I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 6: Big friend

The more Aunt Hua thought about it, the more scared she became. When she was studying, there were children in her class who moved slowly and didn't like talking. At that time, she was always isolated.

Aunt Hua thought of Xiao Miaomiao in school and a large group of children happily playing together. Her little daughter stood alone, watching them play, and her heart felt even more uncomfortable.

Aunt Hua asked Miao Miao but couldn't ask anything. After dinner, Aunt Hua sent a WeChat to Teacher Li.

"Lulu, are we Miaomiao not very used to school? She ran into the bedroom as soon as she got home today, tears in her eyes, and asked her when she was out, she didn't say anything."

When Teacher Li saw WeChat, she felt a little strange. Xiao Miaomiao didn't do anything at school. Although she was indeed a bit special and not very gregarious, it was obvious that the one next to her was more special and less gregarious.

Teacher Li returned a message to Aunt Hua, "Don’t worry, I’ll ask her at the same table. She’s a genius child at the same table. A teacher made a joke about students stuttering in the class. He stood up and recited a bunch of teacher codes of conduct. I cried. He is very friendly to children." Teacher Li was embarrassed to say that the child once said that caring for human cubs is what everyone should do.

Aunt Hua still remembers that little adult boy.

Teacher Li has already sent a WeChat message to Zhou Yuan's primary school, "Zhou Yuan, is there anything worth noting about Miao Miao in school today? She seems to be sad when she returns home."

Teacher Li also used the original words of Aunt Hua, tearful.

Zhou Yuan was reading a book, and then he saw the information, and suddenly thought of the little deskmate with tears in his eyes...

Zhou Yuan recalled, "No, she is the same today as before."

Then I remembered another thing, "She didn't eat the pomegranate at noon today. It was wrapped in tissues and hidden in her schoolbag."

Is it because of this thing?

"Thank you Zhou Yuan."

"Teacher you are welcome, this is what I should do."

Teacher Li: "..." Sometimes, I really feel that the opposite is a peer of the same age, no, no, no, I feel that the opposite is a parent of a student who is older than me.

Teacher Li quickly told Aunt Hua what Zhou Yuan had told him.

Aunt Hua was a little strange, and carefully opened the door of Xiao Miaomiao's bedroom. Xiao Miaomiao was already asleep.

Aunt Hua took her schoolbag and found that there was nothing in it.

Uncle Hua was a lot more careful and saw the edge of a small piece of paper towel exposed under the bed, so he took out the paper towel.

I saw the broken pomegranate seeds.

Is Xiao Miao Miao sad because the pomegranate seeds are broken?

Aunt Hua took out the pomegranate seeds from Uncle Hua and put them in the original place.

Early the next morning, Xiao Miao Miao, who had just gotten up, heard Aunt Hua outside say, "Husband, today is a good day for planting. Go and buy some pomegranate seeds. When the seedlings are up, we will plant them on the balcony. When it sprouts and grows up, it can grow more pomegranates."

When Xiao Miaomiao heard this, she was stunned for a while, and then quickly turned out of the bed and took out the sixteen under the bed. Sixteen was so powerful that it was not only edible, but could also grow more sixteen.

Xiao Miaomiao held the paper towel wrapped in pomegranate seeds and secretly opened the door. She has the sixteen that her aunt asked for, so she doesn't have to go out and buy it so hard for her uncle.

When Xiao Miaomiao came out, she was still wearing pink bunny pajamas, like a bunny, "Auntie..."

Aunt Hua squatted down, "Miao Miao got up really early today."

Xiao Miaomiao lowered her head, put her hand in her aunt's hand, "Sixteen..."

Auntie took it and wowed in surprise, "Miaomiao, Auntie is looking for pomegranate seeds!"

Xiao Miaomiao feels sweet about being able to help her aunt, but she is a bit shy and doesn't know what to say.

Then she was pulled to the balcony by Aunt Hua, Xiao Miaomiao saw that there was a large ceramic pot on the balcony with a lot of soil inside.

Uncle Hua cheerfully took a small shovel and planted all the pomegranate seeds of Xiao Miao Miao.

Xiao Miaomiao looked at her uncle and aunt planting sixteen and was also very happy. She was too young to understand why she was happy, but she was very happy.

Seeing that she was happy, Aunt Hua and Uncle Hua looked at each other, and also smiled.

After two days, I went to buy some pomegranate seedlings.

After Aunt Hua packed up Xiao Miaomiao's schoolbag, she was about to leave. Xiao Miaomiao came to the room, trying to secretly take out the dried meat under the quilt and take it to school.

The dried meat is made by Aunt Hua herself, and they are all sealed.

Uncle Hua just came knocking on the door, "Is my wife all right? We are leaving now."

Aunt Hua took Xiao Miaomiao's schoolbag, and then led Xiao Miaomiao out quickly.

Xiao Miao Miao's dried meat forgot to take.

After arriving at school, Zhou Yuan hadn't arrived yet.

Xiao Miaomiao sat in his seat, looking at the empty place next to him, if he had brought the dried meat, he could put it on his table now...

When Zhou Yuan came, she saw Xiao Miaomiao reading a book. She was wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt instead of school uniform today.

The school actually requires wearing school uniforms on Mondays, and you can wear your own clothes at other times.

Zhou Yuan walked over and said with a smile, "Miao Miao, what do you think this is?"

Zhou Yuan held a pomegranate in his hand, a pomegranate that had not yet opened its shell.

Xiao Miaomiao raised her head and looked at this thing bigger than an apple fruit, thinking it was not an apple.

She was a little confused, and asked in a low voice, "What is this?"

The voice is quiet, grandma's.

"Pomegranate." Zhou Yuan said.

Before going to bed last night, he asked the teacher, Xiao Miaomiao, why her tears were in her eyes. The teacher said it was because her pomegranate was broken.

So when I came here today, passing by the fruit shop, he asked his father to stop for a while, and then got off the car to buy pomegranates.

Zhou Yuan stuffed the pomegranate in her hand and said with a smile, "I gave it to you."

Xiao Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, holding pomegranate, and looking at Zhou Yuan who was smiling very nicely. Did he want to be good friends with himself, so he gave him something to eat...