if she saw the housekeeping aunt who was scared off by her again, and the words that scared her.

"Isn't this a house where no one lives? I have been taking care of this house for several years."

When these words rang in his mind again, Wuma Youxiang trembled, and then noticed that Maria was looking at her.

"What's the matter?" Maria asked.

"I just thought of something." Wuma Youxiang shook his head, then went to bed as if nothing happened.

Soon, the lights in the dormitory were extinguished.

Tonight, the Dragon Girl was also rare to be noisy, as if she was going to give her a big surprise the next day, as she said during the day, she needed to recharge her energy.

After thinking about it, Wuma Youxiang fell asleep.

She thought she would sleep peacefully tonight, but in the middle of the night, she was awakened suddenly, panting heavily.

It's the feeling of being watched again!

Wuma Youxiang looked around, trying to find the figure in this small dormitory, but found nothing.

"Illusion?" Wuma Youxiang muttered to herself, and then was about to fall asleep again, but the touch sent back from her palm in the next second made her body stiff suddenly.

She twisted her head abruptly, and...

She saw the Zect buckle that was placed on the pillow for some time! when? !

When Wuma Youxiang saw the weird Zect buckle appearing next to her pillow, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Reminiscing about being awakened in her sleep just now, she thought of a certain possibility.

From the future, she hopes she can use such a buckle?


Wuma Youxiang felt her thoughts become a little confused, and then subconsciously looked at the window.

The window was opened, and Maria looked out the window with her hands on the windowsill, and turned her head after hearing the movement of Wuma Yuxiang.

"It seems that you are also disturbed by that uninvited guest..."

"Ms. Maria also found out?" Wuma Youxiang subconsciously said, and then got Maria's affirmative answer.

"Yes..." Maria regained her gaze on the outer sky, and said calmly: "But such an obvious action should be because she didn't intend to hide it."

Maria gave this answer, and then heard the sound of the zipper being pulled from behind.

Looking back, Maria found that it was Wuma Youxiang who got out of bed and put the Zect buckle back into the Dragon Girl's backpack, and then the sound made by pulling the zipper up.

During the whole process, the dragon girl didn't notice at all, she was falling asleep.

"Yes, from the future, I should have hoped that I would use such a buckle." Wuma Youxiang replied.