I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 41: The dream of one-third of the world

  Chapter 41 The Dream of Three Divisions of the World

  Bringing Xue Cheng to the factory in Shau Kei Wan, Xue Cheng was shocked!

   "Guangyao, what are you doing again? How much does it cost to rent such a large factory building?"

  Is this kind of factory still big?

  In my previous life, I just opened a small mold processing factory, and the area is one-third this.

"To open a garment production factory, currently there are only tailor shops on Hong Kong Island. The productivity is not enough, which makes garments expensive. So I plan to introduce machinery to produce garments on a large scale to knock down the prices of garments on Hong Kong Island!" Wu Guangyao is unselfish. His expression, as if he was not making money.

"You have courage and ideals! But Guangyao, your development is too fast, you can take your time, after all, your gold and silver shop has just occupied the Hong Kong Island market, don't venture into the capital!" Xue Cheng kindly persuaded himself. Regarding Guangyao as a nephew, he naturally doesn't want him to be too aggressive and lose his savings at that time.

  Wu Guangyao naturally saw Xue Cheng’s kindness, not despising himself!

   "My future father-in-law gave me hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, so there is no pressure on funds. Even if I fail, it will not affect my old Fengxiang!"

  Wu Guangyao’s words made Xue Cheng stunned. This kid still has this fortune. He can find a good wife and a good father-in-law.

  The entire plant is mainly painted, and it will not go into a big fight. The main thing is that the hydropower needs to be well planned.

  Of course, the most important thing is electricity. Without electricity, the entire plant cannot operate.

   Therefore, Wu Guangyao needs to negotiate with the government to ensure the power supply of his factory.

  Secondly, it is necessary to build fences and guards, as well as level the open space outside the factory.

  Naturally, Wu Guangyao personally made the design plan. Xue Cheng feels that he has been taught another lesson. It seems that the decoration company will also take a step forward in factory decoration in the future.

  Naturally, the next step is to recruit managers. Wu Guangyao advertised on radio and newspapers for this, and posted job advertisements everywhere, which can be described as spreading the net.

  "Uniqlo, a modern production company dedicated to the development of ready-made garments. Now hires the following people with high salaries, several factory management, and requires a certain degree of cultural education and engineering management experience; foreign trade talents, who can speak English, have overseas experience preferred."

  For a time, the entire Hong Kong Island was filled with recruitment advertisements laid down by Wu Guangyao, which made people speculate.

  This application location is at Lao Fengxiang Jewelry Company. Could it be that the boss is also Lao Fengxiang’s legendary boss?

  Wu Guangyao wandered on Hong Kong Island alone and established a powerful jewelry empire. He has become a household name on Hong Kong Island.

  So, Wu Guangyao is still very famous on Hong Kong Island!

   "I regard Wu Guangyao as a major enemy in my life, but he didn't expect him to pay attention to me at all. This is a distraction to open a garment factory, which is still a modern factory!"

  Zheng Yutong smiled helplessly, feeling like being ignored by his opponent!

  About the son of Zhou Junlian who was born last week, the two were in a tea restaurant and talked about Wu Guangyao, the common enemy of the two!

"The production of ready-made garments is not easy to do. At present, it is basically monopolized by Europe and the United States, because there are machines in Europe and the United States that can produce cheap products. Therefore, there are no garment factories on Hong Kong Island. Somersault!" Zhou Junlian said.

   "I don't think it's necessarily!" Zheng Yutong shook his head and said with an expression that I know Wu Guangyao well.

   "Oh! What's your opinion of Brother Zheng? Let's hear it!" Zhou Junlian asked in surprise.

"I have studied Wu Guangyao. This person has a very thorough understanding of Europe and the United States, so many of his ideas are more avant-garde and closer to Western modernization. Since he dared to make such a big momentum this time, he may be certain. You don't have it. Look at the recruitment? He claimed that his garment factory is also a modern production, and it seems that he intends to spend a lot of money to buy machines from abroad. But what makes me most curious is that he has so much money from him, is he going to transfer Lao Fengxiang's money? Funds, that’s a good thing for us.” Zheng Yutong said profoundly. If you give yourself a folding fan, you might be a bit like Mr. Wolong!

  "Brother Zheng thinks that Lao Fengxiang will continue to develop because he does not have enough funds!" Zhou Junlian also got excited, he only cares about the jewelry industry, and the rest he does not care about!

  "Well, not only is there insufficient funds, but also energy is also insufficient. Therefore, we must work hard to catch up with Lao Fengxiang during this period of time!"

   "Okay, everyone work hard together, it is best that we have three parts of the world!" Zhou Junlian has already stood up excitedly.

   "Yes, our goal is to get a third of the world! As for the future, we have our own abilities!" Zheng Yutong also stood up and said passionately.

  Lao Fengxiang jewelry is now like a big mountain, pressing the heads of the gold and silver shops on the whole Hong Kong Island.

  Chow Tai Fook and Chow Tai Sang dream of wanting to share the same fame as Lao Fengxiang and share the jewelry business on Hong Kong Island!

  Although everyone imitated one after another, they found that no matter how they imitated, they actually proved Lao Fengxiang’s ad slogan, "Always imitated, never surpassed".

  There is still a gap. The important thing is that the citizens of Hong Kong Island have accepted Lao Fengxiang as the industry benchmark, and Lao Fengxiang will also be given priority when choosing.

  Lin Yueru was recently assigned to her secretary by Wu Guangyao, saving her a day of doing nothing.

  Women must have something to do, otherwise they will find trouble with men. This is the experience that Wu Guangyao summed up in later generations.

  Of course, Lin Yueru was very happy to hear that she was Wu Guangyao’s secretary.

  Because I can often be with the people I like, and I can also participate in his career and be a good helper!

  Then, is this really the case?

"Yueru, pour me a cup of boiling water, put some tea, oh, yes, let me wash some fruit!" In the office of Lao Fengxiang company, Wu Guangyao generously called Lin Yueru in front of everyone. NS.

  "What? Serve tea, pour water, and wash fruits, I am not a nanny. Wu Guangyao, are you itchy!" Lin Yueru had served others there, and she had served herself as a maid since she was a child.

"Yueru! The secretary does these things, and of course there are other jobs. But first, you must ensure the boss’s life needs. If you want to, I can find someone. After all, I have too many things to do. Do it yourself!" Wu Guangyao said sternly, without the slightest molesting in his eyes, but he wanted to laugh in his heart. This woman needs to be tuned up, she can't always be the eldest lady, isn't it because she will have to serve her in the future. Even if you are serving, you have to be that kind of serving, right?

  Lin Yueru’s expression changed unpredictably, and Wu Guangyao asked Wu Guangyao to find the secretary again. What if he finds a beautiful woman?

  Furthermore, I am very happy with him. If he hadn't had this job, Wu Guangyao would never be with him all the time.

  Lin Yueru finally calmed down, and of course Wu Guangyao knew that enough was enough!

  This is his future wife, and she has excellent conditions in all aspects!

  (End of this chapter)