I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 100: 1 against 0

  The feel of the sharp blade cutting into the flesh, passed from the hilt to Ogata's palm.

   However... Ogata's knife didn't pierce Matsuhira Gen's heart.

   instead, it pierced into the chest of a small surname in the source of Matsudaira.

   At that moment, a little surname nearest to Genai Matsudaira rushed over, pushed Genai Matsudaira away, and blocked the knife for Genai Matsudaira.

   also because of this little surname's knife, Ogata's stabbing—failed.

   "Lord...Run away..." The little surname murmured while spitting blood.

   "Damn...!" Ogata hurriedly pushed aside the little surname, who had no idea whether he should praise his loyalty or the brainwashing of his foolish loyalty, with a knife, and immediately drew the knife from his waist.

   Just now, the sword that Ogata used had always been the sword that was taken from the short-beard samurai.

   After discarding this knife, Ogata still has his own knife around his waist to use.

   Ogata has heard shouts from around him and the sound of footsteps moving from far to near at an extremely fast speed.

   This is the sound of the guards in Genai Matsudaira rushing back to defend.

   Since Qiyuan shouted "There are assassins! Protect the lord!!" Now, more than ten seconds have passed.

   This seemingly brief period of time was enough for the guards who were closer to the source of Matsudaira to rush back.

   did not dare to do more hesitating Ogata, quickly drew out his own knife, raised it high, and slashed-attacking the still sitting place in Matsubiragen for a second time.

  The sharp blade, wrapped in strong wind and huge power, whizzed towards the head of the source of Matsudaira...


   Then, there was a deafening sound of gold and iron struck.


   Ogata's eyes suddenly widened.

   His sword was blocked by the sword protruding from his right side when it was only one fist away from the head of Gen Matsudaira.

   It was Nanahara who blocked Ogata's sword.

At this time, Nanahara was pressing his left shoulder against Ogata’s right shoulder, holding the sword in his left hand, and extending the sword forward from Ogata’s right side, before Ogata’s sword hits Matsudaira Genai’s head, using the back of the sword. Blocked Ogata's slash.

   "Huh!" Nanahara snorted coldly, and then slammed to the left, knocking Ogata away from his left.

   After pulling the distance between himself and Ogata, he swung a knife to cut Ogata's neck.


   Ogata raised the sword in his hand upwards, blocking Nanahara's sword accurately.

   While blocking Nanahara's sword, Ogata anxiously said in his heart:

  ——Damn it! Why is Qiyuan here? !

   Ogata yelled so anxiously in his heart, and glanced at where Ichiro and the others had just confronted Nanahara.

   In that place, only the bodies of Ichiro 6 people remained at this time.

   The six people headed by Ichiro have all died at this time.

   The sharp-eyed Ogata noticed—Ichiro’s six people died in a strange way.

   Only Jiro, Goro, and Rokuro were killed with a sword in the neck or face.

  Ichiro, Saburo, and Shiro had no knife wounds on their bodies.

   It's a thin object stuck in the throat.

   is a thin arrow that is not as long as an adult's tail finger...

   After pushing Ogata away and slashing at Ogata, but he was blocked by Ogata, Nanahara did not pursue him, but hurriedly pulled Matsuhira Genoui and quickly retreated back.

   "Protect the lord!! Protect the lord!!!"

   Nanahara has a loud voice.

   is big enough to make the illusion that the sound of Shichihara can spread throughout the wild boar forest.

   At this time, a large number of guards rushed back.

   These guards running from all parts of the forest are like tributaries, calling out, and converging towards the source of Matsudaira and Qihara.

   In an instant, 40 guards gathered around Genai Matsudaira, and the number was increasing at an alarming rate.

   The lord was attacked, and all the guards rushed back like crazy.

   "Wait for me!"

   Ogata gritted his teeth, lifted the knife and prepared to chase Nanahara and Matsudaira Genai.

   However...Ogata just ran two steps forward, when 5 guards came to him from 5 different directions.

   "Go away!"

   Ogata waved the sword in his hand, and pulled out 5 sword lights.

  Using Sakihara's four great sword skills, they solved the 5 samurai who had killed him in turn, all killing them with a single blow.

   Before Ogata could turn his gaze back to Genai Matsudaira, three more guards approached him.

   3 more sword lights flashed, causing 3 more corpses on the ground.

   "That's it!"

   At that moment, Nanahara's yelling sounded into Ogata's ears.

   Ogata follows prestige...

   After seeing the sight in front of the voice, Ogata's pupils shrank uncontrollably.

   Next to Matsuhira Genai, there are already densely packed samurai...

   The eight samurai just now, although they only dragged Ogata from beginning to end for less than 8 seconds.

But this time of less than 8 seconds, plus the more than 10 seconds wasted by Ogata and others rushing out of the bushes to Ogata’s first assassination failure, a total of about 20 seconds, it’s enough. The guards scattered around rushed back to Songping Yuannai.

   Although just now and when they sneaked in, they had successfully killed a small group of guards in the source of Matsudaira, but according to the information collected by Kurana, there were 125 guards in source of Matsudaira.

   So even though a group of guards in Genai Matsudaira have been killed just now, there are still hundreds of guards around Genai Matsudaira...

   Hundreds of guards took their swords out of their sheaths, firmly guarding the surroundings of Genai Matsudaira and Qihara, forming a "circle" centered on Genai Matsudaira and Qibara.

   Nanahara narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Ogata.

   "I've seen the swordsmanship you used just now... it's Sakihara Ichigan..."

   "Keeping the total hair... and using Sakura's one sword style... Oh, I know who you are."

   "Are you the Ogata Itase?"

   "The person who got the Sakura Swordsman's Immune Biography more than a month ago."

   "Are you here to avenge your master and your brothers?"

   "It's so stupid!"

   "Put the knife down!"

   "Just put the knife down, I can try to help you intercede!"

   Ogata ignored Nanahara, who had been screaming.

   Instead, he turned his gaze slightly and looked at the corpses of Ichiro and others not far away.

   If Ichiro and the others can help Ogata hold Nanahara for even one second, the heads in Gen Matsudaira will have fallen to the ground.

   But Ogata didn't want to blame Ichiro and the others.

   He knew--Ichiro and others must have done their best.

Although I didn't see the battle between Ichiro and others, Ogata was sure-Ichiro and others who had abandoned their future in order to kill Matsuhira Genuchi, absolutely desperately went to Nanahara, whose realm is far above them. Fight, just to help Ogata get as much time as possible.

   Ogata deflected his gaze back.

   Hundreds of samurai swords were facing him, and the reflected cold light made Ogata a little dazzled.

   Ogata suddenly recalled the time he spent practicing swords at the Sakura Sword Museum for no reason.

   That may be the happiest time of my day since I came to the Edo period and before Sakura Kenkan was bloodbathed by Matsudaira Genuchi.

   Just recalling the moments of practicing swords in the Sakura Sword Museum, a smile appeared on Ogata's face uncontrollably.

   And this happy memory is gone forever because of the tyranny in the source of Matsudaira.

   Seeing that Ogata didn’t pay attention to herself, Nanahara drank a little bit of anger:

   "Ogata Ishie! Put down your sword! Don't think that you have taken a Sakihara Knockout certificate, you are unparalleled in the world!"

   Nanahara's big drink made Ogata come back from his memories.

   did not respond to Nanahara.

   just glanced at the hundreds of samurai in front of him, then lifted the sword in his hand and pointed it directly at Matsudaira Genuchi and Nanahara with the tip of the sword.

   "Ogata Itase!"

   Nanahara's face flushed.

   "You rebellious person! As a minister of the Hirose clan and a samurai, you actually want to assassinate your lord!"

   "I kindly give you a chance, but you don't appreciate it!"

   "Do you still have the shame of being a samurai?!"

   After hearing the word "samurai" from Nanahara's mouth, Ogata couldn't help but recalled the conversation he had with Kuranaga last night.

   (When the sky and the earth are falling apart, there must be a few men to come forward. If you succumb to the darkness and don’t dedicate yourself to Kuangfu, you will be a man in vain!)

   The words Kuranaga said to himself last night, Ogata still lingers in his ears.

   "I am today," Ogata said in a calm tone, "I didn't come here as a samurai~lightnovelpub.net~ I am standing in front of you as a man today."

   The reason Ogata agreed to swing his sword for the assassination of Matsuhira Genouchi was mainly for revenge.

   But the words that Kuranaga told him yesterday still touched Ogata a lot.

   Ogata slowly raised his left arm, put it on the hilt of the wakasa knife on his left waist, and then yanked it out.

   After putting on the starting pose of the two swords style without self, Nanahara exclaimed:

   "Ogata Itase! You still use the second sword style?!"

   "When did you have the illusion that I would only be able to use the swordsmanship of "Sakihara Ichigan"?"

   Even if there are hundreds of samurai in front of him, Ogata has no idea of ​​surrendering or shrinking.

   "I must take off the dog's head in the source of Matsudaira today. Let me see who has the guts to stop me!"

   The bitter killing intent, Zi Okata's body doesn't need to emerge or boil.

  Many of the hundreds of guards in the source of Matsudaira were taken aback by Ogata's aura and took a few steps back.


   Nanahara's face has already appeared impatient.

   "Stubbornly stubborn! Can you double your strength if you use an extra knife?!

   "Samurais of Hirose!" Nanahara ordered loudly, "Smash the body of this wicked person!"

   Following Qihara's order, the hundreds of guards in Gen Matsudaira, whether fearless or fearful, raised their swords high in their hands, shouting, and killing towards Ogata.

   Facing the hundreds of samurai who killed him, Ogata's face did not show any timidity or fear.

   just clenched the double knives in his hands and greeted the hundreds of warriors.