I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 760

After tumbling on the bed for a while, Tao Su sat back in front of the computer.

"Not updated yet..."

After taking a look at the time, Tao Su brushed the Dimensional website waiting for the upcoming update, and then took a look at the interface of Ultraman Nexus.

To be honest, in the fifth episode of the previous episode, what she saw was still very uncomfortable, because the hero who can become huge, called Ultraman, obviously stood on the side of humans to destroy alien beasts, but But it was attacked by the official organization that also confronted alien beasts in that world.

Not only her, many people at the time saw this scene also felt frustrated, but they could only look at it, because this was not something that happened in their world at all, and they didn’t even know that it was from Naik until now. Who are the guests of the Ultraman World of Seth?

I continue to scan the web page boredly, and there are still many people doing the same actions as Tao Su, because the abilities shown by Evolto in the last episode are too scary!

Compared to the previous battle with the Princess of Mars, Evolto has clearly evolved again! But the ability brought after evolution this time allows Evolto to completely get rid of the limitation of needing Pandora's Box to destroy the planet while strengthening the power, and can move in the universe arbitrarily, and then turn the planet into the nourishment of the black hole.

It even takes a short moment to absorb a planet!

Absorb and strengthen!

Every time a planet is absorbed, Evolto's power will be strengthened! If it weren't for Kiryu War Rabbit to disregard the burden of his body and use the dangerous trigger to transform into a stronger dangerous genius form, I am afraid that the earth would be easily destroyed by Evolto at that time!

When the crisis is lifted, it is also telling everyone that the dangerous trigger is not just a dangerous enhancement device that people used to strengthen the Build system and is easy for users to run away. At least it shows that it can be swallowed by Evolto with the genius form. After forcibly punching out the black Pandora metal plate, and purifying the power of the black lost bottle on it, it is undoubtedly telling people that such a strengthening device has a deeper secret!

Just as Kiryu Wartu guessed, the dangerous trigger may be related to the white Pandora's box metal plate.

Jiang He and Dragon Girl are also constantly refreshing the Dimensional website, waiting for the latest episode.

Then, they refreshed, but before they clicked on the latest episode 46, they were stunned.


At the same time as the latest episode 46 came out, a special video appeared again below it!

This situation has happened before! The "Enigma" system that can connect parallel worlds and other Kamen Riders appeared in that episode!

Compared to the normal episode time, which is more than three times the length, it is obviously ready to tell you some explosive clues again!

The last time it almost caused a huge crisis of the fusion of parallel worlds, so what is this time?

It can be said that everyone subconsciously removed the mouse from the latest episode 46 and placed it on this special video.

Then see its name clearly.

Kamen Rider BuildBeTheOne!



When the Dragon Girl saw the title of this special video, she couldn't help humming the theme song of Kamen Rider Build.

She thinks this song is super nice!

Even Xiao Xuan, who was sitting in her arms, started to sway her body from side to side with the singing of the Dragon Girl. The little girl also liked the song very much, but soon they were attracted by the plot.

After just a few minutes, Long Maiden and Xiao Xuan were stunned, and then subconsciously glanced at each other.

Before that, they had never imagined that the Blood tribe who descended into the world of Kamen Rider Build was far more than Evolto alone, but a total of four people!

And the reason for coming to Earth is the same as Shi Dongyi, the object originally possessed by Evolto. It is all because he went to Mars, and then he was possessed by the Blood tribe and returned to Earth. He even kept operating secretly to trigger the Three Capitals. The war between them was written by the Blood tribe who were the former deputy of the three capitals!

Then... they now directly control all the rights of Sandu, and even use their own abilities to brainwash ordinary people and let them hunt down the Kamen Riders!

When this scene appeared in front of the dragon girl, her breathing became heavier.

"Too despicable!" the dragon girl exclaimed angrily, and Xiao Xuan in her arms also waved her fist in anger.

It is unforgivable to use innocent ordinary people to do this kind of thing! Compared with the last time the theater version appeared, this time the theater version brought a greater sensation. It not only told everyone who was watching this video that the Blood tribe descended on the Kamen Rider Build World Earth, in addition to Evolto, there were three others. Outside of people, it tells people the particularity of dangerous triggers!

As a replica of Evolto’s evolutionary trigger, Dangerous Trigger has demonstrated its ability to purify black lost bottles in episode 45 when matched with a genius form, and now it is telling people that it has the ability to accompany humans. The power to evolve due to severe mood swings!

Controlling ordinary humans, seeing that Kamen Rider cannot do anything to ordinary people, constantly rounding up the opponent, making Kiryu War Rabbit angry, and finally telling Kiryu War Rabbit...

Everything that happened in the last ten years was secretly manipulated by them! Whether it was the encounter between Kiryu Wartu and Manzhanglong, or the proposal to amnestics the demon scientist Katsuragi, creating a man named Kiryu Wartu, a false hero...

All of them are the principals-mimicry was designed by Yineng Xiangang's Blood tribe!

And the purpose of all this is to destroy the earth!

It can be said that this is their common goal with Evolto, but it seems that after gaining human emotions, Evolto's goals have undergone some changes, causing the trio to prepare to carry out their plans!

But because the evolution trigger was in Evolto's hands, they chose to focus on the dangerous trigger in Kiryu Wartu's hands.

However, the dangerous trigger at the beginning did not seem to meet their requirements, so such a play was designed.

When people saw the manjang dragon whose will was just manipulated by Ino Ken, I started fighting with Kiryu War Rabbit, and the surrounding people were all ordinary people who were also manipulated with will, waving their crude weapons at Kiryu War Rabbit and shouting. The existence of the Kamen Rider is not needed at all. When it is necessary to annihilate this scene, everyone is silent.

False hero?

It seems to be so...

If he hadn't created the knight system, what would happen?

Shi Dong Misora, who is possessed by the Princess of Mars, will not help him purify the slammer bottle just because he feels that he is helping the righteous hero to protect ordinary people!

The war between the three cities is not so easy to break out, and it will not be so easy to get all the full bottles and open Pandora's Box by Evolto!

Wan Zhanglong I will not always grow, and then become the container of Evolto, regaining my genetic factors!

The evolution trigger in Evolto's hand will not be activated! Nor will they be given human emotions because of accidents, and then gain more powerful power!

Etc., etc!

All the reasons seem to point to the Kamen Rider system created by Kiryu Battle Rabbit, because the Kamen Rider system was used by these Blood people who came to the earth, which eventually led to such a situation.

Does Kamen Rider really need not exist? When people saw the picture, Inohyun had just stepped on Kiryu Battle Rabbit’s face and wiped the soles of his shoes, then grabbed his hair and lifted it up and told him that Kiryu Battle Rabbit is not the one who has nothing now, but Kiryu Battle Rabbit. From the beginning, when it was an empty shell with nothing, everyone at this moment felt as if their heart had been cut by a knife.

certainly not! People came up with the same answer.

Even if Kiryu Battle Rabbit was calculated by the Blood tribe from the beginning, even getting the Build drive and my encounter with Wanzhanglong were designed from the beginning. Maybe he is a fake hero, but he is also a real hero. !

As the first Kamen Rider world to appear in the eyes of people in this world, almost everyone who knows the existence of the Dimensional website has extremely deep feelings for Kamen Rider Build, not only because the Build system that appears in this world has already Helped them solve various crises, but also because Kamen Rider Build is the only world that has passed the concept of what Kamen Rider is to everyone's mind so far!

So no one would hope that Kiryu Battle Rabbit would fail, even if they are in a different world, they still hope to be able to pass on their ideas to him!


The dragon girl also opened her mouth wide at the moment, especially when I saw that Yi Nengxian just relied on the dangerous trigger and Build driver that he had just snatched, using the black lost bottle, obviously Evolto, with the self-discipline component that was infiltrated by the genetic factors of Wanzhanglong's body. When transforming, she gritted her teeth even more angrily.

Obviously before, she thought it was interesting to transform into a body with Uncle Blood Latent, but after seeing this scene, she began to dislike this form again.