I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 331: [Aiming for the quality property of othe

  Chapter 331【Plotting Others' Quality Property】

  One morning in mid-June, Wu Guangyao was working in the office of the Global Group, and Lin Yueru brought Li Cui to the door.

  This makes Wu Guangyao strange. Li Cui has never found herself in the company. Why did she follow Lin Yueru today?

  Looking at Li Cui’s face with a rush, Wu Guangyao wondered if something happened?

  As soon as the two entered the office, Li Cui couldn’t wait to say: “Husband, there is a run on Liao Chongxing Bank!”

Wu Guangyao heard it and was not surprised. He smiled and said, "I knew it yesterday! Early yesterday morning, a large group of'neurotic' depositors flocked to Liao Chong Xing Kok Branch, asking for a withdrawal, and took them a few hours. The money in the branch account is all up. No, I accidentally leaked the news. Last night, there were rumors that their boss Liao Baoshan had already emptied the money in the deposit account, and Liao Chong Hing Bank was unable to pay, and even said Liao Baoshan has fled abroad!"

   "Is it true?" Li Cui said nervously.

  Li Cui’s expression, Wu Guangyao looked in his eyes, and felt a little bit in his heart. Wouldn't this Nizi not listen to her advice and put the money in a big bank, but put the money in Liao Chong Hing Bank?

  However, Wu Guangyao calmed down quickly, and he was only dying several million Hong Kong dollars, so I need to be nervous!

"There are real and false! It may be true that Liao Chong Hing Bank emptied deposit accounts, but it must be a fake to escape abroad. Liao Baoshan is good at speculation. When I was speculating in gold, he was a gold speculator on the same level as Hang Seng Bank. He defeated the Shanghai gold merchants and made a lot of money. Then he opened a bank and basically used the money of his depositors to do real estate and real estate speculation, and he made a lot of money. Therefore, sooner or later, the accident will happen; the bank has no money. Is that still called a bank? Those properties belong to the Liao family, and the properties can’t pay for deposits from depositors, so this time Liao Chong Hing Bank can be said to be in real trouble!"

  Wu Guangyao continued: "Did you deposit the money in their bank?"

  Li Cui’s anxious tears were about to fall at this time, Lin Yueru patted her maid on the back, and said grandiosely: "It's only one million, I'll give you it later; this little money, what are you worried about!"

   Wu Guangyao also comforted: "Little things, don't worry! Liao Chong Hing Bank has no money, but the Liao family has real estate. Wouldn't he have money if he sold it?"

  Li Cui listened to Wu Guangyao's words, and immediately took back the tears that were about to fall.

   "Husband, you mean, the Liao family can't run?"

Wu Guangyao explained: "There is no need to run. Liao Baoshan has made a lot of real estate from real estate speculation over the years, and will not run away. However, this time the run happened and he had to cut off these properties (sold at low prices) to get through the difficulties. However, the reputation of Liao Chong Hing Bank may be greatly affected, and I am afraid it will be difficult in the future!"

"Blame me, I didn't listen to you at the time! You told me to deposit the money in the big banks like HSBC. I heard the staff of Liao Chong Hing Bank and said that they have high interest rates, so I deposited 1 million Hong Kong dollars with them. At that time, I also had it. Worried, so most of the funds are still stored in HSBC." Li Cui said at a loss.

  Li Cui’s wealth is tens of millions, but he belongs to that kind of little woman. If you lose 1 million Hong Kong dollars, you will naturally be sad.

  Of course, even if Wu Guangyao lost 1 million Hong Kong dollars for no reason, it would be heartache for two days!

   “Don’t worry, I’ll hand it over to a lawyer to deal with this later. Liao’s family has no money, so he asked him to trade the property. He didn’t dare to refuse!”

  Wu Guangyao wanted a tranquilizer, Li Cui immediately felt okay!

After the two women left, Wu Guangyao fell into thinking on the office chair.

  To be sure, Wu Guangyao doesn’t look down on Liao Chong Hing Bank at all, because the family color is too grand;

  And the scale can only be regarded as a small bank, with a deposit of only tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars;

   Coupled with the severe damage to the reputation this time, there is no need to bother.

  However, Liao Baoshan is known as the "king of land" in the western ring of the island. He has a large number of land and properties in the western ring. Obviously, he can't save much this time. I am afraid that most of the properties will have to be sold to save Liao Chong Hing Bank.

  And Wu Guangyao is focusing on the high-quality properties in his hands, and choosing a few good properties is fine!

  Quality property is something you can meet but you can't ask for it. Wu Guangyao is naturally very rare.

  Finally thought about it, decided to open a real estate company for Li Cui, and had a son and a daughter for himself anyway;

  Wu Guangyao himself needs a good property, which can be purchased from 1966 to 1967, so let Li Cui this opportunity.

  Some people in society often say things like this:

   "When all the money in society is gathered in the bank, will the bank still have no money?"

  "Your family is so rich, did you open a bank?"

  People at the bank often respond with words like this:

   "How could the money belong to us?"

   "We are just keeping it for depositors!"

  If Liao Baoshan were asked to answer this question, how would he answer it?

   Obviously he would not say: "The money of the depositor is the money of my Liao family!"

  However, Liao Baoshan’s actual behavior is obviously suspected.

  Of course, he is not directly taking the depositor’s money as his own, he is just embezzling;

  Liao Baoshan’s bank itself abides by its credit, free access to deposits and withdrawals, and has never failed to pay depositors to withdraw money.

  Any commercial bank has to embezzle deposits from depositors and make money with money-lending to others, and then recovering the principal and interest. This is the way for general commercial banks to make profits;

  But Liao Baoshan is different. His embezzlement is to first transfer the bank money to his own name, and then use it for his own speculative business!

  Other banks are indirect investments, they are direct investments-they lend themselves to themselves and speculate in real estate.

  This kind of behavior is not allowed in the banking industry;

  Although Hong Kong Island does not have such a law (existing in Europe and the United States), all banks abide by this standard.

  So some colleagues say that although Liao Chongxing is a bank, but his style of doing things is a silver number, he is not as stable as a bank.

  In addition, Liao Chongxing Bank, in order to pull deposits, disregarded industry rules, and raised interest rates on deposits;

  Especially for depositors of around HKD 100 to HKD 1,000, the interest is even higher.

  Don’t think that others are fools and don’t pay high interest for large deposits. This just shows Liao Baoshan’s cleverness.

  Generally, people with large deposits are bosses, and they may need large loans in the future;

  But Liao Chong Hing Bank's money has been loaned to his boss, how much money is there!

  It is precisely because of Liao Baoshan's behavior that many colleagues have criticized him.

Hang Seng Bank

  "He Sheng, please also see that since everyone is a Chinese bank and all Cantonese, please help!" Liao Baoshan came to Hang Seng Bank and pleaded with He Shanheng.

   "Liao Sheng, it's not that I don't help you, but that Hang Seng Bank is not a company of my own. We are a joint-stock company, so we need to open a board of directors." He Shanheng did not refuse, but what he said was an excuse.

  "This, this. But now it is saving people like fire fighting. Every branch of Liao Chong Hing Bank is full of people. Some of these people can't wait to hit our glass with stones." Liao Baoshan continued begging.

   "Liao Sheng, I'm really embarrassed, I really don't want to personally take charge of such a major event; besides, this incident has also affected our Hang Seng Bank, and we dare not release our own money! Please forgive me."

  One, two. Many Chinese banks declined Liao Baoshan for various reasons, in short, they could not borrow money.

   "You can't help you die! You can't help you die!" Liao Baoshan roared angrily and desperately from the back of the car, and then cried with her headache.

  The driver and assistant dare not say anything, they can only be silent.

At this time, the several branches of Liao Chong Hing Bank were full of people, and the people of Dou Sheng were panicked and anxious. The money was the hard-earned money that everyone had earned over the years. Dare to imagine

  Some depositors cried and stomped their feet, and some depositors yelled at Liao Baoshan for hurting everyone.

  On the second night of the run, many people were still standing at the gate of Liao Chong Hing Bank;

  They would rather sleep on the street than wait for the withdrawal tomorrow morning.

  (End of this chapter)