I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 857

He will be successful, so there is no need to risk his life to help him!

Sora Angel's AT force field was constantly shattering, but this scene did not surprise Jon, who had already separated from Douzhen.

AT force field is only, if someone wants to see it, he can tear it to them.

"And to some extent, the Cavaliers can be said to be a special attack on the AT force field?" Jon nodded himself, then looked up to a certain position in the sky.

There is the location of the moon.

The air angels have already arrived, so the No. 6 plane on the moon should have almost completed its transformation, and the gun of Cassius that can prevent the third impact is now on the moon.

"Um... I have to think of a super fun plan. I've long wanted to waste that pink guy."


Unlike Jon’s idea, the people in the NERV headquarters are still silent. As one of the headquarters’ combat staff, Monyaji suddenly gave up his command and turned into a dark monster to intervene in the battle between the first plane and the sky angel. Can't extricate himself from the shock.

Even NERV's commander Ikoji Gendo felt that the plan was a little beyond his control when he saw this scene.

He clearly remembers the information of each person in NERV, and accurately labeled each person as usable or worthless.

Mon Yashi, 20 years old, as the youngest staff officer of the command, his resume is indeed very dazzling. He is the dream lover of many unmarried women in NERV headquarters, but it is only that.

If it were before, Ikogen Gentang would only care about this person a little, but the power displayed by the other party now far exceeds his imagination.

"With a human body, can you match the apostle?" Ikogentang stared at the figure in the picture that had torn apart the air angel AT force field.

Obviously, he was very normal before, but at this moment, he suddenly exposed. Is it because he joined NERV for some special purpose?

And it's still at this critical time.

Is it because of Shinji?


Mon Yashi didn’t know that his action at this moment was considered by Ikoji Gendo as having a purpose. After his foot carrying the sealing power tore open the AT force field of Sora Angel, Asuka’s No. 2 unit was also already. Arrived here on the battlefield.

"Leave it to you! Girl~"

Kamo Yaji gave a thumbs up toward the second machine.

"Don't give me orders! I'm not your responsibility!"

The second unit with dual-wielding high-frequency vibration daggers rushed to Sora Angel's side along the AT force field gap that was kicked by Men Yashi, but when she was about to destroy Sora Angel’s core, this confident blow came. Was avoided.

The core of Sora Angel took the initiative to avoid Asuka's attack, and it was still rotating around Sora Angel's body at a very fast speed, making her stay in place for a while.

What's more serious is that there are only thirty seconds left!

Once the core of this apostle cannot be destroyed within 30 seconds, it is not just the destruction caused by the explosion. Once it successfully touches the body of Lilith in the central dogma below the headquarters, it will definitely cause catastrophe again!

The feather-like metal structure on the back of the empty angel has been erected, and there are dense red eye patterns on it!

In the next instant, the ground on which the No. 1 machine was standing shattered again!

Obviously, the air angel has also realized his own crisis, trying to break through the AT force field of the first aircraft.

The violent pain came again, and Ikura Shinji couldn't help but let out a scream, reminding Asuka to do it quickly.

But Asuka's heart was messed up at this moment, even the hands holding the dagger on the second unit were shaking slightly!


"Sure enough, it's too much to put you little ghosts on the battlefield."

Door Yashina sounded helplessly in Asuka and Ikura Shinji's ears, and even the driver of number zero, Ayanami, who had already arrived, had a slight pause in manipulating number zero.


They saw that Kato Yashi had retired from the subconsciously unconscious image just now, and replaced it with a technologically-sense armor, and then...

[FinalAttackRide! 】

Dozens of golden energy cards appeared, and the figure of Men Yashi was constantly shuttled among these energy cards.

"Don't come to make trouble..." Asuka just wanted to say don't come and make trouble, because the core movement speed of Sora Angel is too fast, but the next second to her surprise is that no matter how fast this core moves, it is always These energy cards are firmly locked!

[De-De-De-Decade! 】

"This...what the **** is..." Asuka stared blankly at the figure that Menyashi passed through dozens of energy cards and kicked on the core of Sora Angel, even the high-frequency vibration dagger in his hand. When it fell off her hands, she didn't even notice.

In the next second, there was a shattering sound, and then blood like a tsunami gushed out of the empty angel, towards the city below.

In the eyes of NERV and the three EVA drivers, this is the smallest loss, but...

"Such a beautiful city, it's not good to be polluted by this thing."

Door Yashi snapped his fingers, and the angel's blood stopped abruptly in mid-air in the next second.

Kamen Rider Kuuga, the power to manipulate the water element!

When the blood that was enough to swallow the entire city was frozen in the air by invisible power, and then disappeared, whether it was the people of NERV or Shinji Ikura, they were unable to close their mouths that were already widened to the extreme.

It wasn't until Kamo Yaji, who had fallen from the air, appeared on the shoulder of the No.1 plane and patted the armor on the No.1 fuselage, that Shinji Ikura realized that the battle was over.

Pain was still coming from his hands, but Shinji Ikura felt relieved.

The power carried in the body has been exhausted, and the holographic projection stopped running the next second after Shinji saw Kamoyaji landing on his shoulder, leaving only the most basic power to maintain contact with the outside world.

"Sir Monya, is this NERV's latest weapon system?"

"No... it's the shared strength of my fellow travelers and I." Menyashi did not choose to leave, but sat on the shoulders of the first aircraft and watched the city that was messed up by the arrival of the sky angel.

Even if the residents of this city have already been evacuated, the destruction has obviously caused many people to lose their homes.

"Are your companions a common strength?"

Ikura Shinji, who was trapped in the plug because all the energy of the first unit was exhausted, uttered these words.

Ikaki Shinji didn't know what Kaoshi had experienced, but from these words, he heard a lot of taste.

"But Chief Kazuya should have other things to do now, don't need to accompany me here specially, the rescuer will come soon."

"The battle is over, there are so many things that need to be done..." Men Yashi stood up and looked at the flying machine that was flying in the distance.

"I said, boy~ Have you regretted it?"

Mon Yashi suddenly asked such a question.