I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 166: "Lucky" Prisoners (Part 1)

Latest website: Ogata heard a lot of breathing around him.

——It seems that the prison car I was locked in was huge... able to squeeze so many people...

While listening to these breathing sounds around him, Ogata said secretly in his heart.


Shouted a loud voice sitting near Ogata.

"Where are you going to transport us?!"

As soon as the person's voice fell, outside the carriage—it should be the driver who pulled the carriage, he responded in an impatient tone:

"Shut up and wait for peace of mind! You will know where to be sent afterwards!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you-the road we have to go will be bumpy later! Grit your teeth, don't bite your tongue!"

The coachman did not lie to Ogata.

The road the carriage followed was so steep that Ogata wondered if they were walking on a gravel road.

Moreover, the driver's driving method was quite rude, and he seemed to ignore the feelings of the passengers like Ogata.

The horse was driven very roughly across this extremely bumpy road.

Along the way, Ogata's **** hurt a little.

Some prisoners did not listen to the coachman and did not close their mouths obediently, resulting in biting their tongues and making a scream.

His hands were still tied behind his back, unable to move.

His eyes were still covered by the black cloth, unable to see things.

Under such circumstances, the only senses that can be used are hearing and smell.

——Um...Is this...?

As the carriage continued to advance, Ogata gradually heard some unusual sounds.

——Is this... the sound of waves?

Ogata heard the sound of the waves...

And the sound of the "screaming" waves is getting louder and louder...



The prison car carrying Ogata and others finally stopped.

As soon as the prison car stopped, the door of the prison car was opened with a "bang", and several rude shouts rang out:

"Here! Get off!"

"Get off one by one! No one is allowed to squeeze!"

"Whoever dares not cooperate, don't blame us for being impolite!"

One by one, the soldiers picked up the invisible people in the prison car, and then escorted them to an unknown place.

Although Ogata couldn't see where he was, based on the sound of the waves that were getting louder and louder, Ogata was sure-they must be walking towards the beach or somewhere near the sea.

Gradually, in addition to the sound of the waves, some discordant noises and breathing noises also entered Ogata's ears one by one.

Finally—the soldiers escorting Ogata and others stopped.

"Sit down! Sit down all!"

"Sit down for me!"

"Everyone sit down for me."

Ogata obediently sat on the ground following the instructions of the soldiers.

As soon as his buttocks touched the ground, the soldier who was standing behind Ogata who was responsible for escorting Ogata tore off the black cloth that covered Ogata's eyes.

His eyes have been exposed to sunlight for a long time, making it difficult for Ogata to adapt to the strong light for a while.

Ogata lowered his eyelids and used his eyelashes to filter the sunlight, making his eyes gradually adapt to the sunlight from weak to strong.

After a few breaths, Ogata's eyes finally got used to the sunlight, and he could look at things with his eyes wide open.

After he was able to see things normally, Xu Jian couldn't wait to deflect his head and looked around.

The blue sky, the sun, the beach, the sea, the prisoners around him sitting on the beach with their hands tied behind their backs—this is what Ogata first sees after his vision is restored.

Ogata is on a sandy beach.

Not far from the front, you can see the sea with waves constantly hitting the edge of the stall.

Around Ogata, there are many people of different ages and genders with their hands tied behind their backs.

It is not difficult to see-these people are all prisoners like Ogata.

Ogata looked at the prisoners around him, and said in his heart:

——There are so many people... there are almost a hundred people... and there are still many soldiers escorting more prisoners...

When Ogata looked back, he could see that many soldiers were constantly escorting new prisoners. After the prisoners were done on the beach, they removed the black cloth covering the prisoners' eyes, and then walked away.

Around the prisoners, there were many soldiers on guard.

However, these soldiers facing the prisoners are not alerting whether outsiders are approaching, but alerting whether the prisoners are making trouble.

And these soldiers in charge of guarding are all topped with helmets, knives around their waists, and iron cannons that are already lit and ready to fire at any time in their hands.

Because these heavily armed soldiers were watching them all around, the prisoners did not dare to make trouble.

Of course, there will also be one or two people who don't know if there is a problem with their brains.

Ogata saw that not far in front of him, a prisoner seemed to have some conflict with the other prisoner sitting next to him, and the two of them blushed and had a ruckus.

The soldiers warned them two loudly, but they were ignored.

Finally, after the soldiers standing not far from the two pointed their iron cannons at the two fools, the two quarreling guys finally calmed down.



"Look, there seems to be a big man here!"

"This red armor is so handsome."

"This guy can actually wear such a [Yunxuan Pavilion yxgxs.biz] high-level armor... It seems that his level is unusual..."


Suddenly, there was one after another discussion among the prisoners.

It was because they saw a strong man wearing a red battle armor, surrounded by a dozen guards, strode towards a wooden simple platform built in front of the prisoners.

After boarding this platform, the brawny man in red armor took a deep breath, and then—


With a voice loud enough to make the eardrum sore, he yelled at the prisoners like this.

Almost all the prisoners were surprised by the shout of the brawny man, and everyone closed their mouths.

The noisy sandy beach instantly became quiet.

"Good morning! Thanks to the gift of the General, you guys are lucky to live to the current dregs!"

The unique opening of the brawny man with red armor instantly angered many prisoners present~lightnovelpub.net~ But due to the fear of the iron cannons in the hands of the soldiers around, these angered prisoners could only dare to be angry. Words.

"It's also Ina Moriya!"

"Some of you may have heard of my name, some have not!"

As soon as the red-armored man's voice fell, the quiet beach once again sounded a low voice of discussion.

"Inamori Ya... is it the "Tiger Inamori"?"

"Why is that famous general here..."

"Hi...Is this guy originally "Tiger Inamori"...like the rumors, he is a very rough and mighty person..."


Although Ogata did not join the discussion of the people around him, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows after listening to the self-introduction of the brawny man with red armor.