I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 13: Competition in the hall and the sacrific

  In this peaceful era, even though Ogata doesn’t know what he’s going to do and where he wants to go, Ogata knows—it’s definitely right to make himself stronger.

   This system in his mind is the foundation of his life in this Edo period.

   It is certainly not wrong to rely on this system to make yourself stronger.

   If you don't quickly rely on this system in your mind to become stronger, it would be a waste of the system in your mind.

   After 10 days of hard training, Ogata's personal level and Sakihara Ichiban level are about to be upgraded.

  Personal level is only 150 points of experience points to be promoted to the 9th level.

   Sakihara's one-sword skill level only needs 200 points of experience to rise to level 5.

   At that time, you can get skill points again.

   On the first day of the Edo period, Ogata defeated Senior Brother Mikami and upgraded the level of Ichihara Sakura, earning 2 skill points.

   These 2 skill points are still retained by Ogata until now, and they have not been used to improve his personal attributes or upgrade his sword skills.

   The reason why I didn't add a little was because Ogata planned to be cautious.

   Skill points are quite precious, so you can't use them randomly-this is the conclusion that Ogata came to after investigating the system for the first time.

   Good steel must be used on the blade.

   When you encounter a strong enemy in the future, you can use these skills in one breath and spend them in a targeted manner.

  On the first day of the Edo period, Ogata used his only skill point at the time to improve his agility when he competed with Senior Brother Mikami.

   After feeling that his personal interface really didn't look good, Xu Yi closed the system interface in his mind and brought his attention back to reality.

   As soon as Ogata brought his attention back to reality, a soft female voice suddenly sounded beside Ogata:

   "Master Ogata."

   Ogata followed the prestige.

   The speaker is the only waitress in Liuwu-Ah Fu.

   Afu is now looking at Ogata with a smile on his face, holding a plate in his hand. On the plate is a small pot of sake and a few strings of glutinous rice balls.

   Looking at the pot of sake and the strings of glutinous rice balls, Ogata smiled helplessly.

   "Miss Afu, you always ask me to eat like this, I will feel embarrassed..."

   "Master Ogata, please don’t be polite. Treat this as our thank you gift, and accept it with peace of mind. Without your help, we would not be able to do business well now."

   After that, Afu placed the plate with sake and glutinous rice **** beside Ogata, then turned back to the back kitchen and continued to help Asaki prepare the dishes.

   Ogata looked at the back of Afu who had disappeared from his field of vision, and then at the pot of sake and these glutinous rice **** on his side.

   After sighing helplessly on his face, Ogata directly picked up the pot of sake and drank it to his mouth.

   Since becoming the "security guard" of Ryuya, Asaki has invited Ogata to drink and eat every three days.

   makes Ogata a little uncomfortable.

  Because Ogata always feels that his workload is not too large, he always eats and drinks from others, which is really a bit ashamed.

More than once, Ogata explicitly or hinted that Asaki and Afu no longer have to ask him to eat or drink, but the two never listened to Ogata’s words and continued to warmly entertain them. Ogata.

   Ogata also tasted the taste of sake from the Edo period for the first time because of the hospitality of Asaki and others.

  When he was on earth, Ogata didn't think sake was so delicious.

   But I don’t know if it’s because of the lack of good food and drink that caused my mouth to be too pale after I came to the Edo period, Ogata found it delicious after drinking the sake from Afu for the first time.

   From then on, Okinawa fell in love with drinking sake.

   Ogata sipped the sake from the pot while nibbling on the bunches of glutinous rice balls.

   Ogata’s salary is paid daily, so Ogata can receive his salary from Asaki every day.

   Thanks to this part-time job, Ogata’s quality of life has finally improved a bit. At present, I can eat porridge with more rice for every meal.

   At the same time, I can eat some snacks from Asaki and Afu from time to time every night to increase the saltiness and sweetness in my mouth.

   The current quality of life is not so different from the previous quality of life, but it is quite different.

   Through these 10 days of getting along, Ogata has gradually learned some of the past of Asaki and Afu.

   Asaki is a widow.

   Two years ago, his husband who ran an izakaya passed away.

   Lost her husband at a young age, I have to say-this is quite unfortunate.

   But A Saki is quite strong.

   Relying on the izakaya management experience she learned from her deceased husband, she opened a new izakaya that belonged to her alone—that is, this ryokan.

   And Ah Fu is an orphan who was almost sold to the brothel.

   At that time, Ah Fu didn't even have a name.

   In an extremely accidental situation, Asaki met Ah Fu.

   Asaki Poor Ah Fu's life experience ~lightnovelpub.net~ So he bought Ah Fu and named her "A Fu" and asked her to act as the waitress in the stream house.

   Therefore, A Saki can be regarded as A Fu's foster mother.

   Thinking of this, Okinawa admires Asaki even more.

   Asaki, as a widow, with her adopted daughter, runs a wine house without the help of any man-this is too strong.



   The next day——

   early in the morning——

   Ogata’s most annoying time every day is the daytime every day.

   Because Ogata has to deal with the irritating work of the treasury officer during the day.

   Loaded with extremely unhappy mood, Ogata stepped into his office.

   Ogata’s colleagues have basically sat down at their desks and started their respective work.

  ——Hey, let’s start working...

   Ogata sat at his desk with a mentality of going to the execution ground.

   However, as soon as Ogata’s **** touched his heel, an old voice suddenly came from one side of the room:

   "That... everybody! Stop what you are doing! I have important things to explain to you."

   As soon as this old voice fell, Xu Yi and the rest of the colleagues in the room stopped what they were doing and followed the prestige.

  The speaker is Ogata’s boss, the "leader" of their group of treasury officers.

   After everyone in the room focused on the boss, the boss cleared his throat, and then continued:

   "Everyone will cheer up later."

   "Five days later-on May 20th, the main guild came to check the inventory of various materials in our Hirose clan treasury."