I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 749

"Unexpectedly, the recognition from an invincible opponent could bring her such a great satisfaction."

Jon couldn't help showing a smile. The recognition from Wuma Youxiang made Jessica greatly satisfied. Even the monsters parasitic in her body had no time to suppress her own growth or influence Jessica's growth. Thinking, this allowed these cell coins to continuously flow out of the body and expose their own existence.

"What do you mean?! What do you know about Evolto?!" Anxie stared at Jon with bloodshot eyes, and his face, who had also fallen into a state of madness, did not show any more what he had deliberately pretended to face Joe before. Well respect.

Of course, Jon didn't care about such trivial matters, he was curious whether Anchor's desires could be satisfied next.

"It's not an important thing..." Jon pointed to the scene where Jessica was swallowed by Cell Coins and turned into a monster in the constantly trembling picture.

"Anchor, don't you think that if Jessica herself was boarded by a monster, then the plan you made was going in the wrong direction from the beginning?"

Ankeshe was stunned, and then...

He showed a crazier smile.

"But isn't it better?"

"Isn't this better?"

Anxie was not annoyed because Jessica became like this because of being parasitized by a monster, but rather ecstatic!

He thought that the curtain call performance he prepared carefully would end in the most inferior way, but now it has a turnaround!

Jessica is a monster?

Wouldn't it be better this way?

Obviously he is so elegant and arrogant, and has become a well-known countermeasure star in most areas, the dream lover of countless people, if this is a monster...

Isn't it better? !

"That's it! That's how it is!" Anksha flushed with excitement, "It turns out that the real protagonist is not Jessica, but the European countermeasure team itself!"

He staggered up from his position, and then almost fell to the ground. He reached out and grabbed the table top to support his body, while his other hand was covering his flushed face.

"The one who fell to the bottom... should be the European response team as a whole! When I thought that I was now ashamed of the Asian response team, I just..."

It seemed that it was because of being too excited, Ankeshe retched, but it was not foul things that came out of the vomiting, but several coins stained with saliva.

Obviously the coins that fell from his mouth were enough to fill his mouth, but Ankesha didn't notice the abnormality at all. Instead, he wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then stumbled towards the outside.

"I feel that I have been greatly satisfied! Cough cough cough..."

Ding ding ding ding ding~

The off-white coins continued to fall from Anxie’s hands and trouser legs, leaving a path made of coins along the way, but unlike Jessica, Anxie didn’t notice the abnormality on his body from the beginning to the end. I couldn't even hear the crisp sound of cell coins falling on the ground!

But immediately afterwards, Anxie showed a struggling expression on his face. He turned around and bent down, as if he wanted to collect the cell coins that fell on the ground. Obviously he had done a lot of similar things, because he had nothing to do. Did not associate the cell coin in front of him with the cell coin that fell from Jessica.

But when Ankshaw's finger touched the cell coin on the ground, the struggling expression on his face became even worse!

"Now is not the time to do this!" Ankesha kicked the cell coin in front of him and stood up with a distorted face. "You must tell everyone the ugly scene of the countermeasure team!"

This sentence caused Jon to raise his eyebrows. He thought that after the monsters in Ankshaw produced Cell Coins, they would control Ankshaw to collect them and transport them to Kazzari, but with this spirit. The suggestion was defeated by Axel's desire.

"It's not the time to do this kind of boring thing!" Kicking away the cell coin at his feet, Ankshaw grasped the doorknob as if going crazy, but just before he was about to leave the office, a cell coin flicked It reached the back of his head, and then fell to the ground with a ding.

"Don't you think something will be missing just like this?" Jon tossed a few cell coins in his hand and smiled at Ankesha.

But I can’t wait to expose how ugly the European countermeasures team is, and actually pushed a monster to the top.

"I have a way to make such a curtain call ceremony sublime again."

One, two, three...

The Cell Coins in Jon's hand were constantly being bombed to Ankshaw, and then fell to the ground. This approach not only did not make Ankshaw angry, but became even more excited.

He rushed to Jon frantically, staring at Jon tightly with his eyes widened.

"Tell me! Tell me what to do!"

Axel clenched his fists in excitement. He felt that the news that Jessica was a monster was enough to make his long-awaited curtain call more grand, not to mention that Evolto in front of him seemed to have even more wonderful proposals!

what exactly is it? What did he miss? !

Suddenly, Anxie felt as if he was crawled by countless insects, making him feel itchy and unbearable. He desperately wanted to get from Jon a way to complete the "sublimation" of this curtain call, and then he got the answer. .

"Don't forget the importance of yourself, Axie." Jon showed a smile, "Didn’t you realize that everything you did in the process of preparing for this curtain call was actually for the sake of Will this "sublimation" curtain call become more dazzling and serve? "

Jon's words made Anke'she a stunned, and then it seemed that something had been thought of, and a light of excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that you remembered..." Jon patted Ankshaw on the shoulder. "Although it seems very coincidental, don't you think this is the guide of fate? Ankshaw, you satisfied yourself halfway through At the same time as this desire, it is also unconsciously working hard to make the curtain call more perfect."

"Yes...yes..." Ankesha was so excited that his whole body was trembling. Only when he was reminded by Jon did he realize how important he is!


While preparing for the curtain call, isn't he also working hard to make the curtain call more exciting?

It would be interesting to just let everyone see that their trusted countermeasure team pushed a monster to such a height, but if you want to make this curtain call a swan song, then there is indeed something missing.

Then now he understands, he is the one who is less!

If Jessica is a monster, plus he is the leader of the Cyprus countermeasures team, but he once pushed everyone standing at the apex off the cliff, letting them fall into despair. If it is, then it will definitely be as Evolto said, let this curtain call usher in a real "sublimation"!

Thinking of this, the corners of Ankexie's mouth kept waking up, as if it was about to split.

He stood up and bowed deeply at Jon.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Evolto..."

When Ankshaw raised his head again, his face was covered with ecstasy that was almost overflowing into substance.

"If it weren't for your help, I might not have discovered that when I was preparing the script, I had already unconsciously added myself to this performance! I couldn't even imagine it. When I realized this afterwards, How regretful there will be!"

Axel looked at Jon as if looking at a god.

"Master Evolto, you have completely read through my script."

"Yeah..." Jon's fingers moved lightly in the air, and the cell coins scattered on the ground in the next second seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, floating in the air, and then Jon moved towards Ann. Keshe gave a smile.

"Who told me to admire you so much? Go ahead, let this curtain call usher in the final sublimation." Jiang Qushi.

When what happened in Cyprus was passed to the fat team leader, he already understood that the reason for the present scene was not Wuma Youxiang, but Jessica's own problems!

And she is not alone in the problem! Even the guy in Cyprus has a problem!

Looking at the screen, Ankeshe seemed to be saying something crazy, but his body was almost filled with the gray coins that were similar to Jessica's body, the fat team leader shuddered for a moment!