I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 132: Out of old 0 (below)

Hu Zhen clamped the 3 dice with the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and tail finger of his right hand, and held the barnacle in his left hand.

After showing the four dice held by the four fingers of his right hand to the gamblers, Hu Zhen threw the three dice held by the fingers of his right hand into the barnacle with the same skill as before.

After shaking the barnacle containing the dice severely, he buckled it to the ground.

However—just when the barnacle was about to be buckled on the ground, the pot vibrated him. His tail finger pressed against the bottom edge of the barnacle cleverly hooked inward. The movements were extremely slight and agile. No one noticed his small movements. .


Gamblers threw their money on paper with either "single" or "double" written on it.

"Mamiya." Seeing that Mamiya hadn't put the money on it, Ogata turned his head and asked Mamiya, "This time I bet on'single' or'double'."

"I won't bet this time." However, Mamiya gave an answer that puzzled Ogata, "This time the bet is boring."

After uttering the words that had no beginning and no end that made Ogata listen to the mist in the mist, Mamiya only hung an intriguing smile on his face, his hands still crossed into Yuori’s sleeves, nothing at all. It means to bet money up.

Hu Zhen opened the barnacle clasped on the ground.

"One, three, five! Single!" Hu Zhen shouted.

A strange sound of a mixture of wailing and cheering sounded again in the gambling hall.

Looking at the 3 dice lying quietly on the ground, the intriguing color in the smile on Mamiya's face became more intense.


At this moment, a gambler shouted.

"Why do I always lose today! There shouldn't be a problem with your dice!"

Hu Zhen seemed to be accustomed to this scene, only silently making a "please" motion to the three dice on the ground, and then whispered:

"If you can't believe me at the first step, you can check these dice yourself."

Seeing that Hu Zhendu said so, the gambler immediately stepped up respectfully, picked up the 3 dice and checked it carefully.

Several gamblers sitting next to this gambler also stood up and checked the dice with him.

However-no matter how many times they checked, they couldn't find out what was wrong with these dice.

As a result, they could only return these dice to Hu Zhen unwillingly.

Hu Zhen handed the dice to the middle pot and let the middle pot undergo a routine inspection.

After the inspection of the middle pot, a new round of gambling began.


The sound of dice shaking in barnacles and the sound of gamblers' breath holding their breath mixed together.

After shaking the dice, Hu Zhen buckled the barnacle towards the ground.

When the barnacle was about to buckle to the ground, Hu Zhen, as before, pointed the tail finger of the right hand pinched at the bottom of the barnacle towards the inside of the barnacle, and slightly hooked inside with a slight and agile movement.

at this time.

Just before the tail finger of Hu Zhen's right hand had time to withdraw it from the kettle----


The light of the knife and the sound of closing the knife appeared almost simultaneously.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The next moment the light of the knife and the sound of closing the knife disappeared, Hu Zhen's screams sounded.

The tail finger of Hu Zhen's right hand was dripping with blood, and the barnacle and dice in his right hand...No, the barnacle was cut in half, and the dice fell to the ground.

The barnacle is divided vertically into two.

After the barnacle that had been cut in half and the dice in the barnacle fell to the ground, the gamblers on the scene opened their eyes with astonishment.

The reason they stared round their eyes was not because the barnacle was cut in half by an unknown person.

It was because there were 6 dice falling on the ground.

"Your tactics are quite sophisticated."

Holding the scabbard with his left hand and pressing his right hand on the handle of the knife, Mamiya, who was still holding the knife, said softly to Hu Zhen, who was still holding his right hand and screaming in front of him.

"Before buckling the barnacle on the ground, quietly replace the dice in the barnacle with the dice that has already been prepared, so as to manipulate the game."

"You are one of the most powerful old people I have ever seen. You can replace the dice in the barnacle with only one right hand and tail finger."

At this time, Ogata looked at Mamiya next to him with a stunned look.

--So fast!

Ogata exclaimed in his heart.

Other gamblers may not have seen what happened just now, but Ogata, who is also a samurai sitting next to Mamiya, knows exactly what happened just now.

Just when he was bored with his arms around his chest and waited for Hu Zhen to buckle the barnacle to the ground, the corner of his eye noticed that Mamiya moved next to him.

Originally, he crossed his hands into Mamiya in Haori's sleeves, and stretched out his hands from between the sleeves.

Hold the scabbard with your left hand and hold the knife with your right hand.

Pulling the knife out of the sheath, the blade of the sheath sweeps the barnacle in Hu Zhen's hand from bottom to top, and then Mamiya retracts the knife and returns to the sheath.

This series of actions by Mamiya was so fast that Ogata felt incredible.

The light of the knife and the sound of retracting the knife's sheath almost appeared at the same time.

And what made Ogata most unbelievable was that when Mamiya pulled the sword, there was no sound.

After Mamiya exposed Hu's behavior to revive the old man, the gamblers' emotions gradually changed from astonishment to furious.

"Smelly boy! Dare to play with me!"

A gambler closest to Hu Zhen stood up, spread his legs, grabbed Hu Zhen's shoulder with his left hand, and clenched his right hand into a fist and raised it high.

The rest of the gamblers also surrounded Hu Zhen from all directions.

The gamblers now look like a pack of wild wolves about to divide their prey.

However-before their fists hit Hu Zhen's body, a few knife-drawing and angry shouts overwhelmed the roars of the gamblers:

"I see who dares to be presumptuous here!"

"Let go of the pot vibration for me!"

"Fuck me all! Otherwise I will kill someone!"


These angry owners are naturally the four guards in the gambling hall.

The four guards are now drawing their knives in their hands, glaring at the gamblers who are surrounding Hu Zhen.

The dazzling knives in the hands of these four guards instantly calmed down the gamblers who were in a state of rage.

These gamblers are just ordinary people, facing the bright swords, they still feel instinctive fear~lightnovelpub.net~ Get out of me! "One of the four guards let out an angry shout again.

As soon as this anger fell, the gamblers immediately resembled the amnesty prisoners, let go of the pot vibration, and then filed out.

The gambling hall, which was originally lively and full of voices, fell silent in an instant.

The only gamblers who stayed in the present were Ogata and Mamiya who knelt down on the futon from beginning to end.

Four guards from the casino rushed up and surrounded Ogata and Mamiya who were still kneeling on the futon from four directions.

"You bastard!"

One of the guards cast a vicious look at Mamiya.

"Since I found out that we are a thousand people, just behave as if I didn't see it? You exposed it, didn't you just ask for hardship?!"

Even though they were pointed at by the 4 dazzling swords, Ogata and Mamiya remained unmoved and their faces remained unchanged.