I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 744

Because if this matter is true, then Jessica must not have been holding the sword of transformation, and if it was Axie who lied, then according to Miss Wuma’s idea, the sword of transformation should be given to Jie Sika.



"Unfortunately, the group leader in Jiangqu City didn't start acting according to your idea." Jon looked at Ankeshe with a bored expression on his face.

"But it just delayed the gains that should come." Ankesha didn't care about it. "Jessica was destined to lose Sasword's approval, and when she returned to Cyprus dingy, she watched. When she is greeted with a hellish scene, that is the real harvest time."

"I'm so confident... I suddenly admire you." Jon smiled, then stood up and prepared to leave, "Since it will take a while, then I will wait patiently for a while, but don't let me down. Ah, Anksha."

In fact, Jon’s main purpose is to see how the Cell Coins work after they are produced. After all, the existence of these needs to bring the Cell Coins back to him, and there is a high probability that it will not hurt Axel. Life, after all, the sudden disappearance of a countermeasure team leader is not trivial.

But since now is not the harvest time, then we can only wait.

"Miss Wuma, don't you want to prove yourself again?" When Jessica appeared in front of Wuma Youxiang with a smile on her face, Wuma Youxiang chose to ignore it.

Soon after, Jessica changed another expression on her face and appeared in front of Wuma Youxiang.

"My princess, Sasword is crying..."

Wuma Youxiang still chose to ignore it.

Followed by...

"Sometimes I can't help but think, if such a system gets bored, should I just throw it in the trash?"

Wuma Youxiang turned and left.

the next day...

"Hey, what a cowardly person, don't you even dare to take back your own things?"

Wuma Youxiang directly bypassed the opponent and left.

For her, although Jessica was directly broke the mask on her face with a single sentence before, she finally became irritable all the time and did not want to come to her to trouble her, but it is better than the previous mask with a false smile on her face to trouble her. Too much to deal with.

Of course, Wuma Youxiang couldn't be sure that the current Jessica was what she really looked like, instead of putting on another mask.

This girl named Jessica has too many masks, even she herself may have forgotten her true appearance, but although she has a bad personality, she is not a villain. Wuma Youxiang thinks so. Yes, and then ran into Jessica again on the way back after the experiment.

"If you still want to challenge me, then I'm sorry I don't have such kung fu." Wuma Youxiang said lightly, she can't remember this is the first time Jessica has come to trouble with her, and it's pretty good to deal with it. Calm.

"And if you are worried about me saying those things, then don't worry, I won't do such dishonest things."

Such an answer made Jessica gritted her teeth. It was the first time she met such a difficult person. Whether it was talent or other things, she seemed to be stabilized by the other party, as if she was telling her that no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible. Beat each other.

"Who the **** told you about this?!" Jessica asked fiercely with staring eyes. She thought it was Cyprus or other places who wanted to trouble her, but then from Wuma Youxiang The words that came out made her stay for a while.

"It seems that you haven't paid much attention to the characteristics of this special spiritual liquid. You just use it as a tool to gain power." Wuma Youxiang shook his head and said calmly: "Unless you can guarantee such a spiritual liquid. Being imprisoned in your body forever, otherwise it will eventually return to me, which means..."

Having said that, Wuma Youxiang watched Jessica seriously.

"You told me about it yourself."

After saying this, Wuma Youxiang left directly, leaving Jessica standing alone in astonishment.

After a long time, Jessica woke up, and then her body trembled suddenly.

Is she herself... telling this guy about the past she tried to hide?

Doesn't this mean that she will never be able to surpass this guy and slam this guy on the soles of her feet? !

In order to surpass this guy, she did not hesitate to choose to inject the special spiritual liquid, but the side effect of this was that she exposed the secret in her heart that she tried to hide in the eyes of the other party.

For a while, Jessica was caught in a dilemma.

Once she gives up, then she is likely to lose everything, or even fall into the abyss, but if it continues...

Then everything about her will be exposed to that guy's eyes!

Jessica suddenly felt panic, as if returning to the days she had dreamed of forgetting.

What she didn't even notice was that she didn't know when her collarbone had faint lines like a gray bandage.


"Youxiang, did Jessica bother you again? I saw her walking past angrily just now." The dragon girl subconsciously asked after seeing Wuma Youxiang coming back, but there was another moment immediately afterwards. Doubt, "But why is it so fast this time?"

"It's just a good lesson for that guy." Wuma Youxiang replied subconsciously, but when she was about to sit down, her body paused again.

This kind of action was noticed by the Dragon Maiden, and she subconsciously asked Wuma Youxiang what happened.

Wuma Youxiang shook her head and said that she was okay, but in the end she did not sit down. She still cared a little about the expression on Jessica's face before.

"I have left beforehand."

After leaving this sentence, Wuma Youxiang chose to leave, but when she returned to the place where she had just met with Jessica, she found that the other party had already left the place.

After inquiring, she realized that Jessica had left the countermeasure group base.

This makes Wuma Youxiang more concerned, and even some doubts whether it is appropriate for her to say this kind of thing. It is obvious that as long as the special spiritual liquid on the other party's body has completely subsided and cannot be replenished, she will naturally leave obediently, but in the end she Still chose to do so.

Perhaps the reason is to feel pity for the same disease.

She was also indulged in an illusory world before, except that she had the care and help of the dragon and Ms. Maria, but Jessica did not. This girl from other regions has been indulging in the world she has disguised. But no one has ever pulled her out of it.

With the help of the countermeasure team, Wuma Youxiang directly found Jessica, but to her surprise, Jessica did not follow the filming staff as before, but was holding a woman's hands anxiously. Say something, but in the end it just got the inexplicable look of the middle-aged woman.


"You should go to those young people. People my age don't pay much attention to the news on the Internet. My daughter told me some things."

After saying this, the middle-aged woman hurriedly left, leaving Jessica in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, she found a young man who was dressed up and still had headphones in his ears, and asked the same question.

Jessica thought that her recent high-profile debut here would give her a lot of popularity, but the answer she got was...

"Who is more suitable to become Kamen Rider Sasword?" The young man looked inexplicable, "I don't even know where the end of the universe is. How could I know this? Although I respect these people very much, I haven't gone too much. focus on."

After speaking, the young man took a few more glances at Jessica's exquisite face full of exotic styles, and then left.

"Why..." Jessica looked at her hands tremblingly. She couldn't understand why these people who gained the power of Kamen Rider were so low-key. Obviously, after gaining such a powerful power, they should be like a peacock with high-profile Show yourself, isn’t it? In this way, isn’t it saying that everything she did before was actually just acting like a clown?

Jessica is unwilling to admit this result, and then pretends to be calm and prepares to harass other pedestrians.

Thanks to her beautiful appearance, Jessica did not provoke the anger of other people when doing this strange thing, and then she succeeded in finding someone who understands this, but...