I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 125: Shabby village

"Thank you, Samurai! Thank you very, very much!"

A middle-aged woman continued to thank Ogata.

This middle-aged woman is Ji Lang's wife.

Ji Lang's family is an ordinary family of three, with an ordinary wife and an ordinary daughter.

From the outside, his daughter looks like she is about 14 or 5 years old. She is supporting Yoshiro with her mother and casting a grateful look at Ogata.

"Thank you very much, Samurai." With the support of his wife and daughter, Yoshiro bowed deeply to Ogata.

It is not without reason that the three of Yoshiro are so grateful to Ogata.

Ji Lang hurt his foot and couldn't return to the village on his own.

If there is no help, he can only stay in the cold snow.

Staying in such a cold snow for too long-especially at night, it is very easy to kill.

After Yoshiro thanked Ogata, some apologies flashed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lord Samurai." Yoshiro said in a cautious tone. "Our family is very poor. I really can't give you anything to reward you. If you don't mind, there are still some sweet potatoes in our house..."

Before Yoshiro finished speaking, Xu Yi waved his hand and interrupted first:

"Thanks for gifts or something, no need. I didn't send you back to the village just to take the gifts."

However-as soon as Ogata's voice fell, Yoshiro said anxiously at him:

"Samurai-sama! If you don't want to thank you, we will be very sorry!"

Hearing Yoshiro's words, Ogata pondered for a while.

"How about that?"

Ogata Okiyoshiro smiled.

"It's almost noon now, and I happen to be hungry too."

"Just tell me if there is a food store nearby."

"Tell me the location of the shop-this is treated as a thank you gift to me."

"Ah, this, of course it's okay!" Ji Lang raised his hand and pointed to the north. "Samurai, as long as you keep going in this direction, after you leave the village, you can touch a tea house."

"That tea house not only sells tea, but also snacks like glutinous rice dumplings!"

"I am grateful." Ogata Asakiro smiled and bowed to Yoshiro lightly, "Your thanks-I have received it."

"Then—bye bye, Ji Lang. Let's meet by chance in the future."

After all, Ogata turned to leave.

"Samurai-sama, at least tell me your name! I still don't know your benefactor, your name?"

"Benefactor or something... It's too exaggerated... I just did some trivial things, as for the name..."

A wry smile appeared on Ogata's face with a look of helplessness.

"I think you'd better not know my name..."

After all, Ogata stopped staying any more and left directly in front of Yoshiro and others.

Seeing that Ogata refused to tell them his name? Yoshiro, his wife, and daughter looked at each other? All three of them had doubts on their faces.

Seeing Ogata's unwillingness to say his name, the three of Yoshiro did not dare to demand any more.

The three of them bowed deeply to Ogata's back.

Until Ogata completely disappeared from their field of vision? Three people straightened up.

When leaving Sihe Village? Ogata has been quietly looking at every house in Sihe Village, as well as all the people who passed him by.

The first impression that Shiga Village left on Ogata? At the same time, the only impression was-broken.

Every corner of Sihe Village exudes a tattered atmosphere.

Every house is dilapidated and old.

The villagers who passed by Ogata? All of them are cheeky? The mental state is not generally bad.

In a word-the air of Sihe Village is filled with the smell of poverty.

"It seems..."

Ogata mumbled in a volume that only he could hear.

"That Negishi family is really squeezing the people in this place really badly..."



Ogata found the direction that Yoshiro pointed out just now and walked straight forward.

The road is still quite difficult.

The road is quite narrow, only barely enough for 2 people to travel side by side.

Walking along this narrow road, Ogata suddenly found that five people came oncoming in front of him.

These five people dress quite strangely.

No saber, not a samurai.

Temperament? It doesn't look like a farmer or a townman living in a city.

What they look like? And the kind of posture when they walk, give Ogata the feeling of-flowing...

However, Ogata didn't pay much attention to the five people who came oncoming.

Due to the narrow road, Ogata tried his best to walk on the edge of the road, intending to pass by these five people.

Just when Ogata was about to pass these five people, Ogata didn't notice: the head of these five people, an ugly young man with a horse face, showed a meaningful snicker on his face.


When Ogata was about to pass these five people? Ogata's left half of his body sturdyly collided with Ma's face's right half.

After the dull physical collision fell, Ma's face immediately turned his head? He said to Ogata apologetically:

"Samurai-sama, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." Ogata said, rubbing his left shoulder gently.

This road is very narrow? It's normal to bump into it accidentally, so Ogata didn't care about such trivial things either.

After saying "It's okay"? Xu Jian didn't pay attention to the five people anymore? Continue to walk forward? Looking for the teahouse that Ji Lang pointed to.



Walking out of this narrow path, Ogata felt suddenly open.

Beyond this path is an empty snowfield.

Not far ahead, Ogata saw a wooden house with thin smoke rising outwards.

On the top of the wooden house, there is a big streamer with the word "tea" written on it.


Ogata murmured excitedly, speeding up his pace.

Before coming to this tea house, Mr. Xu could smell the tempting aroma of tea and food.

This tea house was built in the outskirts of ~lightnovelpub.net~ and it seems to be dedicated to roninoids like Ogata, as well as those who trade around.

Ogata looked inside, only to see a middle-aged man busy inside.

It seems that this middle-aged man is the owner of this tea house.

"Store!" Ogata said loudly.

The shop owner who heard Ogata's voice followed Ogata's voice and looked towards Ogata.

"Do you have glutinous rice dumplings here?"

"Yes!" the owner said readily, "how many sticks of glutinous rice dumplings do you want, I have as many sticks of glutinous rice dumplings here!"

"That's all right, get me 5 sticks of glutinous rice dumplings first!"

"Do you want tea?"

"Of course. Bring the best tea in your store!"
