I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 593: 【Shigeru Miyamoto】

  Chapter 593 【Shigeru Miyamoto】

After the two presidents left, Haruko walked into Wu Guangyao's office happily;

   Seeing that there was no one, Haruko sat down on Wu Guangyao's lap, with his hands also wrapped around Wu Guangyao's neck.

   "Brother, what's the big issue, why have we talked with the two presidents for so long?"

  "Pay attention to the influence! If the staff sees their goddess minister lying in the boss's arms, gossip will spread!"

   "No, I called Miko guarding at the door. I said I have important things to report to the president!"

  As soon as Haruko mentioned Miko, Wu Guangyao frowned and said, "Give me a male secretary!"

Haruko looked at Wu Guangyao incredulously, and asked curiously: "What is the truth? Miko graduated from Tokyo University, and she has good abilities, and she has nothing to say. You want to change secretary? Could it be that you ate her. ?"

  Wu Guangyao was so angry, he slapped Haruko’s buttocks!

   "What do you think? Just because this secretary is so beautiful, I'm afraid she has any thoughts about me!"

  Haruko opened her little cherry mouth, and was killed by Wu Guangyao's stinky beauty!

  However, I quickly agreed with Wu Guangyao’s point of view in my heart that his man is indeed attractive to women;

  Moreover, as you get older, your masculine charm also increases!

   "Okay! Then I will transfer her to the audiovisual department I am in charge of!"

"Be careful, this girl is not easy! I just glanced at her as if I wanted to take advantage of her. This is too much to think about it! I am very worried that she will use my identity to do it. The article, when the time comes, I will have a mouthful of inexplicable words!"

  In just a few minutes, Haruko has been caught by thunder three times!

  After a long time, they are not on the same channel!

   But, does Miko have such a big thought?

  Miko is Haruko’s younger sister, graduated from the same university with the same major, plus they are both big beauties;

   Therefore, Haruko admires Miko very much and asks her to wait on her side by Wu Guangyao, so that she will be promoted quickly in the future!

  Haruko is also very relieved of Wu Guangyao, after all, after so many years, Wu Guangyao does not have an eighth woman;

  To say that there is a lack of beautiful women, Haruko does not believe that the flight attendant on the private plane is not a big beautiful woman;

  For so many years, I haven't seen these women pregnant with Wu Guangyao's cubs!

  At present, the Sony Audiovisual Department, which Haruko is in charge of, has a very wide range of business;

  American Columbia products, Universal Pictures, Japan’s music department and film department, there are hundreds of artists under its umbrella, and the annual profit is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars;

  Of course, Universal Pictures has contributed the most!

  And Haruko currently owns 10% of Sony’s shares and has entered the board of directors. If she and Wu Guangyao’s son and daughter become talented, it may not be impossible to become the owner of Sony!

  The two chatted for 30 minutes. Haruko was afraid that others would gossip, so she got up and left.

  After another 20 minutes, Miko walked in tears, making Wu Guangyao a little embarrassed!

   "What's going on?" Wu Guangyao pretended not to know!

  Don’t know, Miko’s tears shed even more anxiously as soon as I asked this sentence;

"Stop! You look like this, let others see you, and think I bully you! It's just a normal job assignment, doesn't President Haruko appreciate you very much, it just happens that her place is more suitable for you than mine!" Wu Guangyao was a little panicked and touched for the first time. To such a naive woman.

  Miko wiped her tears with her sleeves, like a break, strode towards Wu Guangyao;

  It’s all right now. Wu Guangyao misunderstood even more. Miko wanted to plant and frame her, and quickly got up and hid behind a chair.

   "What are you going to do?"

  Miko was taken aback, thinking in her heart, this misunderstanding is too big!

  Just now, President Haruko conveyed the chairman's meaning to herself, and she was dumbfounded at that time!

  I was just because I was nervous, I did not expect to be misunderstood by the president;

  Because of this, I have to be transferred. I am really wronged!

   "President, you. You misunderstood me!"

  Miko doesn’t know how to explain, so she can’t say bluntly, please see the president, I don’t mind!

   "I didn't misunderstand you, I think you are a bit awkward as my secretary. This is to promote you and let you get a promotion in the audiovisual department!"

  Miko didn’t believe it at all, and didn’t want to transfer at all;

  Because if you are the secretary of the chairman, you will gradually get in touch with high-level matters, which are all your future qualifications.

  "President, I don’t mind you watching it. I just thought you were dissatisfied with me, so I was a little nervous!"

  Up to now, Miko has also done it. Compared with this position, the face is nothing but the president.

  Wu Guangyao's face blushed after hearing what Miko said, and he carefully recalled the situation just now;

  It seems that I have a guilty conscience!

  Seeing that Miko is still pitiful, Wu Guangyao also understands compassion!

  ‘Cough~Cough! ’Cough and wave away the embarrassment.

  Wu Guangyao straightened his waist, restored the president's true color, and returned to the chair from the back of the chair!

  I was so embarrassed for the first time. At that time, I was really a little scared.

  Then I really can’t protect myself at night!

  I also think of the experience of a businessman surnamed Yang in the United States, so I think about it!

  "Then you will continue to serve as my secretary for the time being, and remember not to make a fuss next time, how decent you are!"

  Miko quickly cleaned up her face, quickly wiped her tears away, and quickly put on a smiling face.

   "Well, I am wrong, the chairman criticized it!"

  On this day, a management of Sony’s personnel department came to Wu Guangyao’s office and handed Wu Guangyao a piece of paper.

  Looking at the content on the paper, Wu Guangyao smiled!

  It turned out that Wu Guangyao remembered that in the early stage of video games, because of hardware performance problems, there is no need to work hard, just a little work on skills and creativity is enough;

  But with the emergence of the third generation of TV game consoles, the game software must have various high standards such as clear pictures and high playability;

  So, Wu Guangyao thought that even if he demonstrated Mario to Sony, he might not be able to reach the height of his previous life;

  Of course, it is not absolute, maybe it can be better than the previous "Mario"!

  However, since there is double insurance, why not?

  Nintendo has a soul figure, Shigeru Miyamoto, classic works such as Donkey Kong, Super Mario, and The Legend of Zelda;

In his previous life, Shigeru Miyamoto was the creator of Nintendo’s game culture. His favorite products have created more than $5 billion in direct benefits for Nintendo for more than two decades (this figure does not include Shigeru Miyamoto such as "Pokemon". Indirectly involved in the production of game software).

  At this time, Shigeru Miyamoto is living at home. Isn’t it just a good person who is beckoning?

  So, Wu Guangyao dragged the personnel department to find Shigeru Miyamoto's information!

  Wu Guangyao remembers the "Graduation in 1975" of "Shigeru Miyamoto" and "Kanazawa City Art University".

  Only three days later, Miyamoto Shigeru's information came to Wu Guangyao's hands!

  It seems that the people in the personnel department are dealing with major events!

  "Help me call President Shengtian!"

   "Okay, President!"

After   Miko responded, she turned around and went to the table where the phone was placed;

  I don’t know if it was intentional, crawling up the waist, pushing up the buttocks, and slightly swinging the hips.


  Wu Guangyao exclaimed in his heart!

   "Do you know how to massage?" Wu Guangyao felt that he should enjoy it, not to be too poor.

   "Yes, I'll press it for you!" Miko was shocked, and thought in her heart that after learning the technique for a long time, it finally came in handy.

  Closed his eyes and enjoying the moderate intensity, Wu Guangyao almost fell asleep;

   With a knock on the door, Wu Guangyao opened his eyes.

  "Don't stop!. Please come in!"

  Akio Morita walked into the office, there was no color on his face, as if there was no Miko in his eyes.


   "Well, come here!"

  Wu Guangyao handed Shigeru Miyamoto's information to Akio Morita, and said, "This is a talent that one of my headhunting companies is looking for. Please go and invite it yourself!"

   Akio Morita was a little surprised, but he still took the information and said, "Okay, President!"

  Looking at the information, Akio Morita became curious, and said to Wu Guangyao, “Is the art student who has just graduated for one year been assigned to the game software development department?”

Wu Guangyao nodded and said, "It should be, I was also recommended to me by a headhunting company! I heard that he prefers a comfortable and free working environment, you can handle it at your discretion! But I think this kind of talent is quite suitable Our game development studio. Try to fight for it!"

  I can’t ask Akio Morita to come, this is a bit belittle my confidant!

  It’s just a software talent, and I am familiar with Super Mario very well, and Sony’s game studio is full of talents, and it may not be lost to Shigeru Miyamoto.

Morita Akio smiled and said, "Boss, don't worry! Our company's benefits are good. Game development studios have elements of comfort and freedom. After all, creativity cannot be squeezed."

Wu Guangyao signaled Miko to pour water for Akio Morita, and then continued: "The third-generation game console is designed to replace game software, so we also need to cooperate with the studio that develops games, so that our products will not be single. ."

   Akio Morita said, "Well, I will arrange it!"

  When it comes to video games, there are too many topics to talk about;

  For example, handheld game consoles equipped with "Hong Kong Cube" will also be sold at the end of the year. This is a product that Wu Guangyao is looking forward to.

  Electronic game watches will also be on sale in the second half of the year;

  These are considerable profits!

  (End of this chapter)