I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 24: Ogre

   The ogre is much weaker than the forest troll. Its strength and size are only 80% of that of a troll. It is slow to respond, and it doesn't have the ability to regenerate like a troll.

   But in any case, it is still a monster far beyond the limit of human beings, and its physical attributes easily crush Harlott.

   More importantly, Harlott’s weapon is almost impossible to break against the ogres.

   The skin of the ogre is very thick and tough, and the made leather armor is as strong as ordinary chain mail.

   The big sword Harlott uses now is not the one he used to deal with trolls yesterday, but the worn-out big sword that is standard in the arena.

  【Sword Qi of the Dragon Slaying】Should not be able to lose this kind of big guy in seconds! Harlot thought desperately.

   Now he is alone, with no bald boss standing in front of him, and no other gladiators to cover him.

   Facing the huge monster alone, Harlott found that he was not as strong as he thought.

   Ha, I was still entangled last night whether to be the subordinate of the Earl of Salic, whether to give up his dream of living an ordinary life, now it seems that his road has come to an end!

Just when Harlot was desperate, a miracle happened. Marcus, the younger brother of Earl Saric, walked to the forefront of the VIP table and threw a big sword on his back at Harlot on the gladiatorial stage. Past.

Marcus, like Sarek and Harous, has flaming red hair and a handsome face. Marcus yelled at Harlot: "Use my sword, warrior, this one. The sword is my reward for your excellent performance yesterday!"

  Marcus threw it accurately. The big sword was inserted one meter in front of Harlott. Harlott looked up at Marcus, Marcus's eyes full of expectation.

   Harlott opened his mouth wide, trying to say something but holding it back, either thanks or praise, wait until the fight is over!

   Harlott rekindled his fighting spirit, completely dispelled the despair in his heart, took a deep breath and picked up the big sword stuck on the ground.

   The big sword has a lot of weight and a good feel. It should be mixed with some rare metals. Although Harlott is a layman who doesn't know forging, he can still feel the big sword in front of him.

   The ogre had already roared and rushed over, Harlot no longer had the slightest fear, and bravely picked up the big sword and launched a charge towards the ogre.

   The audience was shocked by Harlott's heroic performance and exclaimed. Marcus also smiled at the corner of his mouth, just standing at the forefront of the VIP seat and watching the game!

   is getting closer, getting closer and closer. Seeing that Harlott is about to collide with the ogre, the ogre raised the stick in his hand high and smashed it towards Harlott.

   Harlott stared at the ogre's attack intently, leaning back violently, and a slippery shovel slipped through the ogre's legs.

   "Boom!" The ogre's stick hit the ground and hit the ground.

   Harlott avoided the ogre's attack while slamming a sword at the ogre's crotch.

   "Oh oh oh!" The ogre wailed in pain, and the vital part was critically hit by Harlot. This kind of pain is unimaginable!

   The ogre's forward momentum was directly interrupted, and he fell to the ground in front of his body, rolling back and forth, venting his pain.

   Harlott is immune to the scratches caused by the sliding shovel on the ground just now with his "+30 defense".

   The life value is still full, Harlott shouts full of fighting spirit, and completely overwhelms the ogre who fell on the ground screaming in his aura.

   "I can win. The ogre is slow to react and has no ability to regenerate. I am faster than him, and the weapon is sharp enough. I can defeat it!"

   Harlott's heart is very excited. Although the lv3 running and 11 agility are not very high, it is enough to face the ogre!

   The ogre got up, his eyes were red, and he stared at Harlott fiercely. Instead of sprinting with all his strength, he dragged the stick and walked towards Harlot step by step.

Harlott's agility can of course throw away the ogres, but he has no ranged attacks. After the [Slaying Dragon Sword Qi] is used up, he will fall without strength and can only be used as a lore. If not close, he will not be able to eat The human demon did not choose to retreat, but took the initiative to attack.

   The ogre stopped, and hit the oncoming Harlott with a heavy blow. The heavy wooden stick could smash Harlott in a flash with its powerful swing.

   The attack of the ogre was completely seen through by Harlott, and when the stick fell down, he flipped over and avoided the stick.

   "Boom!" There was another loud noise. The attack position of the wooden stick was only ten centimeters away from Harlott, and the terrifying force made Harlott's back chill.

   "As long as I get hit by this wooden stick, I'm dead!"

   Harlott took advantage of the space where the ogre recovered his strength and waved a sword with one hand, and then rolled and avoided the ogre's kick.

   This sword is quite sharp, Harlott can only attack with one hand in order to quickly roll and avoid, but even so, it can still cut through the skin of the ogre.

   Harlott used agility to fight for the first time instead of relying on strength. This is also thanks to the sword that Marcus gave him, otherwise he would not kill the ogre even if he tried to slash it to the dark.

   The old trick was repeated, Harlott kept attacking, dodge, and attacking. The ogre never attacked Harlott once, and could only slam the stick in his hand on the ground again and again incompetently and furiously.

   The scar on the VIP seat looked silly. He never expected that Harlott, a powerful man, could have such a dexterous figure.

   The bald head is also very excited to cheer for Harlott.

   "In this way, an ogre is not a troll, and the accumulation of small damage will kill him sooner or later!"

   Harlott is a semi-digital abnormal body, UU reading www. uukanshu.com has very strong physical strength, he can last for a long time by ordinary tumbling and dodging, and he has the confidence to defeat the ogre.

   It seemed that everything was fine, but when Harlot dodges the ogre's attack again to prepare for a close attack, he suddenly felt a sudden shock in his heart, instinctively foreseeing danger.

   Harlott had no time to think, and subconsciously stepped back, avoiding the grappling of the ogre in a thrilling manner!

Harlott stepped back in horror, panting and staring at the hideous face of the ogre in front of him. The ogre opened his mouth and his tongue was sticking out, seeming to laugh at Harlot. He knew how to deal with it. This scurrying guy.

   Harlott broke out in a cold sweat. Just now, the ogre really almost caught him. The ogre's actions were obviously premeditated!

   "He should have seen through my actions a long time ago, and has been pretending to be angry, but he is actually waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow."

   "Damn, how can an ogre be so smart, so insidious, almost overturned!"

   What will happen after being caught by an ogre? Harlot couldn't help shaking when he thought of this place.

   This gladiator is very similar to Harlott’s previous battle with the **** Rodri, except that Harlott is the side of the agile fighting this time.

   Although Harlott is strong enough to fight a protracted battle, there is an unavoidable problem.

   The ogre can rely on all kinds of fake actions and fake attacks to trick Harlott. He can withstand Harlott's countless attacks, and Harlott will be completely finished if he is hit by a mistake in judgment.

   Harlott took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, thinking about the countermeasures, and must change the method of warfare.