I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 110: Total War

Regarding Nanahara's advice, the expression and expression on Ogata's face did not fluctuate at all, and he still looked calm.

"My future is none of your business."

After all, Ogata silently further increased his strength.

Qiyuan was almost unable to hold it.

Ogata's sword has completely suppressed Nanahara's sword.

Nanahara, unable to resist Ogata's power, was forced to kneel on one knee.

The sharp blade had already cut into the flesh of Qiyuan's neck, and drops of blood began to flow out along the wound.

"Ogata Ishie!" The anxious color on Nanahara's face became more intense, "You really have to think about it!"

"The Edo Shogunate has ruled the world for two hundred years! Its ability is far-reaching!"

"It's easy for them to kill you little warrior!" Tianbu Kunou

"Can you fight against a hundred people alone, can you also fight against a thousand people and 10,000 people alone! Against the Edo shogunate that has the entire world?!"

"Have you ever thought about where else you can go after killing the lord?! This huge world will no longer have a place for you to stand!"

The expression and expression on Ogata's face still did not fluctuate.

"Even if you go to Biluo and Huangquan, it doesn't matter to you."

"If the Edo shogunate wants to use all the power of the country to encircle me... then come."

"Even if an all-out war with the Edo Shogunate is about to break out, I will not hesitate!"

"Just use the head of Genai Matsudaira as my announcement of war against the Edo Shogunate!"

"Ogata Ishi..." Nanahara looked at Ogata with a horrified look, "Are you crazy..." The latest chapter of Rin Nohara came at home.


Ogata's blade had already cut deeply into Nanahara's neck.

More and more blood flowed down the wound.

Qiyuan has already felt it.

Feeling--Ogata's blade cuts deeper, and he is dead.

"wait wait wait!"

Qihara's tone has become almost pleading.

"Ishio Ogata! I, I, I understand!"

"You calm down a little bit!"

"I think we still have a chance to talk slowly! We still have a chance to talk slowly!"

"How about you put the knife down first?!"

"Isei Ogata! I, I, I, I gave up! I gave up! I have given up! I will no longer fight you with swords! Calm down! Calm down a little! Wait, wait, wait! ah ah ah ah ah ah ----! "I began to like your latest chapter of the year

Ogata's blade cuts from the left side of Nanahara's neck.

Then he cut into Qiyuan's body in one bite, and cut out from Qiyuan's right armpit.

Until the end, Ogata ignored Qihara's begging for mercy.

Looking at Nanchihara's impatient appearance, Ogata whispered:

"...It's really ugly, Lord Samurai."

When uttering the word "Samurai-sama", Ogata emphasized his tone specially.

"It turns out... the invincible Hirose Domain's No. 1 swordsmanship master was afraid to beg for mercy in the face of death?"

After Qihara was cut to death, Ogata still did not relax.

Because... one more person is still alive.

Ogata's current appearance, as if he had just crawled out of a pool of blood. Activate the Summoning System at the start

His body was covered with blood, mud, grass and various things.

Ogata turned his head too far and looked at... not far away from Matsudaira Genchi.



Ogata threw away the wakisashi in his hand.

He picked up the knife that had just cut Qihara's left arm in half.

Then walked towards Songpingyuan without expression.

While walking slowly toward the source of Songpingyuan, clamp the blade of the right hand with the inner elbow of the left arm, and wipe the blood and fat on the blade with the clothes of the inner elbow of the left arm.

There are only 3 small surnames left by Songping Yuannai.

These three little surnames are all very young, and they all seem to be only about 15 years old.

Looking at Ogata, who walked slowly towards them, the faces of these three surnames were all overwhelmed with fear and panic. Final coating

One of them gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Protect the lord!"

Then, this small surname took the lead in launching an assault towards Ogata.

After this little surname launched a charge, the other two little surnames followed suit after hesitating for a while.

There was no reason to pity, Ogata waved the sword in his hand and waved three sword lights, and the lives of these three little surnames were ended.

The three small surnames who stood up to protect him were all killed by Ogata-even so, the expression and look on Genai Matsudaira's face remained unchanged.

Songping Yuannai's face was still intoxicated as if he had seen some most interesting artwork.

"This is the most exciting battle I have ever seen in my life... It's really exciting..." Matsuhira Genuchi was still immersed in the "exciting performance" Ogata just brought him. I picked up the latest chapter of a girl of the last days

"……these people."

With the knife in his hand, Ogata pointed to the few surnames he had just cut off.

"And those people."

Ogata pointed to the bodies of the guards headed by Nanahara.

"They all died for you."

"These people gave their lives to protect you, don't you even have any regrets or grief?"

"Sorry? Grief?" Matsuhira Genouchi laughed a few times, as if he had heard some funny joke, "Why should I feel sorry and sad?"

"They died for me, shouldn't they?"

"They are samurai."

"The pronoun of samurai, isn't it ‘dog’ and ‘minion’?" My invincible housekeeper

"Since their birth, their only mission has been to swear allegiance to me wholeheartedly."

"Complete every task I assigned."

"Even if you die, protect me."

"Make my toy when I'm not happy."

"Aren't these all things you samurai should do?"

"Since this is what you should do, why should I feel sorry and sad."

The Xu side was expressionless and listened to each sentence in Yuanli Matsudaira quietly.

After the voice of Genai Matsudaira fell, Ogata said in a calm tone that was neither salty nor indifferent:

"I feel more and more that your fellow is indeed a scum that is not worthy of living in the world~lightnovelpub.net~Hey, pay attention to your words. Minion." Matsudaira Yuanchi frowned, "Do you think you are Who are you talking to? I'm the name of the Hirose clan! It's your lord..."

Before the last syllable of the phrase "master" in the source of Songping could be pronounced, a sword light from top to bottom crossed the bridge of his nose, cutting away the tip of his nose.


Covering his own missing nose, Songping Yuan made a screaming scream that even the pig had been killed was ashamed.

This is the first time since birth in Songping Hospital that he has tasted this kind of heart-piercing pain.

Unable to endure the severe pain, Songping fell directly to the ground in the courtyard, rolling on the ground like a maggot.

"...In a way, you guys are quite pitiful."

As Ogata said, he threw away the blood remaining on the tip of the knife.

"Since you were born, you have lived a pampered life. After becoming a famous name for the Hirose Clan, you have become accustomed to a brutal and innocent life. You have lost even your basic judgment and a basic sense of crisis."

"If you flee here early while I'm fighting with your guards, you might still get your life back."

"As a result, you were watching the battle stupidly. You think you are safe, you think no one has the ability and the guts to hurt you."

"Now your guards are all dead, and they are still arrogant here without knowing it."

"It's really pitiful for a beast like you who loses its sense of crisis and doesn't even know about it when it encounters a crisis."

After that, Ogata turned the knife in his hand upside down and plunged it heavily into Matsudaira's left foot, nailing Matsudaira's left foot to the ground.