I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 726

"Aren't you going to use it?"

Wuma Youxiang shook his head and said, "If I use it, the dragon will definitely be angry."

She didn't know what Long was going to do, but since it was already agreed, she wouldn't break it.

And when she put the Zect buckle back into the dragon girl's backpack just now, she noticed the spiritual liquid in the backpack, perhaps this is the source of dragon's confidence.

Wuma Youxiang is not going to break the agreement, because Long has worked so hard, she should also trust the other party.

After putting the Zect buckle back into the dragon girl's backpack, Wuma Youxiang said his thoughts before going back to sleep.

"I don't want to make her angry."

"Come on, then," Maria said, then closed the window and plunged the room into silence again.

However, neither Wuma Yuxiang nor Maria knew that the conversation and actions between them were completely seen by Jon.

After seeing them fall asleep again, Jon also stopped the peeping behavior and appeared on the roof of their residence.

But when he returned here, he found that there was already one more figure here.

"I said...what are you thinking?" Yun Yuyang jumped off the fence with a blank expression on his face and asked, looking at Jon.

"I have already given the thing you gave me to Dragon, now it's time for me to get paid."

"It's a pity..." Jon spread his hands and said helplessly: "I thought that the help between friends was not required to be paid."

I have to say that Miss Protozoa's weakness is too obvious, and she eats this set very much.

"You guy..." Yun Yuyang looked like he wanted to get angry, but then changed another way of saying, "Although he is very upset about your guy's impulsive behavior, but correspondingly, if it is a friend You shouldn't hide the truth of the matter either!"

The brows under Jon's visor lightly raised. He didn't expect Yun Yuyang to catch the loophole, but he didn't intend to hide it.

"If I said that I didn't have to let her return to her previous thoughts, would you believe it?"

Yun Yuyang didn't believe it.

"There is nothing strange..." Jon's tone became a little helpless, "I don't have much intersection with her, so I don't have the right to make her look what I want, otherwise Isn't she the marionette in my hand?"

This sentence puzzled Yun Yuyang.

"Then what's your purpose in giving that weird belt to her?"

"It can be said to provide her with another path. As an outsider, I don’t force her to successfully recover who she used to be. She should make her own choice, but I hope that even if she chooses to give up, she chooses to be this Abandoning the world, I will continue to work hard to find the light in my heart instead of sinking into it completely."

Jon's answer did not seem to be false, but there was still a part that was not said, that is, if Wuma Youxiang fails in the end, then the responsibility that belongs to her will be taken over by the dragon girl.

This is something he doesn't like to see.

"But if it's just that, you don't need to pretend to be the Wuma Youxiang from the future." Yun Yuyang shook his head.

She felt that things were more than just this, but such remarks drew Jon's rebuttal.

"I don't have a pretense, it's just that they think so."

This sentence made Yun Yuyang aware of something, but when she lifted her head, she found that Jon had disappeared in place.

"Is it through hint?" Yun Yuyang understood the meaning of Jon's doing this, and then shook his head helplessly. The result, but..."

Yun Yuyang stretched.

"If you can do the best, who will take the initiative to seek the next best result."


Early the next morning, Wuma Youxiang was awakened by the Dragon Girl, and then went to the Jiangqu City Countermeasures Team.

However, it is the Jiangqu City Countermeasures Team. In fact, this time she and the Dragon Girl are not only facing the Jiangqu City Countermeasures Team’s high-level leaders, but also the high-levels of the Countermeasures Headquarters and other branches that appear on the screen through video conferences. Group leader.

Wuma Youxiang saw Jiang He's figure in it, but judging from the appearance of the opponent with his eyes closed and waiting for the meeting to begin, Wuma Youxiang suddenly had a bad feeling.

She subconsciously looked at the dragon **** the side, but before she could speak, she was grasped by the palm of her hand, and then whispered in her ear to keep her quiet in the later meeting.

This made Wuma Youxiang even more uneasy.

She remembered the behavior of putting the Zect buckle next to her pillow from the future last night. Is it related to what is going to happen today? It is precisely because she obviously cannot become Kamen Rider Sasword but is unwilling to let go, which leads to a series of bad things happening next, so she will choose to return to the present in the future, do you want to change all of this?

Wuma Youxiang clenched her fists, but in the next second her palms were clenched by the dragon girl.

"Don't worry, Youxiang will definitely become Kamen Rider Sasword again, but I will help Youxiang before then." The dragon girl smiled and encouraged Wuma Youxiang, and then she kept carrying herself on her back. His backpack was placed on the conference table, and a special spiritual solution was drawn from it.

"One thing I think needs to be corrected is that Yuxiang didn't lose her qualification to become Kamen Rider Sasword, but actually completed the'paradise system'!"

The real paradise system?

When Wuma Youxiang heard this sentence coming out of the dragon girl's mouth, the whole person fell into a sluggishness.

She looked at the dragon girl in disbelief, but found that the other party's eyes were not on her at all, but rather proud.

What are you proud of? Is it for her? Suddenly, Wuma Youxiang was a little frightened, and then she heard the dragon girl continue to say:

"This is something created by Youxiang after overcoming Lingzi. It's just like when I used the paradise system before, it was clearly in the life-saving device, but it can appear in every corner of Gui City. This kind of thing can also be used. Achieve that effect! No, it is a stronger effect!"

Something is wrong! I didn't find such a thing at all, did I? And the reason why you can overcome the phenomenon of spirituality is because of your help, Long!

When he heard this, Wuma Youxiang probably understood the Dragon Girl's plan, and guessed what the stronger effect she said was about.

"As long as the paradise system is modified accordingly, and this special spiritual fluid is injected, then Kamen Rider Sasword can appear in all cities! If this is possible, then the paradise system can really be called a paradise System!"

The dragon girl showed a happy expression on her face.

This is what she found!

As long as she was able to create something like this when she wanted to save Youxiang and let her get rid of her spirituality!

However, according to Uncle Xueqian, only she is special, because Douzhen helped her a lot, and she has a deep enough understanding of Youxiang, so she can create such things that only Youxiang can make under normal circumstances. thing.

Although it’s a bit difficult, it’s necessary to keep recalling every detail of Youxiang when dyeing the spirit liquid with the colors of the upper fragrance. But in this way, you can buy enough time for Youxiang to get her recognized by Sasword again. Got it!

This is what the dragon girl thinks, and at the same time the expression on her face has become more confident.

"The superintendent's grandfather's idea is not completely wrong, but in the wrong direction!" The dragon girl wiped her nose with her thumb and proudly said: "The so-called paradise system is not obtained by sacrificing one person, but by sacrificing one person. It depends on everyone's efforts to get it! Although it is not like before, every disaster can be eliminated by the paradise system, but..."

The Dragon Girl looked around at the surrounding Jiangqu City Countermeasures Team Branch and other unfamiliar faces on the big screen, and said, "This is the reason why others chose to join the Countermeasure Team! We must not ignore the will of others! Originally, I and Youxiang intends to test it out before speaking out, but has never found a chance, so he can only say it directly."

When the Dragon Maiden's words fell, this meeting room and even all the countermeasures group meeting rooms on the other side of the video became silent.

They did not expect such a breaking news in this video conference led by Jiang He!