I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 798


"The meaning of Kamen Rider... is to be needed?" The "parasitic" girl stared at the fighting Yuji Kiba and Li Xiu, even if rubble splashed past her, she There was a deep wound on his arm and he didn't care.

Even if she is just an ordinary person, she can understand how powerful Killbus and Evolto are, and even the headquarters of the European response team has to surrender to them.

She is just an ordinary person! Such ordinary people are still "parasited"! Is it really worth the Kamen Rider to pay so much for her?

Maybe she should give up that unrealistic idea after becoming a "parasited", but...

Why do you feel satisfied now?

She stared at the several cell coins emerging from the palm of her hand, her body trembling slightly.


It wasn't just that what happened to Jindaijian and Yuji Kiba, it was also the same in other places, but it was not as serious as here.

This also tells people one thing.

Even under the threat of Killbus, the Kamen Riders did not choose to leave here. Instead, they were still working hard to help the "parasited" and at the same time collecting cell coins.

This made the "parasited" hesitate.

Evolto and Killbus are using them as tools to produce cell coins, but choosing to accept such an identity can allow them, "parasites" to survive in the sun, but the consequences will be more and more feared by people.

Because they have begun to hurt ordinary people!

After the cell coins produced from them continue to converge into the hands of Evolto and Killbus, it will bring even more terrible crises to the world!

Some people think that since normal people are so afraid of rejecting them as "parasites," then they don't need to care about them, just to live for themselves, while some people think that Kamen Riders are the ones who are really willing to save them.

Obviously almost all the "parasites" did not choose to ask the Kamen Riders for help, but they still came!

The Kamen Riders are not only to protect the earth, but also to protect their "parasites"!

Goddai Sword, Kaga Mishin, Kiba Yuji, Shishima Go, Hino Eiji... etc. and more! Almost all the Kamen Riders they can be named are here!

The "parasites" did not choose to call for help, but the Kamen Riders still arrived, and they still chose to stretch their hands to these unfortunate people! Are they asking them to give up now? Choose to give up the opportunity to seize these palms and return to the light?

Even if they knew they were lost, these Kamen Riders never hesitated! This gives some "parasites" an urge to cry.


If they choose to ask the Kamen Riders for help, will Killbus and Evolto spare them?

The compressed clone smasher who had descended in that city had already told them that Killbus and Evolto needed tools to produce Cell Coins.

If they choose to ask the Kamen Riders for help, they will certainly let this misfortune affect ordinary people, so...

There may be no chance to crawl out of **** for existences like them. "Let's see... Isn't it good to go on like this?" Sakura Kyoko leaned against a tree and ate hot fries, looking at the dragon girl in a state of astonishment, and said.

"All people's fears are focused on him, so that the situation of the "parasited" will get better? "

While speaking, she also kicked the box beside her foot.

Judging from the sound from the box, it should be full of cell coins.

The dragon girl was silent.

No matter what happens here, it will be passed to her ears through other companions and Jiang He.

Without the intervention of Uncle Blood Latent, it is inevitable that the "parasites" and normal people in Europe will gradually become opposed to each other, because the countermeasure team simply has no ability to restore these "parasites" to normal, and they continue to accumulate over time. The contradiction that arises will inevitably explode.

From beginning to end, the countermeasure team did not have any strength to deal with this matter!

If the existence of "parasites" is not exposed, then people will just live in a false peace, and then more people will be transformed into "parasites", and then...the world will definitely become **** Bar!

Someone must seduce this "desire messenger", not to mention the real Evolto who also fancy Cell Coins!

Uncle Blood Latent had never told her the true identity of Killbus, but the dragon girl still guessed it.

She doesn't know why Uncle Blood Latent has never done anything to Evolto, but Uncle Blood Latent must have his reason!

Although she is not smart, she will not behave indiscriminately to interfere with the plan of Uncle Blood Latent, but...

"Uncle Blood Latent may not care about these things, but we can't accept it comfortably. Brother Yingsi must think so too!" The dragon girl wiped her nose coolly, her face regained her vitality.

"Even if it can't be shown to others, but at least I have to prove it to Uncle Blood Latent, in my eyes he is the real hero!"

"A boring thought..." Sakura Kyoko poured all the French fries into her mouth, but she didn't feel any feelings because of the words of the dragon girl.

"So how are you going to find the guy called the "Desire"? "

"Brother Yingsi said, now that "desire messenger" should have noticed our plan and hesitated. "

"What's the meaning?"

"I don't know either." The Dragon Girl replied with a smile.


As the dragon girl said, Kazzari was indeed in hesitation.

"Do you think that as long as you collect enough Cell Coins, you can have the strength to fight it?"

Out of caution, Kazzari is unwilling to have too much intersection with Evolto and Killbus, because once contact is equivalent to handing his life into their hands, even if it has been determined that Evolto and Killbus really need Cell Coins.

The huge power gap between the two sides made him not qualified to cooperate, and he could only choose one of them to surrender.

Once the wrong choice is made, the consequences are disastrous.

So at first, after knowing that the Cell Coin was being targeted, Kazzari chose to continue to hide, because he was already completely physically, and he didn’t need to collect the core coins of his own system like he used to, but the appearance of Hono Eiji made He saw an opportunity to get what he wanted.

Kazzari can't be 100% sure that he will succeed, but as long as it's an opportunity, he doesn't want to let it go!

Through the "dark messenger" parasitic on the target, Kazzari can obtain detailed information even if he keeps hiding without showing up.

"Evolto is still thirsting for pleasure and even doesn't mind the "parasitic" asking Kamen Rider for help... and Killbus is acting with the crazy idea of ​​destroying everything..."

Kazzari muttered his evaluation of Jon and E.

With his strength, it is impossible to do things like that, which means that one must choose one side, and no matter which side he chooses, then the cell coins he has accumulated over the years are likely to be forced to hand over.

this is a problem!

And can he bring pleasure to Evolto? no! Because he is a "desire messenger", he has no human emotions, he hasn't even experienced pleasure, let alone satisfy Evolto!

Unless he can capture the body of Hino Eiji first, and can really obtain what the "desire" has always been eager for in this way as he thought, after all, a body composed of cell coins obviously cannot be like Evolto. The genius form gives human emotions, otherwise he would have chosen allegiance long ago.