I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 569: [Just be a porter of nature]

  Chapter 569【Only a porter of nature】

  Baiyou Building

Zhang Tianming, president of Master Kong Food and Beverage Company, a subsidiary of Baiyou Group, is sitting on the sofa and reporting to Wu Guangyao;

  Zhang Tianming was originally Wu Xianshuo’s deputy, a veteran hero who established Master Kong with Wu Xianshuo;

  After Wu Xianshuo went to Universal Group, the position of president naturally fell on Zhang Tianming.

  At this time, Baiyou Group has formed three major industries, clothing, retail, food and beverage;

  The clothing is divided into two aspects: ready-to-wear manufacturing and clothing branding:

The garment manufacturing business has not expanded for more than ten years. Although it has not expanded, the garment industry of Baiyou Group has been on a large scale as early as the 1950s, with a scale of about 5,000 workers. To maintain this scale, Wu Guangyao is already quite satisfied.

The clothing brand is still three brands—Uniqlo, Armani, and Valen Tiannu. Although the three brands have not yet entered the European and American clothing retail, their layout and development throughout Asia are quite mature; the important thing is that the development is very healthy. , The future is promising!

  The retail aspect is roughly divided into supermarkets, department stores, convenience stores, chain pharmacies, chain electrical stores, and antique stores:

The supermarket is divided into two brands-ParknShop and Metro Supermarket (joint venture). ParknShop is a local supermarket brand in Hong Kong and Macau, occupying about 70% of the market share of Hong Kong and Macau supermarkets. The other 30% is owned by Jardine Matheson, Occupied by the supermarket of Hutchison Holdings;

  Metro Supermarkets entered Asia through a joint venture, and the partner is naturally the Baiyou Group. The joint venture Metro Group has stores in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Southeast Asia and other Asian countries.

Baiyou Group has three department store brands, namely high-end Lane Crawford, mid-to-high-end Dah Sing Department Store, and mid-end Zhonghua Department Store. Lane Crawford has stores throughout Asia, while Dah Sing and Zhonghua Department Stores are only available in Hong Kong and Macau have business.

  Baiyou Group’s convenience store is naturally the Metro convenience store that it joined, responsible for the entire Asian market, and it is still the leader.

  Chain pharmacies, chain electrical stores, antique stores, these are only businesses in Hong Kong and Macau.

  Baiyou Group’s food and beverage industry—Master Kong, is undoubtedly the most dynamic company in the past two years:

At present, Master Kong’s beverages are only “Red Bull”, but with Metro’s global channels, they quickly opened up markets around the world; with the ad slogan of “Drink Red Bull when tired and sleepy”, it quickly became a truck driver and overtime white-collar workers all over the world. Familiar beverage; of course, it can only be said that it has opened up the market, and it cannot be regarded as a great success.

  Master Kong’s food, that is, Master Kong’s instant noodles in various flavors. As a traveler, the instant noodles he eats are unknown. Even if he doesn’t know the specific method, it can at least give R&D staff great hints;

   Therefore, Master Kong's instant noodles have become a threat to Japanese instant noodles;

  However, in the instant noodle industry, in the future, every country will have its own brands. It is basically impossible to lead the way;

  It is the mainland, which will be a big cake, which can be used as a key business object in the future.

  Master Kang’s other products include toffee, biscuits and other small snacks, which are not listed for the time being.

  Master Kong also has a listed company, the Dairy Company;

  The milk company has a dairy farm, a processing plant, and a full 2,000 workers. It can be described as a big company;

   But such a large company is now only reduced to a secondary subsidiary;

  Of course, Master Kong will grow up soon, and it’s not like burying the milk company;

  Milk company’s dairy products account for 90% of Hong Kong’s.

  This is the general industrial chain of Baiyou Group. Of course, it is not the entire industrial chain, but there are also some small subsidiaries.

  After listening to Zhang Tianming’s report, Wu Guangyao is still very satisfied with his performance overall, and 10% is a little dissatisfied;

  Satisfaction is that these people can perform perfectly as long as they draw a circle;

  A little bit of dissatisfaction is that these executives lack a little strategic spirit;

  Of course, this cannot be blamed on them. Often a company will have several nodes (key points) after decades of development;

  Wu Guangyao, as a traverser, naturally has countless successful company nodes in previous lives for reference;

  But these executives are different. After all, they are only people in the seventies, and they can't clearly know the trend of future generations.

   "The development is very good, but the variety is still single?" Wu Guangyao said.

  Zhang Tianming suddenly smiled bitterly, thinking about the boss, do you know that Master Kong has only been established for less than three years;

The results achieved by    are almost the results of other companies in the past 30 years, and the legendary boss is still not satisfied!

  "Boss, I have thought about this!" Zhang Tianming quickly reacted. The boss may be testing himself, but he can't show his timidity.

   Speaking of it, Zhang Tianming thought he was Wu Xianshuo's courtier, but Wu Xianshuo only stayed at Baiyou Group for more than a year before he went to the Global Group; Zhang Tianming was even a little nervous when he took office, and he was very serious and conscientious in his work.

  What Zhang Tianming didn’t know was that his rumors had already been reflected in Wu Guangyao’s ears;

  On the whole, Wu Guangyao thinks that Zhang Tianming is the second-generation auxiliary minister of the Wu family, which means he is very satisfied.

  "Then tell me what you think? Just tell me!" Wu Guangyao leaned back and looked at Zhang Tianming with a hint of encouragement on his face.

  Zhang Tianming immediately straightened his body and leaned forward. If he was appreciated by the boss, wouldn’t his position be more stable;

After finishing a little bit, Zhang Tianming said: "Boss, I have done a lot of research about the food and beverage industry, and I have some insights, so please be correct.

First of all, there are many types of beverages. Let me talk about carbonated beverages. There are currently several soda brands on Hong Kong Island. Coca-Cola, which is represented by Swire Pacific, is undoubtedly the leader. The second is Watsons's soda, our milk company's soda, and Lee's family. Joint soda

  I personally think that in terms of carbonated drinks, we can leave it alone. After all, Watsons and Dairy Company are under your command. "

  Wu Guangyao nodded, he really did not have the mind to strengthen carbonated drinks;

  And I also know that in the 1980s, Hong Kong set off a wave of health pursuits, and carbonated beverages did not have much prospects.

   Encouraged by Wu Guangyao, young executive Zhang Tianming boldly said: “I personally think that fresh milk in Hong Kong is still too expensive and still not popular in every household. So soy milk is undoubtedly a good supplement.

  Currently, Vita soy milk occupies 90% of the soy milk market in Hong Kong;

  In the past few years, Vitasoy’s advertisement ‘Vitasoy, it’s easy to stop sodas’, highlighting that it is healthier than soda drinks;

  So I think if we enter the soy milk industry, it should be a very good choice;

  For entering the soy milk industry, my opinion is to buy Vitasoy. After all, building a brand that Hong Kong citizens can trust will cost money! "

   Hearing about the acquisition, Wu Guangyao was already numb!

   However, he still said with a face-to-face: "Vitasoy’s Luo family has been operating Vitasoy for more than 30 years and may not sell it!"

  Vitasoy is not listed, it will be very troublesome to acquire;

  Luo Jia, an important major shareholder of Vitasoy, definitely has no intention of selling Vitasoy!

  It's very simple. A big family must have a career, which is not only a source of money, but also a sustenance of spirit.

  Other Luo's industries can't make up for this vacancy, so naturally the company will not be sold.

  If the price is too expensive, Wu Guangyao will not buy it stupidly, after all, this thing is not an antique!

   Zhang Tianming suddenly had a bit of murderous look on his face, and said: "Since they don't sell, then we will defeat them, make their company cheaper in the end, and take the initiative to ask us to buy it."

  This is not arrogance. Following Wu Guangyao’s management, they all have this kind of ‘arrogance’;

  Who gave them the courage?

  Naturally not Liang Jingru!

  It is the powerful capital power of the group company and the legendary experience of the group company!

  Wu Guangyao nodded and said, "Well, I will arrange someone from my family office to assist you in this matter recently! However, I advise you to first consider how to compete with Vitasoy!"

  Zhang Tianming is also very happy to see that the boss has adopted his opinions and entered the soy milk industry!

  Next, Wu Guangyao asked: "Are there still industries to enter?"

  Zhang Tianming was taken aback, obviously not prepared!

  After all, according to common sense, a company must digest at least one industry before considering entering the next industry.

  Zhang Tianming whispered: “There are many industries that can be entered, but I haven’t come to make a plan yet!”

  Wu Guangyao did not blame Zhang Tianming. Generally speaking, Wu Guangyao would only curse one type of management, that is, the management with weak execution ability;

  The reason why this kind of management is not strong in execution, to put it bluntly, is that it is lazy, or that the ability is really insufficient!

  As for innovation, Wu Guangyao does not emphasize and demand very much. After all, with his own chief designer, the company will not lack innovation;

  Furthermore, it is difficult for a management who lacks innovation to reach the top level;

  Since it is only the middle and low level, this aspect is not so important!

   "Actually, I came here to give you the order! But this soy milk industry is a surprise you gave me!"

   "Boss, please speak!"

  Wu Guangyao said: “Master Kong immediately prepares a mineral water brand. I have thought about this brand. It is called ‘Hundred Years Mountain’, which means drinking our mineral water and living a long life.”

  Zhang Tianming cautiously said: "Boss, Watsons also has bottled water!"

Wu Guangyao waved his hand and said: "What I want is not a small brand, I want a world brand. You follow my intentions and form a strong army, even if you dig for me from abroad, you will not hesitate to pay. ."

  Zhang Tianming finally understood that the boss was thinking, and quickly said: "Yes, boss, I will report the results to you as soon as possible."

  Wu Guangyao smiled, and then picked up a bunch of materials from the desk;

  "The plan is written, I hope you can carry it forward!"

  Zhang Tianming's face is happy, no one in the world knows that the boss is a legendary businessman;

  In the business community on Hong Kong Island, who doesn’t know, the boss is a wizard and often makes great innovations.

   Zhang Tianming excitedly accepted the plan and asked: "Boss, can I take a look now?"

  Wu Guangyao nodded, the information is only an outline, not much content;

  If Zhang Tianming doesn’t understand anything, I can give some advice by myself!

  "This ad slogan is really creative-we don't produce water, but only porters of nature!"

  "This advertisement is too beautiful and fairy tale. The metaphorical advertisement of you, the mathematician Descartes Princess of Sweden, is too classic; it can make people curious, and the story behind this advertisement will not cause us trouble."

  "New Zealand water source-Bay of Plenty. Fijian water source in Melanesia. Boss, you are so knowledgeable!"

  Zhang Tianming got into it the more he looked, and when he encountered something he didn't understand, he immediately asked Wu Guangyao for advice!

  Of course, Wu Guangyao may not answer!

  In addition to entering mineral water, Wu Guangyao also plans to enter fruit drinks;

  However, it is better to digest soy milk and mineral water first, these two industries are better!

  (End of this chapter)