I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 918

The same is true for Haidong Dashu. While looking at the new hanging painting in front of him, he interrupted.

"Indeed, the act of deceiving one's companions is too bad, Shi."

"I didn't deceive you." Momoyaji, who was wearing a suit and gold-wire glasses, raised his head and said calmly, "Because the original Momoyaji is dead, and now I am Shin Momoyaji. Yes... you are preventing me from preparing the next lesson plan."

Mon Yashi tried to get through this way, because even he himself hadn't expected that he would be resurrected in this way.

Moreover, he fell into Guang Xiahai's arms and confided in his heart, and then he was resurrected in the next second after peacefully closing his eyes.

He is also very embarrassed!

It's impossible for him to answer that even he himself didn't expect this kind of thing, right? Of course, he can only say coolly that he has already understood this situation.

Such an answer naturally did not satisfy Guang Xiahai, but before she spoke again, the owner of the photo studio, who had returned to normal, hurried out to complete the field.

"Since everything has returned to normal, then don't worry about it too much..." Koei Jiro persuaded Mitsunakai, and then changed the subject.

"But is it really okay? This time it seems to be the world of Kamen Rider..." Koei Jiro subconsciously looked at the hanging painting in the middle of the photo studio, and then hurriedly closed his eyes.

"This knight looks terrible too!"

In the past, every time I went to a new world, a new painting would appear in the photo studio inexplicably, but no matter which painting it was, it was not as scary as the one now.

In the painting, a figure with a cobra-like visor opened its palms and grasped the earth in its hands, and half of the earth even melted into magma!

Haedong Dashu didn't think too much, but focused on Kato Yashi, and stepped forward and glanced at the staff card in front of Kato Yashi.

"Shi, your identity in this world seems to be an elementary school teacher?" Haidong Dashu didn't care much at first, but after seeing the detailed lesson plan in front of Men Yashi, he was surprised again.

"Hey, don't you really want to teach those kids to read?"

Facing Haidong Dashu's question, Men Yashi just lifted the golden glasses on his face.

"Is there any problem? The stealer... Haidong kid." For Kato Yashi, although the hanging paintings that appeared in the photo studio depicting the situation of the world seemed terrifying, they had already seen them. For Kamen Rider Evol, he knew that this is not a dangerous world.

Every time he comes to a new world, he will have a new identity in the new world, and such an identity is not given casually.

Since his identity in this world is an elementary school teacher, then this job will definitely have something to do with Kamen Rider Evol.

Although he was surprised by the fact that he was resurrected again after being killed by Kikami, Kamen Rider Evol subconsciously felt that this was the help of Kamen Rider Evol.


He accepted the invitation and came to this world, just as he said before leaving the world where Shinji Ikura was...

If there is a chance, he wants to experience the stronger power in Evol's mouth!

Evol's card, he is about to order it!

Gently closing the lesson plan in front of him, Mon Yashi tilted Jiro's legs, took a sip of the coffee that Koei Jiro had prepared for him, and calmly said:

"Since the crisis of world integration has disappeared, it is time to experience the process of travel."

This sentence left the others in a daze, and then began to whisper.

They felt that Monyashi became even more weird after returning!

But Menyashi didn't care, but was thinking about the details that he needed to prepare when he went to work tomorrow.

Isn't it just taking over the next job of a teacher who returned to his hometown to get married? He probably understands!

Momoyaji didn't think that such a job could stump him, so he didn't take it to heart.

At the same time, Jon, whom Momoyashi wanted to see when he came to this world, was receiving a very special guest.

The reason why he is special is not how strong he is, but...

It's stranger than any guest!

At least before that, Jon hadn't seen a guest who kicked the door of the coffee shop and he didn't even realize that he had come to a strange place after he came to the coffee shop. Instead, he was...

"Hahahahahahaha! Bao↗Sheng↘Yong↗Meng↘! Parad!!!"

While laughing wildly, this strange guest folded his arms around his chest, and then leaned back in a posture that ordinary people couldn't do, making people wonder whether his spine would be broken in the next second.

"How could Tanli Fighting God have changed? Hahahahaha! Actually because of the Build cassette I made last time, I easily believed me and was used by the decryption game I made, hahahaha!"

While speaking, Tan Lidou's leaning body was constantly twisting, and then straightened up, which also made Jon see the intoxicated expression on his face.

"You certainly haven't thought of it now, the person waiting to be rescued is not Poppy! It's... Tanli Fighting God! Sure enough..."

Tan Lidou covered his face with his palm, closing his eyes as if he was immersed in his own world.

However, this expression did not last long, and was once again replaced by exaggerated Yan Yi.

"What's frightening is my own talent! Hum ha ha ha ha ha!"

Even Qiao Jiu, who lives in the basement, was alarmed by the noise from outside, and curiously poked a head out of the refrigerator, looking at the new guest.

Jon did not speak to interrupt Tan Lidou's performance, but looked at the expression on his face with interest.

For this man from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, it is not appropriate to look at it with ordinary eyes.

He is a genius who has surpassed the times, and it is not an exaggeration to even think that he has really come into contact with the realm of gods, and at the same time, his way of thinking is not understandable by ordinary people.

After witnessing the death of his relatives, he came up with the idea of ​​infecting people with the Bugster virus and saving their data.

It was precisely because of this idea that his ideas conflicted with Bao Sheng Yong Meng.

But we can’t just say that he is wrong, because the medical technology in the world he lives in cannot cure his terminally ill mother. Even if he is replaced by another terminally ill patient, he might choose to actively contract this virus. Leave the last memories for the family.

The Kamen Rider Chronicles game was born because of the idea of ​​Tan Li Dou, but it was unfortunately used by his father.

Judging from what he said when he entered the coffee shop just now, it is obvious that the world timeline he is in is the same as the timeline in the Kamen Rider Build world. Let Baosheng Yongmeng and their re-transformed Build cassettes gained their trust a little, and then took advantage of an opportunity to start their long-prepared plan.

Using words to irritate Baosheng Yongmeng and Parad who refused to admit defeat, let them play a game, and then successfully escaped from the data prison.

If you just look at this kind of strategy and scheming, Tan Lidou can indeed be said to be a terrible careerist, but with this kind of beauty, it makes Jon feel like a lonely person who admires himself, thinking that there is no one in this world. A genius who can understand his talents.


"Okay, then, Mr. Tanli Fighting God, do you want something to drink?"

Seeing Tan Lidou's frantically laughing non-stop appearance, Jon felt that if he didn't speak any more, he would probably laugh with him.

"It's Tanli Fighting God! Um... you seem to be called right." Tan Lidou wakes up from the state of lonely self-admiration, subconsciously wants to remind Jon of his real name, but realizes that Jon is called right. NS.

He was not surprised because he suddenly came to such a place, because after leaving the data prison, he himself used the ability to digitize to stay away from Baosheng Yongmeng where they were located.