I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 130: Mamiya 9ro

Following the instructions of the old man just now, Ogata walked straight ahead, and then turned right at the first corner.

After turning right along this corner, a large wooden house with loud noises continuously appeared in front of Ogata.

This wooden house is bigger than any building that Ogata has seen since entering the Karamoto village.

Two white curtains hung at the gate.

Even though the distance is still a little far away, Ogata can still clearly hear the endless noise coming from the wooden house.

——This should be the casino...

Ogata said this in his heart.

Hiding in the dark, Ogata looked at the casino opened by the Negishi family, while silently thinking about how to collect information about the location of the Negishi family base camp in it later.

Just as Ogata was thinking about whether to enter the casino first and find someone with a higher status to negotiate in a more peaceful way, or simply drew his knife and rushed in and asked "who is the steward" a strange male voice. Suddenly heard from behind Ogata:

"The executioner made a knife fast."

The unfamiliar male voice hadn't completely fallen, Ogata's pupils shrank suddenly.

Ogata jumped forward instinctively, distanced himself from the person behind him, and quickly put his right hand on the handle of the knife on his left waist.

After moving away from the person behind him, Ogata looked at the sound source just now.

Behind the position where Ogata was standing just now, there was a young samurai who, in appearance, was about the same age as him.

She has fair skin and a pretty face.

Wearing an ordinary kimono, hakama, and wearing a dark red haori.

On the bridge of the nose is a pair of glasses that are quite rare in this era.

He exudes a quiet temperament.

In terms of temperament, this guy is more like a scholar than a samurai.

Seeing that Ogata quickly moved away from him and posed for the battle, a smile flashed across his face, who was originally expressionless.

"Your reaction like this...It seems that you are indeed the famous'Hanman Yidaozhai'."

"Who are you?" Ogata asked in a deep voice, "Did you... also come to get my head?"

Having said that, Ogata gathered the five fingers of his right hand that were pressing on the handle of the knife, gripped the handle of the knife, and was ready to draw the knife at any time.

Ogata now felt cold sweat coming out of his forehead.

Secretly said in my heart:

——This guy... When did he come behind me just now...!

The samurai wearing glasses came to a position so close behind Ogata, but Ogata didn't notice it.

The more Ogata thinks about it, the more afraid he gets.

If the samurai wearing glasses didn't come to talk to him, but drew his sword and slashed at him, then he would definitely not be able to react...

Hearing Ogata's question, the "spectacles warrior" raised his hands slightly and showed Ogata's empty palms.

"I have no malice."

"I'm not here to take your first level."

"I only saw your face on the wanted order a while ago, so I recognized you."

"I ran into you in this place, and I became a little interested in you, so I just wanted to come and have a conversation with you."

"My surname is Mamiya and my name is Kuro. Please advise."

Ogata looked up and down the man who called himself Mamiya Kuro several times.

After confirming that there was no murderous intent on this person, and that he did not radiate maliciousness, Ogata slowly released the hand that was holding the hilt of the knife.

"I am Ogata Ishie. Please advise."

"Ogata-kun." Mamiya glanced at the gambling hall opened by the Negishi family. "You have been watching this gambling hall just now. Did you want to go there and play two? Or did you want to go there? Make some money?"

"What am I going to do has nothing to do with you, right?" Ogata responded in a cold tone.

"If Ogata-kun has something to find the Negishi family, then it has something to do with me."

"Oh?" Ogata raised his eyebrows. "What do you say?"

"I and the local Negishi family...it's a bit of a grudge. So I ran all the way here to find the Negishi family to settle accounts."

"It's just--I don't know where the Negishi family base camp is."

"So I came here specially, planning to collect some information in this casino opened by the Negishi family."

After Mamiya's voice fell, Ogata chuckled a few times and said:

"That's a coincidence. I also have grudges with the Negishi family, and I want to recruit the Negishi family's base camp."

"Then I didn't know where the Negishi family's base camp is, so I came here specially, planning to enter their casino to find the Negishi family's people and ask about the whereabouts of their base camp."

"Oh?" A surprise flashed across Mamiya's face, "That's really a coincidence."

Speaking of this, Mamiya paused.

After some thoughts, Mamiya threw an offer to Ogata.

"Ogata-kun, since our two goals are the same, how about our cooperation? We have been working together to find the base camp of the Negishi family."

"Oh?" Ogata shrugged, "Since you know that I am'Executioner Ichitosai', do you dare to cooperate with a wanted felon like me?"

"What's not to dare." Mamiya said without hesitation, "If I was afraid of this kind of thing, I wouldn't have come to talk to you from the beginning."

Mamiya once again cast his gaze to the gambling hall in the distance.

"Anyway-let's go to the gambling hall now."

"If the two of us stand here for too long, it will easily arouse others' suspicion."

After that, Mamiya took the knife on his waist and walked slowly toward the gambling hall.

After hesitating for a while, Ogata quickly followed.

After Ogata followed, Mamiya Chao Ogata said:

"Did you agree to cooperate with me?"

"No. I just happen to want to go to the casino to gather information just like you."

"Ogata-kun, collecting information in the gambling hall is skillful."

"To collect information in the casino, you have to pretend to be a gambler."

"Only after pretending to be a gambler and entering the gambling hall, it is not easy to cause the gambling hall staff to alert."

"Then while gambling, while quietly observing the location of the administrators and thugs of the casino."

"Do you want to pretend to be a gambler..." Ogata muttered, "I don't know how to gamble... Mamiya, can you gamble?"

"I used to study gambling in the Owari area~lightnovelpub.net~Speaking of which, the two of them just walked to the door of the gambling hall.

Walking in the front, Mamiya opened the white curtain and stepped into the casino.

Ogata followed closely behind.

The next moment I stepped into the casino, noise and heat spewed out.

The inside of the gambling hall was extremely hot, and the mixture of heat and "man's smell" made Ogata feel suffocated.

The gambling hall is a bit more spacious than Ogata imagined.

A dozen gamblers are sitting on their knees or sitting cross-legged on the futons.

Opposite the gambler, sitting on the pot Zhen who is responsible for throwing the dice.

Several large papers were placed on the wooden floor between Hu Zhen and the gambler.

These large pieces of paper each have "single" and "double" written on them.