I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 106: There is no distraction, no realm of sel

   The moral obedience to the samurai who swears allegiance to the death, the desire for money, the compassion for life, the fear of death-the complex feelings mixed by these kinds of feelings, occupy the minds of all the samurai who are still alive.

   Compared with these people, Ogata's emotions in his mind are much more single.

   Ogata feels his head is empty now.

   To be precise, I feel that there are almost no mixed thoughts in my head.

   Although Ogata's field of vision is full of messy things like flowers, grass, soil, and sun, he only feels that there are only two things left in the world in front of him: the knife in his hand and the enemies around him.

   There is only one thought left in his mind: Cut off all the enemies around!



   "Quickly! Surround him!"

   "We still have so many people! There is no reason to beat a mere one!"

   "Hey! You guys! Don't flinch and don't dare to get on! Don't get on together soon! It's your turn to die!"


   The samurai who are still alive are much louder than before.

   either screamed without any substance, or greeted the surrounding companions to join him.

   They kept pulling their throats just to fill up the anxiety in their hearts.

   As long as they keep making loud noises, the fear in their chests can be calmed a little bit.

   "Kill! Hmm..."

   "Come on...cough, cough! Cough..."

   "Wait! Please kill me...puff!"


   Ogata didn't listen carefully to what the samurai around were shouting.

   also has no interest in listening.

   Whether they are swearing or begging for mercy, all in all-their voices in Ogata's ears are a lot of noisy noise.

   slammed a knife at the source of each noise-Ogata kept repeating this thing.

   Standing on the spot, Ogata's feet firmly rooted on the ground, the light of the sword drawn by the two knives in his hand forms a closed, offensive and defensive "light wall".

   Regardless of whether the enemy's slash came from behind him, or from his front or side, Ogata's sword can always traverse an arc at the most timely speed, and then block the enemy's sword.

   then used his other knife to traverse another arc, killing the enemy.

How many enemies are standing around him now, which enemies’ attacks will hit him first, which enemies’ attacks will hit him later, and which enemies have entered his attack range... These things are all clear to Ogata. .

   Ogata now feels that his brain is like a computer, ruthlessly and efficiently calculating various situations and changes on the battlefield, helping him block every enemy attack and counterattack every enemy.

Someone who was besieging Ogata fell, another person staying on the periphery quickly filled the vacancy, swung his sword to kill Ogata, and was chopped down by Ogata, and then another person filled the vacancy... constantly Repeat this step.

   Another arrow shot towards Ogata.

   Then again, Ogata, who was slightly sideways, hid him.

   "What the **** is going on!" The archer who shot the arrow was crouching on the trunk of a big tree at this time, cursing, "Why did my arrow miss him!"

   The archer felt that his head was going to be messed up.

   From the time Ogata stood up again, he couldn't remember how many arrows he had shot.

   only knows that the right arm of his bow is quite sore and swollen, and the arrows in the quiver are almost exhausted.

   The angle and timing of his shooting are all quite tricky.

   shoot all arrows while Ogata’s back is facing him.

   According to common sense, Ogata shouldn't avoid his arrow.

   However-the facts before him broke the common sense in his mind over and over again.

   No matter how many arrows he shoots, Ogata's back looks like an eye, avoiding every one of his arrows precisely.

   "I don't believe in evil...!"

   While cursing in a low voice, the archer drew the bowstring again, preparing to make another effort.

   However-before his arrows could hit the bowstring, a rock screamed towards him, hitting him in the face with precision.

   The last memory of this archer is that he fell from the trunk, his head and neck were painful, and his vision became darker and darker, and then-there was no more...

  While dealing with the samurai around, Ogata did not forget to counterattack the archers lurking in the trees.

   In the gap between defending and attacking the surrounding enemies, he grabbed the stones on the ground and threw them at the archers.

   The archer that Ogata killed just now is already the last archer.



Ogata stepped onto the trunk of a big tree next to him with amazing jumping power, avoided the slash of a samurai, and then used the acceleration of gravity when he landed to give a sword to the samurai who had just used the slash at him. Killed to the ground.

   "Hahaha! 30 taels are mine!"

   At this moment, Ogata's right side suddenly burst into arrogant laughter.

   A "corpse" who had just been lying on the muddy ground on the right side of Ogata suddenly violently violently slammed into Ogata.

   The owner of this loud laugh just now is this "corpse".

This person has been lying on the ground just now, disguised as a corpse, deceiving Ogata and all his companions, silently waiting for the opportunity to counter Ogata~lightnovelpub.net~ and his "bearing humiliation" was not in vain—— He finally waited for the time to counter Ogata.

   The place where Ogata had just landed on the trunk was just less than a step in front of him.

   With the thought of "This may be my only chance", the samurai let out an arrogant laugh, and quickly got up and thrust his sword towards Ogata.

   And his attack actually worked.

   His blade grid opened the chain mail defense and pierced Ogata's right chest.

   The feeling of piercing the flesh was transmitted to the palm of the samurai.

   However-before the samurai had time to show his joy, a top-down slash enveloped his head, splitting his head in half.

   Whether he was stabbed or cut the enemy's head in half with a sword, Ogata looked blank.

   After the samurai collapsed softly to the ground, Ogata, who was still expressionless, silently drew the knife that had been pierced into his right chest and threw it on the ground casually.

   This expressionless appearance, as if he didn't know what "pain" was, made the surviving warriors feel chills at the roots of their teeth and reduced their fighting spirit.

   More than a hundred beasts stimulated by money and driven by desire, when the number is reduced to half, the originally feverish brain will gradually cool down.

When the number of    fell below 40, they began to realize what a terrifying monster the opponent they were fighting against.

When the number of    is lower than 20, those who are still alive have basically lost their intent to fight.

   Looking at the number of enemies in front of him with less than 20, Ogata only realized afterwards--Ah, did I cut down so many people...?