I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 112: After the death match

"Is it... over..."

Until this moment, every nerve in Ogata's body finally relaxed one by one.

After taking a breath, Ogata leaned his body back and lay on his back on the grass, feeling that his head was already dizzy.

After the nerves in his body were relaxed, a systemic sound sounded in Ogata's mind:

【Ding! The host exits "the state of no self"]

[Physical fitness and martial skill levels return to normal]

[Pain perception and fatigue perception return to normal]

After the sound of the system fell, Ogata only felt fatigue and pain, which filled every corner of his body bit by bit like a rising tide.

The head, which was already dizzy and heavy, has become more dizzy and heavier.

At the same time, Ogata felt that his vision was slowly blurring and darkening. Zombie Contract Works Catalog

Not only was there a problem with vision, Ogata felt that there was also a problem with his hearing.

He was faintly, and heard the chirping of birds.

But he couldn't tell whether the bird was near or far from him.

This bird cry seemed to sound in his ears, and it seemed to come from far away.

——I'm going to... die... do you...

Ogata said secretly in his heart, while touching his left abdomen.

Many parts of my body are painful and spicy.

But only the area on the left abdomen is the most painful and hottest!

Touch the finger to the left abdomen.


There was a thin sound like an object entering the water.

Ogata’s finger directly penetrated into the wound on his left abdomen... There is a hot wife in the family, so does the Xianggong eat well? Catalogue

Feeling that his consciousness became more and more difficult to concentrate, Ogata gathered his last bit of energy and called out his system interface.

【Name: Ogata Yoshie】

[Level: lv20: 2050/2300]

[Personal attributes:

Strength: 10

Agility: 8

Reflex nerve: 8

Stamina: 9

Vitality: 5】


Sakurahara One Sword Style: 8 segments: 100/3000

Two Swords of Selflessness: 7 Segments: 590/5000】

[Remaining skill points: 12 points]


[Sakihara Ichiga (8 paragraphs): The latest chapter of the poisonous host of my home in the fast traversal

Boarding: Elementary

Water Fall: Intermediate

Bird Sting: Advanced

Dragon Tail: Elementary】


【Selfless Two Swords (7 paragraphs):

Step up: Intermediate

Blade Return: Advanced

Circulation: Advanced

Breath of Source: Elementary

Rachel: To be unlocked]


This death battle with more than a hundred opponents raised Ogata's personal level by 6 levels, Sakurahara's one-sword level, and Wumei's two-sword level, with a total of 12 skill points.

Although Ogata never listened to the system prompts during the battle, he heard vaguely-after most people were beheaded by him, his personal level experience value and martial arts genre experience value only increased by 100 Nodding. There have even been cases where there are less than 100 experience points. Lure a husband into the account: the latest chapter of the most favored gold poisonous concubine

This is consistent with the information provided by Kuranaga-most of the guards in the source of Matsudaira are average.

After playing with them, Ogata also felt it personally—it was true.

Many of the guards in the source of Matsudaira are not as powerful as his senior brothers and the disciples of the Ishikawa Sword Museum.

Even though each of them had a strong murderous aura, because their strength was too weak, after beheading them, Ogata could not gain much experience.


Ogata pulled up the last bit of spirit and pulled out the system interface.

——Add all...skill points...all to "Vitality"...

Ogata decided to bet on a wave.

Just bet that the "life force" after the level has been raised can save its life. Swire Lingzun works catalog

"Vitality" is the one of Ogata's five attributes that has the least relationship with "battle".

The level of "vitality" affects the vitality of body cells, and the level of level affects the speed of recovery from injuries, the speed of recovery from fatigue, and whether it is easy to get sick...

【Ding! Vitality+12】

[Current vitality value: 17 points]

[Current remaining skill points: 0 points]

It wasn't until this system sound fell that Ogata finally dared to slowly sink his already heavy eyelids...


——It's death...It's alive...It's just...it's a fate...




...... There is no pop-up window to drive the corpse


--it hurts……

Ogata felt hot in many places on his body.

This is the unique "hot" sensation caused by pain.

Slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is the unfamiliar brown ceiling.

——I am... lying on the bed...?

——Where am I now......?

Ogata heard strange movements around him.

Xunsheng turned his head.

It was originally a short man who was squatting beside his bed, washing a rag in a basin.

Ogata recognized the short man.

This person is Kuranaga's ninja-Flying Monkey. I have invincible eyes

When Ogata turned his head to look at him, Tobihara also noticed that someone was looking at him, so he raised his head to look at Ogata——

"Ogata-kun! Are you awake?"

Flying Monkey exclaimed excitedly.

"Ogata-kun, wait a moment! I'll ask the lord to come over!"

After that, the flying ape ran out of the room in a hurry.

——Flying Monkey...Kuraaga...

——So that's it...I was rescued by them...

——In other words...I'm in Kuranaga's mansion now...?

——Ah... I'm so hungry...

Flying Monkey did not let Ogata wait for too long.

Soon, he returned.

Not only did he come back, but he also brought Kuranaga and another old acquaintance of Ogata, Xuan An. The ghost doctor is alluring, the enchanting concubine is poisonous and there is no pop-up window in the world

"Doctor Genan!" After looking up and down Ogata lying on the bed with excited eyes, Kuranaga said anxiously to Genan next to him, "Please see how Ogata-kun's injury is now! Please! "

Ogata’s skin can be felt—his body is covered with a white cloth similar to a bandage, and only about 40% of his skin is exposed~lightnovelpub.net~Xuanan kneels and sits on Ogata’s side, giving Ogata Fang is doing a careful inspection.

"Doctor Xuan An..."

While Xuanan was checking him, Ogata asked Xuanan.

"How long have I... slept?"

"It's almost half a month," Xuan An said without raising his head, who was doing the examination seriously.

"I slept for so long..."



"It's amazing... Ogata-kun, your recovery speed is amazing..."

After the examination, Xuan An's eyes widened exclaimed.

"Ogata-kun, I doubt whether you have an immortal body."

"Suffering from such a serious injury, I can survive..."

"Ogata-kun, you may not know-when the elders at home brought you into my house, I was shocked by the injuries on your body."

"I have never seen anyone with such a serious injury in my life..."

"To be honest, when I saw you wake up just now, I thought I was dreaming."

"Haha..." Ogata chuckled lightly, "It seems that my luck is good... actually let me survive..."

Ogata's words are just perfunctory Xuan An.

He knew that he could survive, not because of luck.

He was able to survive, the main reason should still be-when he passed out, he added all the skill points on his body to the "life force".

The higher the vitality, the stronger his cell activity will be, the wounds on his body will heal more easily, the fatigue will be easier to recover, and the less sick he will be.

Relying on the 12 skill points obtained by killing hundreds of samurai, Ogata raised his vitality from 5 to 17 in one breath.

The vitality of up to 17 points-this should be the main reason Ogata can survive.