I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 128: Where is the base camp of the Negishi fa

Ma Mian led his four subordinates standing in different directions, and surrounded Ogata.

Five sharp wakizashi, braving the cold light, pointed straight at Ogata.

It's just-- Ogata's reaction did not show shock or fear as Ma Mian had imagined.

Just glanced at them blankly.

It seemed that he didn't put the five horse faces in his eyes.

"You don't seem to recognize me..." Ogata said softly.

"Huh?" Ma's face twitched, "Who do you think you are? Why should I recognize you?"

"It seems that you don't usually have the habit of looking at wanted warrants."

"Don't pretend to be garlic!" Ma Lian shouted sharply, "Like you, a ronin who can only pretend, I see too much!"

"Obviously the swordsmanship is mediocre, but he still pretends to be a gentle master, and was finally unloaded by us-this kind of foolish ronin, our Negishi family have killed many!

Past experience tells Ma Lian-the young ronin in front of him, just like the kind of ronin he had met before, pretended to be very powerful, but he was actually caught The people were killed quickly.

"Surrounded by the 5 of us, I'm still arrogant!" Ma Lian continued to shout, "Don't pretend! Can you still fight one against five?"

Hearing this question about Ma's face, Ogata's face showed a thought-provoking smile.

Then whispered:

"You can try it out."

"Still pretending to be garlic!" Ma's face became more gloomy, "Give it to me! Get rid of this pretentious Ronin!"

As soon as Ma Mian's voice fell, his four subordinates, except Ma Mian, immediately yelled strangely while waving their swords toward Ogata.

One of them didn't know if he wanted to grab power or what he wanted, so he rushed extremely fast.

The rest of the people hadn't reached Ogata's body yet, this guy had already rushed to Ogata's right hand side.

Ogata's feet didn't even move.

He just turned his eyes slightly and glanced at the gangster on the right... who had entered his attack range.

The left hand, which had been pressing on the sheath mouth, slightly tilted his thumb forward, and held it against the knife blade, and ejected the blade of the knife from the sheath mouth.

Then he raised his right hand to hold the handle of the knife, turned his left foot to his upper body, and turned his upper body to his right.

The strength is transmitted from the left foot to the waist, and then to the right arm.

As the upper body turned to his right side, he pulled out the sword with this force coming from his left foot!

The light of the knife emerged from the scabbard, and then swept to the right side of the rogue's neck like a whip.

The familiar feel of a sharp weapon in the flesh, and the feel of a sharp weapon cutting bones, passed along the handle of the knife to Ogata's palm.

The blade of the knife cut in from the right neck of the rogue, and then cut out from the left neck.

The light of the knife swept across the rogue's neck directly, and the head of the rogue flew out with the light of the knife.

With a bang, his head hit the wall of a thatched hut next to him, then bounced back, and slowly rolled back to Ogata's feet.

Looking at the head of Ogata's feet, the eyes still wide open, the villagers of Sihe Village watching tremblingly and the hooligans headed by Ma Mian screamed one after another.

The other three hooligans who were about to rush into Ogata's body...or say they were about to rush into Ogata's attack range hurriedly stopped.

【Ding! Defeat the enemy with the Two Swords of No-Self Reche]

[Get 90 points of personal experience, 70 points of experience of swordsmanship "Selfless Two Swords"]

【Current personal level: LV21 (1300/2500)

【Second Sword Flow Level of No Self: 7 Stages (1170/5000)】

"what's happenin?"

Ogata slammed the sword in his hand downwards, slinging away the blood attached to the sword, and asked back at Ma Mian and the others.

"Didn't you say you want to kill me? You stand so far, you can't kill me."

Ma Mian and his three subordinates who were still alive? It seemed that Ogata had been stunned by the sharp knife that Ogata had just drawn.

Are all standing in place? I don't know whether to move forward or backward.

"Since you can't come, then I will pass."

After all? Ogata holding the knife? Take a step forward.

Ogata just took a step forward, and the three surviving subordinates in Ma Mian immediately screamed and fled.

In a blink of an eye, these three people disappeared from Ogata's field of vision.

Only the face of the horse was left with a wonderful expression on the spot.

"'Yakuza' is'Yakuza'. Morale collapses when it says collapse." Ogata curled his lips? "You guys can only bully the weak."

Ogata will not chase the three who escaped.

After all-his goal from start to finish was only the horse face who stole his money.

"You are the only one left." Ogata cast an indifferent look at Ma's face? "My ugly words are on the front-now even if you return my purse to me, I will not spare you."

After that, Ogata clenched the knife in his hand and walked quickly towards Ma Mian.


Looking at Ogata, who was approaching him at a rapid pace, Ma was cursing on his face, panicking and pulling out a ball-like thing from his arms.

After taking out the "ball", Ma Lian smashed the "ball" against the ground.

In the next moment it hit the ground, this "ball" split apart, and then turned into a thick white mist.

The thick white mist spread out, instantly obscuring the sight of Ogata and the villagers of Sihe Village who were watching the battle.

Sudden changes? The villagers of Sihe Village screamed one after another.

"Damn!" Ogata, who had never anticipated this sudden change, waved his left hand to remove the white mist that obscured his sight. He rushed to the place where Ma Mian was just standing, and then slashed with a knife— However, it only hit the air and white mist.

Where was the horse face just standing? Only air and white mist remained.

Ogata quickly found a direction and rushed out of the area covered by the white mist? Then he moved his gaze to sweep around.

The figure with the horse's face is completely invisible.

"Damn...!" Ogata gritted his teeth? "How fast you slipped!"

After a while? The white mist completely dissipated.

After the white mist cleared, Ogata asked the villagers in Sihe Village:

"Has anyone seen where the **** fled just now?"

Upon hearing this question from Ogata, the villagers of Shikawa Village looked at each other.

No one answered this question from Ogata~lightnovelpub.net~ The white mist just now enveloped the villagers of Sihe Village together, making them unable to see which direction Ma Lian had fled.

At the same time, because the villagers in Sihe Village were shocked by the sudden white mist, they kept screaming.

Because of the interference of these screams, Ogata couldn't judge the direction of Ma Mian's escape based on Ma Mian's footsteps.

"Damn it!" Ogata cursed, while taking out the pocket paper to wipe the remaining blood and fat on the knife, and then put the sword into its sheath.

Although he lost his face, Ogata didn't intend to let him go so easily.


Ogata turned his head and looked at the villagers of Sihe Village.

"Does anyone know where the base camp of the Negishi family is?" Then Shen Sheng asked the villagers in Sihe Village like this.