I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 151: Fireworks

Latest URL: slap!

After Mamiya stepped on, he rushed towards Negishi.

--Oh shit!

Naomichi Negishi screamed all the swear words in Japanese in his heart, and hurriedly tossed the iron cannon aside, and grabbed the iron cannons placed on his left foot that were all in a ready state.

Although these iron cannons were all placed within Negishi's tentacles, Mamiya would no longer give him time to pick up the iron cannons.


Just before Negishi's straight fingers were about to touch the iron cannons at his feet, the knife in Mamiya's hand pierced Negishi's chest, directly hitting Negishi's vital point.


Negishi, who was vomiting blood, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Mamiya, who was watching his life fading away with indifferent eyes.

"The projectile I just fired...where did it go...?"

Hearing this question about Negishi, Mamiya said to Negishi in a natural tone without thinking:

"Before hitting me, it was chopped by me."

"Split, smash...?!" Negishi looked straight at Mamiya. At this moment, there was a lot of panic, "You guy... are... a monster...?!"

"Compared with the real monster, I am still far behind."

Mamiya seemed to think of someone, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face.

"As long as you know the trajectory of the projectile and the speed of the knife is fast enough, you can easily split the projectile."

"With the knife...I just...obviously didn't hear the sound of drawing the knife...Puff...Puff..."

Before he finished speaking, Negishi Naomasa, who had a large amount of blood pouring into his mouth, could no longer spit out the complete words, and could only make some meaningless groans.

Mamiya turned the sword in his hand, Kekai Nekishi straightened his muscles that had clamped his blade due to the severe pain, and then slowly pulled the blade from Negishi's body.

Because of Mamiya's act of turning the knife in Negishi's body, the damage suffered by Negishi's body was even greater, and the wound became much larger, and more blood began to flow out along Negishi's wound.

Mamiya, who withdrew the blade from Negishi's body, stepped back two steps, silently watching Negishi fall to the ground and twitching, silently watching Negishi lose any sound...



at the same time--

In a room on the first floor of the base camp of the Negishi family.

"Finally... let me find you."

Ogata sullenly, while walking towards the horse face shrank in the corner of the room, he slowly pulled out the knife from his waist.

"Hey--!" Looking at Ogata, who was carrying the sword towards him, the horse's face burst into tears and let out a sorrowful scream.

While searching for the figure of the horse face from room to room, Ogata was also worried that the horse face might not happen to be in the mansion, or if he ran away just now.

Ogata didn't expect it-his luck was pretty good.

I managed to find the horse face hiding in the corner in a room.

"Hey!" Ogata said in a very impatient tone to the still trembling Ma's face, "Return my purse."

After that, Ogata stretched out his left hand and beckoned to Ma face.

"Yes, yes! I will pay it now! I will pay it now!"

Ma face hurriedly took out a light blue brocade bag from his arms-it was Ogata's money bag.

After Ma Mian took out Ogata's purse, he hurriedly tossed it towards Ogata like a hot ball of fire.

Ogata steadily caught the purse thrown from Ma's face, and then squeezed it in his hand.

"You guy, shouldn't you spend my money?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Ma's face burst into tears and shouted, "I have been in my arms since I took your money yesterday until now! I'm telling the truth! I didn't lie. !"

"...I believe you for the time being."

While talking, Ogata slipped the purse back into his arms, and then—

The knife light flashed.

Ogata used "Dragon's Tail" and swept Ma Lian's neck from left to right.

Ma's face looked at the expressionless Ogata in front of him in astonishment, and then looked down at his neck, which was spraying blood.

He raised his hands to block the blood, but the blood still overflowed along his fingers.

I wanted to shout something, but what I said were meaningless, "hoho" sounds that didn't make a word at all.

"I should have said it yesterday, right?"

Ogata used the handkerchief he picked up just now to clean the blood from the blade, and said to the face of the horse who was still breathing.

"If you don't pay me back in time, Amaterasu won't be able to protect you."

After Ogata retracted the knife and returned it to its sheath, Ma Lian just died out of breath.

"All right……"

Ogata let out a sigh of relief.

"The money has been taken back. Then... go and talk to Mamiya..."

Ogata raised his head and looked at the stairs in the distance.

The question Mamiya posed to him just now echoed in Ogata's mind again.

If Ogata didn't care about the question Mamiya raised just now, it would be absolutely impossible.



"Negishi has confirmed the kill..."

Mamiya mumbled softly while looking at the dead body in front of him.

"My next mission... only one is left... eh?"

Mamiya suddenly heard noisy footsteps outside the window.

Did the reinforcements of "Yakuza" arrive? With this question, Mamiya walked slowly to a window that was not far away.

Looking down, the scene in front of Mamiya made Mamiya's face involuntarily stunned.

Outside the base camp of the Negishi family, teams of samurai in special black uniforms surrounded the mansion from all directions.

The special black uniforms on them have exposed their identities-officials of the Huofu Thief Reformation.

Mamiya also saw two familiar figures among this group of officials-Hasegawa Heizo and Imai Cheng.

"How did the official post of the Huofu Thief change chase here..." Mamiya mumbled ~lightnovelpub.net~ After a while of silence, Mamiya sighed lightly.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether it was caught by the officials of the Huofu Thief Reformation, or by the Yuli and Tongxin of the Tatsuno Domain."

After talking to himself like this, Mamiya took out a brown cylindrical object from his arms.

There is still a lead at the bottom of this cylindrical object.

In this room, there was a stove specially used for burning fire. Mamiya walked to this stove and lit the fuse with the fire in this stove. Mamiya quickly returned to the fuse before it burned to the end. Next to the window, then point the cylindrical object in your hand to the sky.

After the lead wire burns out——


A red "shooting star" flew upwards from the top of this cylinder, and then a gorgeous "flower" bloomed in the sky.