I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 11: Afu

   "You fellow!" one of the drunk men said loudly, "Don't you need to apologize for hurting someone?!"

   The girl said in a timid tone:

   "Yes, but I just touched you lightly...Where are you hurt..."


   The sound of broken porcelain rang out again.

   One of the three drunks picked up a wine bowl on the table again and threw it at the girl's feet.

   "Ah!" The girl was startled.

   "You fellow dare to talk back!"



   Although it is not very clear what the causes and consequences of the incident are, Ogata understands-let the three drunks settle down first.

   Asaki, the proprietress of Ryuya, had already hurried into the Ryuya with a lantern.

   And Ogata also strode towards the three drunks at this time.

   and said in a calm tone:

   "Guests, please don't make trouble unreasonably."

   As soon as Ogata's voice fell, the three drunks immediately turned their heads.

   "What is it about you...much!"

   One of the drunks wanted to scold Ogata loudly, but after seeing the knife and the threat of the waist, he abruptly swallowed the scolding that had already poured into his mouth.

   It can be seen-these three drunks are not as drunk as the four drunks just now, and they can still recognize the samurai sword on Ogata's waist and remember the horror of the samurai.

   The three drunks were scared by the samurai sword on Ogata's waist, and most of them woke up with alcohol.

   These three people who didn't have the restlessness to drink, left the wine money in a panic and stood up, wanting to leave the stream room.

   But they just walked a few steps, they were stopped by Ogata:

   "Three of you, wait for me!"

   The three people fought a cold fight, and then turned their stiff necks, looking at Ogata with anxious expression.

   Ogata made a verbal gesture at the two pieces of shards of wine bowls at the girl's feet.

   "Isn't there any compensation for breaking something in someone's store?"

   "Good, good..."

   The three drunks fumbled in their respective pockets, pooled a sum of money together, and handed it to Ogata respectfully.

   And after receiving the money, Ogata showed it to the girl directly:

   "How about? Is the money enough to buy 2 new wine bowls?"

   This girl does not know Ogata.

   didn't understand why Ogata would help them for no reason.

  Although she hasn't slowed down, the girl still counts the money in Ogata's hand obediently.

   "Some are not enough..."

   "Have you heard it! You don't have enough money to pay for it!"

   "But..." one of the drunks said with a weeping face, "We have no money..."

   Ogata didn't bother to listen to these people's explanations.

   The thumb of the left hand that had been resting on the sheath was pointed forward, and the knife was pushed out of the sheath, making a loud "click" sound.

   As soon as the loud "click" hit the ground, the three drunks hurriedly said:

   "Yes! Some! We have money!"

   "Ah! I remember! I still have some private money here!"

   "Samurai-sama! Please wait a moment, we will collect the money right away!"

   The three drunks fumbled in their pockets for a while, and finally found out a little more money and handed it to Ogata.

   Ogata gave the money to the girl:

   "How about? After adding this money, is it enough to buy 3 new wine bowls?"

   "Hmm." The girl nodded obediently, "Enough."

   Ogata nodded, and re-shelved the knife that had just been pulled out of its sheath.

   "Since the money is enough, then please 3 guests to walk slowly."

   As soon as Ogata's voice fell, the three drunks hurriedly escaped from the stream room, as if they were pardoned.

   After these three drunk men escaped from the stream house, Asaki, who had been standing by and watching Ogata's handling of the incident, walked towards Ogata and the others with a look of excitement:

   "Master Ogata, you did a great job just now!"

   "I didn't actually do anything." Ogata smiled. "It's just a katana that shines on his waist, and then just say a few words."

   "I hired you to guard the drifting house, it turned out to be the right hire!"

   "That... lady boss..."

   The girl who was ignored by Ogata and Asaki, asked in a timid tone:

   "Who is this samurai?"

   "Ah, just chatting, I forgot to introduce you two to each other."

   "Master Ogata, this is the only waitress in our ryokan that I told you just now-Afu."

   was busy dealing with the three drunks just now, so Ogata has not had time to look at the girl.

   Petite stature—converted to a unit of length on the modern earth side, the height of this girl should be only about 1.45 meters.

   So it would be very difficult for this girl to look directly into Ogata's eyes.

   Because Ogata's height is as high as 170cm if it is converted to the length of the modern earth.

  In ancient Japan, due to diet and genetics, the height was generally not high.

   Ogata’s height of 1 meter 7 was already quite an astonishing height in the Edo period.

   In the two days since I came to the Edo period, Ogata has been paying attention to the height of the people around him.

   No accident by Ogata-Ogata has not seen anyone taller than him in the past two days.

   The facial features of this girl are pretty good, and she is of a more attractive type.

   It's just that the girl is too skinny, she seems to be malnourished, and feels that any gust of wind can blow this girl down.

  The girl looked up and down Ogata several times with her **** eyes, then bowed and greeted very politely:

   "Good evening~lightnovelpub.net~Samurai Lord, my name is Afu."

   "Good evening." Ogata also bowed hurriedly, "My surname is Ogata. Ogata Itase."

   After introducing herself to the girl named Fu, Ogata paused, and then asked Fu:

   "Miss Afu, let me take the liberty to ask-how old are you this year?"

   Ogata is really curious about Afu's age, because from the outside, it seems that Afu's facial features have not fully developed, and his age should not be very large.

   "I? How old?" Ah Fu pointed to himself, "I am 13 years old this year."

   13 years old...a little younger than Ogata expected...

   Ogata turned his head, and showed a helpless smile at Asaki who was beside him:

   "Miss Asaki, you are hiring child labor..."

   "Child labor?" Asaki looked at Ogata with a puzzled look, "What does child labor mean?"


   Knowing that Ogata had failed to speak, he whispered "Ah", then waved his hand:

   "It's nothing, forget what I just said."

   After giving A Saki casually, Ogata secretly said in his heart:

  ——It seems... it will take a while for me to get used to the customs of the Edo period...

   In the Edo period, there was no such thing as child labor.

  Because people's average life expectancy is generally not long, children generally head home early-this is the case in ancient countries.

   In the Edo period, a 14-year-old girl is no longer a child, and can be treated as an adult.

   Many girls are married at this age.

   Some girls who got married early even got married when they were 12 years old.