I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 664: 【Building 12】

  Chapter 664 [Building 12]

  In June, Britain won the final victory in the Falklands War, drawing a successful end to the local war that lasted for two months;

  For the United Kingdom, strong patriotism began to sweep across the country, strengthening the authority of the government headed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and laying a firm public opinion foundation for the British Conservative Party in the 1983 general election.

   But for Hong Kong, there is no meaning to You Rongyan. Instead, because of the British victory in the Falklands War, a series of negative effects were produced;

It turned out that Xiangjiang began to spread some gossip: It was said that Britain would not let go of Xiangjiang, and would bring the victory of the Falklands War to discuss the ownership of Hong Kong with the mainland government; and the mainland government will not give in, as the United Nations. With the existence of Wuchang, how could it be possible for the colony phenomenon to happen to oneself; therefore, it is very likely that the two sides will break out another Asian "Falconian War".

  At this time, as the market’s fastest responding securities and real estate, they immediately fell into a state of ‘maltiness, stagnation, and decline’.

  On the eve of the negotiations, Wu Guangyao is undoubtedly the Hong Kong government and the British government most want to win;

  Whether it is Governor Youde or Thatcher of England, they have held talks with Wu Guangyao many times.

  Don’t say that Wu Guangyao knows the general trend of history, even if he does not know the future of Hong Kong, he will naturally not tie himself to the British side;

   Let’s talk about the people of the colony, the more you hear it, the more ear-piercing it gets;

  Even if Wu Guangyao's prestige in the world is so great, he cannot avoid being criticized.

  Changjiang Building,

  Wu Guangyao, Wu Xianshuo, New Yangtze River's Big Three, and Hutchison Whampoa CEO Ma Shimin, a group of core executives are in a meeting.

  "Jianning, what is the financial situation of Cheung Kong Holdings?" Wu Guangyao asked first.

  After graduating from the United States with a Ph.D., Huo Jianning served as the deputy manager of the accounting department of Cheung Kong Holdings, which can be said to be highly regarded by Wu Guangyao;

  It should be noted that in 1979, Cheung Kong, the proper Hong Kong real estate leader, had a market value much higher than that of the second-place land company. The total market value of the top five real estate companies (except Cheung Kong Holdings) was not as high as that of Cheung Kong.

  Huo Jianning, now 30, is already in charge of the finance of Cheung Kong Holdings.

  Huo Jianning naturally understands what Wu Guangyao means. At present, Hong Kong Island is about to be stormy, and some real estate companies with high debt have begun to tremble.

   "According to your instructions, we have been reducing debt holdings and withdrawing funds since the beginning of 1981; therefore, our current debt ratio is only 12.5%. On the account, there are 5 billion Hong Kong dollars in working capital and 8.2 billion Hong Kong dollars in loan funds."

With a total market value of 26 billion Hong Kong dollars, Cheung Kong is the world’s highest listed real estate company. The main reason is that there are a large number of rent-collecting properties, including: three commercial complexes, more than 20 high-quality commercial buildings on Hong Kong Island, and 3000 More than ten thousand square feet of land reserves, and real estate investment in Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other places.

  Such a huge asset, such a low debt, very incredible;

  But as the senior executives of Cheung Kong, we all know that, in the development history of more than 30 years, Cheung Kong has basically seized every opportunity-spit out at high tide and inhale at low tide.

  Wu Guangyao asked again: "What is the financial situation of Hutchison Whampoa?"

  Ma Shimin did not speak, because Cheung Kong is the parent company of Hutchison Whampoa, and Huo Jianning also serves as a director of Hutchison Whampoa, specializing in financial management.

  Huo Jianning said in a letter: "Hutchison Whampoa has a debt ratio of 20%, with a working capital of 3.2 billion Hong Kong dollars and a loan of 5 billion Hong Kong dollars."

  Hutchison Whampoa has a market value of 9 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is slightly higher than that of the Land Corporation;

  But Hutchison Whampoa is a comprehensive company. In addition to real estate, it has also made great achievements in the fields of ports, retail, manufacturing, and telecommunications.

  Wu Guangyao is very satisfied with the financial situation of the two companies; he can fully demonstrate the demeanor of a large company in the next year's support market;

  In fact, the so-called support for the market is not to say that they are buying bottoms;

  Of course, this bargain hunter does not mean that you have to hunt at the lowest point, but you will choose the most suitable time;

  It has achieved the effect of stabilizing Hong Kong’s economy, and it can also make itself profitable.

At the meeting, Ma Shimin pointedly said: "Land Land now has at least more than 60 real estate projects, large and small. If the market really develops as expected, Land Land may be in a big dilemma."

  Since Ma Shimin took office for more than a year, he has done very well, but he lacks a representative successful case;

  So, he wanted to help the Wu family acquire the land company in order to obtain a qualification.

  Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "Then wait until he is in trouble, you can help me stare!"

  Although the dialogue between the two did not say clearly, they all revealed one meaning, that is, to get involved in the land company;

  Of course, Ma Shimin also knows that it will never be Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong if they really want to initiate an acquisition of the land company;

  The Wu family has always taken family ownership as the main direction for properties in Zhonghuan.

  The reason why Ma Shimin is so caring is that he also shoulders the responsibility of assisting Wu Xianshuo;

  In short, he is not only the CEO of Hutchison Whampoa, but also Wu Xianshuo's assistant.

  Wu Guangyao held meetings one company after another, and formulated some measures in response to the upcoming storm.

   Throughout the summer, Hong Kong was in the cloud of ‘war’;

  Although the media under the Oriental Media Group have made analysis, as the two permanent members of the United Nations, at the same time, the mainland has just gone through a battle, and its performance is not worse than the British Battle of Falklands;

  So, the possibility of a war is very low!

  But some rich people dare not bet, they are making the worst preparations, selling some properties first, and finding a way out;

  Once you find something wrong, immediately move to a foreign country with your family and money.

  At this time, there are only two kinds of people who can move abroad: the rich and the skilled.

  So, some middle-class and lower-class people naturally can only stare.

  The best and ideal place to emigrate overseas is Canada, because there is a little bit less xenophobic;

  It is very difficult to move to the United States and the United Kingdom, while Australia is more exclusive.

  On September 17, Hong Kong’s "Oriental Daily" took the lead in breaking out that British Prime Minister Thatcher, the Iron Lady, will fly to the mainland capital on September 22 to discuss matters concerning the future of Hong Kong with the mainland authorities.

  After all the major media learned about it, they prepared to send the best team to the capital to inquire about the news;

  Under the coordination of Xiangjiang Xinhua News Agency, a large number of reporters successfully passed the audit and flew to the capital, preparing to report on this future event that affects more than 5 million people in Hong Kong;

  East Media Group sent a very strong team of reporters, and Wu Guangyao is the only Hong Kong person in this negotiation, so it is natural to get first-hand news;

  Wu Guangyao maintains a good relationship with the leaders on both sides, and every time he goes to London, he will bring Keira and Thatcher to private meetings.

  So, Wu Guangyao made a microphone for several trips to and from Beijing, Hong Kong and London throughout the summer;

  Even wives and children in Japan, the United States, and Switzerland don’t have time to visit.

  On September 22, a British Royal Air Force plane landed slowly at the Capital Airport;

  Ms. Thatcher stepped off the aircraft gangway with dignity, and shook hands with the Vice Minister of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his wife, Director of the Department of Western Europe Wang Benzuo, Hong Kong Governor Sir Youde, Wu Guangyao and others who came to the airport to greet them.

  An anecdote happened that day. The mainland arranged for Thatcher to stay in Building 12 of the State Guest House, which made Thatcher unhappy;

  Generally speaking, foreign heads of state/government visiting China will be arranged in the 18th Presidential Building of the State Guest House. It is no wonder that Mrs. Thatcher is unhappy to see that it is Building 12 when she gets off the bus.

Without the explanation from the staff of the State Guest House, Wu Guangyao explained with a smile: “Building 18 is under renovation, so no arrangements have been made for you to live; and the specifications of Building 12 are not lower than Building 18. Since the establishment of the building, Building 12 has There is only one leader who lives here, and he likes to live here; besides, no other leader has stayed here. I have come before you. I have already inquired clearly, please rest assured!"

  Thatcher suddenly turned to smile when he heard the words!

In her opinion, Wu Guangyao would never lie to her, so she did not ask to see if Building 18 was being renovated (Historically, Thatcher went to see Building 18 and his mood improved. ).

  During his time as a microphone, Wu Guangyao never took sides, even if Thatcher wanted to fall to the UK, but Wu Guangyao still adhered to his own style, only acting as an intermediary and buffer.

  September 24, Iron Lady and the British diplomatic team held formal negotiations with relevant mainland government departments in the Great Hall of the People.

  The negotiation process is not open to any media. Many reporters can only wait anxiously at the gate of the Great Hall of the People.

    Tweet: [The Red Chamber: The Rise of the Son]

     Jia Jing traveled to the world of Red Mansions with the riding and cutting game system, replacing the existence of Jia Cong's consort Jia Cong, and becoming the younger brother born to a compatriot Yingchun.

     Thinking of the decline and liquidation of the Jia family, Jia Jing said, I disagree!

     Let’s see how a traverser with a plug-in can change his fate against the sky in the world of Red Mansions, and stage a drama of the rise of the sons!



  (End of this chapter)