I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 663: 【Outgoing】

  Chapter 663 【Resignation】

  In May, MacLehose officially ended his ten-year career as the governor of Hong Kong. It was Youde, who was a diplomat, who took over his position.

   Regarding the issue of Hong Kong, Britain has already begun to test the tone of the mainland, because they are more anxious than anyone else;

  But whether it was the visit of the British Conservative Prime Minister Edward to the mainland in 1974, or the visit of Governor Merrihau to the capital in 1979;

  There is only one answer-according to the lease term that expires in 1997, Hong Kong must return in 1997.

  Especially in 1979, when Mai Lihao went to the capital, he got a tough answer-Hong Kong is a part of China, and this issue itself cannot be discussed.

  Because of fear of causing panic in the business community on Hong Kong Island, Gu Mai Lihao did not mention this after returning to Hong Kong;

  Just to say, the mainland government asks everyone to invest with confidence;

  So, it did not arouse people's alertness!

  But in April of this year, the Hong Kong issue finally began to officially cover everyone's heads.

  On May 7, the Hong Kong government specially prepared a large-scale farewell ceremony for Mai Lihao. Tens of thousands of citizens visited during the day and a celebrity banquet was held in the evening.

  MacLehose’s farewell dinner was held in the Government House, and the people who came to the dinner were basically the upper-class people in Hong Kong society.

  Before the banquet, Wu Guangyao and MacLehose, Xia Dingji, Bao Yugang, Shen Bi and others gathered together to chat. This is probably the circle of top people in Hong Kong.

  The difference between this time and that year is that Bao Yugang is also qualified to stand here;

  Before the mid-1970s, only Wu Guangyao of the Chinese was considered the top figure on Hong Kong Island.

  And now, the reason why Bao Yugang is more influential than the four big families on Hong Kong Island is naturally from the shipping industry, which is much more influential than real estate;

  From the funeral of Dong Yunhao and President Reagan’s condolence calls, we can see the leopard.

Wu Guangyao said earnestly: "Before Governor MacLehose resigned, I specially asked my media to conduct a survey. The results showed that the vast majority of Hong Kong citizens believe that Governor MacLehose is one of the most outstanding Governors in Hong Kong. ; Hong Kong’s economy can have today’s prosperity, and Governor MacLehose has made great contributions."

  Wu Guangyao’s voice is relatively loud, and some people around can hear it clearly, so everyone applauded;

  As if infected, the people in the whole reception hall clapped for a long time without knowing it.

  Wu Guangyao is not flattering, he is speaking from the heart, and Mai Lihao has been very accepting of his own opinions over the years;

  It can be said that for the development of Hong Kong, the Englishman put aside all prejudices!

  If there is another governor, Wu Guangyao does not know whether he will support his new town in Tin Shui Wai, whether he will support the new airport, or whether he will support the establishment of the Polytechnic University

  In short, Wu Guangyao is still full of respect for Mai Lihao;

  Perhaps because he had not worked in other British colonies before managing Hong Kong, so he didn’t have too many worries;

  Even because of Hong Kong’s taxation issues, it refuted the British requirements. In the end, Hong Kong did not need to pay taxes to the United Kingdom.

MacLehose was very moved and said seriously: "Thank Mr. Wu for his recognition! In the same way, Hong Kong has achieved such a brilliant economy. In addition to the policy support of the British government, I also often get help and guidance from Mr. Wu; of course, in addition to these, It is the hard work of every Hong Kong person that Hong Kong is prosperous today."

Wu Guangyao said modestly: "I'm just a businessman! Governor MacLehose will definitely become a nobleman for life after he returns to the UK. Don't forget Hong Kong by then! At this time, Hong Kong's development foundation has been firmly established, and the economy will continue to advance by leaps and bounds; I used to I heard the Japanese say,'America's today is Japan's tomorrow'. Today I am here to predict'Japan's today is Hong Kong's tomorrow'. So, Governor MacLehose is welcome to come back often!"

  At the beginning of these remarks, there may be a little lack of confidence. It should be noted that Japan is a powerful country in science and technology;

  Before transformation, Hong Kong was at best an industrial processing center, not a real science and technology area;

  But now, Hong Kong will not follow the old path of the previous life, because there is Tian Shuiwei Industrial Park, Hung Hom Industrial Park (the original site of Qingzhou Yingni), a steady stream of science and engineering students, and capitalists willing to invest in the technology industry

  There are also large technology companies such as Xiaomi Electronics and Yaoshi Industry, which can be described as promising!

  MacLehose smiled and said: "It is true, Hong Kong's industry will not disappear anymore!"

  Seeing everyone in the clouds, Mai Lihao smiled and explained Wu Guangyao’s ‘warranty talk’ in front of him, and everyone suddenly realized;

  I also had to admire Wu Guangyao’s vision. When everyone was still looking at Hong Kong, others had already positioned Hong Kong in the development of the global field.

  If it’s not for Mai Lihao’s farewell dinner today, everyone would not mind giving a flattery to Wu Guangyao.

  Everyone chatted in twos and threes, and the banquet officially began;

  As the protagonist of today's banquet, Mai Lihao will naturally do his part to give an inciting speech;

  From the reform measures and economic development of various parties in Hong Kong during his ten-year tenure, to the prospects of Hong Kong in the future;

  The crowds in the audience were very excited, even if they are all mature capitalists, they have to admit that these words of Mai Lihao are very resonant;

  After all, Hong Kong is the fundamental place for everyone. The better Hong Kong develops, the better your own business and family will be.

  But as soon as the conversation turns, the politician’s face will show up;

  Merry Hao began to emphasize that Hong Kong was under the control of the United Kingdom and had achieved such great achievements, and began to disclose a long-term policy of the United Kingdom on Hong Kong Island.

  Since the 1970s, Chinese capital has grown rapidly through listing. Today, the overall strength of Chinese capital has surpassed that of British capital by a few blocks;

  Throughout the 1970s, with Wu Guangyao as the leader, large-scale acquisition of traditional British companies, such as Wharf, Qingzhou Yingni, Hongkong Electric, Hongkong Tram and other established British companies;

  In the late 1970s, some smaller British companies were targeted by other Chinese companies, and then they were acquired.

  Today's Hong Kong is not a company of the Wu family. With the overall strength of Chinese capital such as Bao Yugang, Li Chaoren, Li Zhaoji, Zheng Yutong, Guo Desheng, etc., it surpasses the British capital of several large foreign companies.

   Therefore, Mai Lihao played the emotional card and revealed in other words that the mainland may harm everyone’s interests in order to win over these Chinese tycoons;

  Not only that, but McLehau also revealed in his speech that the British government and the Hong Kong government intend to increase the proportion of Chinese people in politics, so as to realize the bright future of the British and Chinese governing Hong Kong together.

  Wu Guangyao frowned below. Mai Lihao's speech may not have much effect on some shrewd businessmen, such as Li Zhaoji, Zheng Yutong, Kadoorie, and the Shyoke family and other Chinese and British businessmen;

  Because businessmen think a lot, things that offend others are generally not done;

  So everyone will not choose to stand in line at all, but take both sides.

  Of course, there are also very few businessmen who have a very clear lineup. The Chinese-owned Huo Yingdong is clearly standing in the mainland, and the British-owned Jardine is clearly standing in the UK.

  Except for these two, no one will listen to your ‘flicker’ at all.

  But businessmen don’t listen to flicker, while politicians on Hong Kong Island listen very much to the ‘flicker’ of the British;

  These people even want to negotiate with the mainland as representatives of Hong Kong people. Can you imagine the result?

  You are not a sovereign country. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with a sovereign country?

  Of course, in any case, Wu Guangyao still has no malice towards these people. After all, they are indeed fighting for the interests of the people of Hong Kong Island;

  Although, they were used as guns!

  Actually, the mainland said as early as the late 1970s that it would maintain Hong Kong’s special status;

  But the one-G two-Z argument is a new thing after all, and many people don’t have a clear understanding at all;

   Therefore, during the Sino-British negotiations, Hong Kong Island began to take a lot of capital, and some talents also began to drain;

  Although these capital and talents have returned a lot in the end, the losses are still very large.

  I hope that in this world, because of my own appearance, there is a possibility of reducing losses!

  【Push a book: Ride and Cut the Three Kingdoms

  The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty,

  Wang Zhengchao became a member of the Yellow Turban of Qingzhou, and became a thief who was inferior to civilians.

  At first, he just wanted to live, after all, his surname was neither Zhu nor Liu.

  Not long after, his dream was: Don’t have the day when you are hungry and go crazy.

  Rebel, fight for dragon, fight for deer, dominate.

  In this era, those are survival games that can only be played by noble clans.

  He prefers another one: horseback riding, and hacking. 】

    There is no charge for the number of words in the book after the chapter, because I will not charge an extra 2 cents for less than 2,600 words.



  (End of this chapter)