I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 791

After giving this promise, Jiang He hung up the phone with Ji Ming, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong, but he subconsciously felt that he should do it.

"Counting Li Xiu and Bugarati who also made this decision not long ago, Tong Yao who quarreled with his immediate superiors, and Yingshanren who has no one to find, it can be said that it is all over. , It is very likely that he will die there..."

Jiang He sighed.

Can the Kamen Riders who are going to Europe now stop Evolto and Killbus? Jiang He reported this with a pessimistic attitude, but such things are what Kamen Riders must do.

"Perhaps they were destined to be like this from the moment they became Kamen Riders."

Jiang He stared at the ceiling blankly.

"If...if Kiryu Battle Rabbit also descended in this world, how good would it be..."

Knowing it was impossible, Jiang He still had such thoughts in his mind.

He still doesn't know how these foreign guests came to this world, but Evolto's existence obviously does not bring smiles and kindness to this world like other guests.

He will find it interesting and save mankind, and he will destroy mankind because it finds it interesting.

No one hopes that they will need to live on their noses for the rest of their lives, because once this happens, humans will be no different from the "parasites" who are now used as tools for producing cell coins!

There is no such genius scientist as Kiryu Wartu in this world, but...

"Since even Kiryu Battle Rabbit found the key to defeating Evolto by relying on the will of all human beings, then I should also firmly believe in this point..."

Jiang He took a deep breath, then calmed down.

But before he started to prepare to use all his authority to support the Kamen Riders who had already traveled to Europe with other branches, he received another message.

And this news caused his pupils to shrink suddenly.

The Lingzi Transfer Research Institute has been invaded! But the weird thing is that no one noticed the whole process, and no one reacted until the complete set of equipment used for the soul transfer experiment disappeared strangely!

The equipment used for the Lingzi transfer experiment can be described as a sky-high price, but Jiang He’s attention is not on the amount of loss at all, but...

Why is the purpose of the thief so clear, and it seems to know the basics of this set of equipment, even any seemingly inconspicuous but in fact very important auxiliary equipment has not let go!

Obviously, the Lingzi Transfer Research Institute has already been infiltrated, but they have not discovered it at all!

Jiang He's hands trembled slightly.

Now, why the Reiko transfer experiment has a very high success rate when targeting the Kamen Rider Build world can also be explained clearly.

Caesar system? A weakened version of the Evol drive? The golden bunny is full of bottles? Turn into a smoke gun?

These things are not obtained by human beings through their own efforts! Everything seems to be telling Jiang He that the soul transfer experiment that many senior management of the countermeasure team has placed high hopes on is just the result of being manipulated by one hand!

Not only those "parasited", even they are just tool people!

Who would do it?


This result subconsciously appeared in Jiang He's mind, but then he denied it.

If it's really Evolto, then the weakened version of the Evol driver shouldn't cause the opponent to react like that. Coupled with the wicked way of painting that seems to have disappeared, the result is already obvious.

It's Killbus!

When he understood that the so-called soul transfer experiment was likely to have been under Killbus's control since the initial success, Jiang He broke out in a cold sweat.

"Drawing evil route style...painting evil route style... I should have thought of it long ago..."

Jiang He's tone became extremely trembling.

The Blood people have the ability to modify memory, and the painting evil route style can directly convert things into data. With the combination of the two, Tong Yao's screening has no effect!

"Obviously so crazy on the surface, but meticulous, should you say that you really deserve to be the king of the Blood star?"

Jiang He didn't know that he had actually misunderstood something. After all, since Killbus could become the king of Blood Star in his eyes, he obviously shouldn't be just crazy.

This way everything makes sense!

The purpose of Killbus's first appearance in Guishi was the "contaminated spiritual liquid" in the hands of the evil way! And the purpose of getting this thing is obviously to carry out the soul transfer experiment!

Killbus definitely moved something in the process of the soul transfer experiment, but the reason it has been hidden is that the "contaminated spiritual power" needs to be collected through the countermeasure team, and now...

With a grunt, Jiang He couldn't help swallowing.

It is very likely that the appearance of Cell Coins made the countermeasure team lose the value of use in Killbus' eyes, so they directly took away these devices.

Coupled with the fact that the spiritual liquid that was previously contaminated by Cell Coins was successfully copied to the Transforming Smoke Gun, people with a discerning eye can see that Killbus is definitely able to determine the target to be copied to some extent!

In other words...

Is he preparing to copy his true self into this world? Instead of a clone? !

Thinking of this, Jiang He contacted the headquarters as if going crazy.

That's right! Just like what Ji Ming said, the more compromised at this time, the more they will be stuck in the quagmire!

Opportunities do not depend on waiting, but on your own initiative to find and seize!


the other side.

"Although he said that, Jon will definitely not believe me... and my actions should have been exposed." E always pretended to look at his palm with a headache.

The ease of use of this body is obvious, and it can even make the equipment taken away from the Lingzi Transfer Research Institute operate in a data state, which means that now he can directly activate such a device as long as he obtains the cell coin.

But the disadvantage is that under the condition of using this body, all his actions are transparent to Jon, just like what he is doing now.

Of course, E never felt that he was doing this too abruptly. After the card of Transforming Smoke Gun was played but did not have the corresponding effect, he realized that there was no point in continuing to retain that identity, and the spirit The sub-transfer experimental equipment is going to be taken away after all, and it just so happens that it can be said to be useful now.

Although I didn't care about the first batch of cell coins before, it was just because it was the first batch.

In the final analysis, his ultimate goal is cell coins. Which way to get more cell coins, he will choose which way.


As expected by Mr. E, all his behaviors were understood by Jon through Qiao Jiu.

Seeing Qiao Jiu who was curiously looking at the layout of this office in front of him, Jon had a thoughtful expression on his face.

The Lingzi transfer experiment equipment is not something that will be out of print as soon as it is taken away by Mr. E. If the countermeasure team wants to make a new one at any time, Jon is happy to see Mr. E's shot this time. It can be said to be directly told. There is a problem with the countermeasure team's transfer experiment.